My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 454: Kill Gul'dan

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Anyang chuckled and asked, "I heard you have a fight with Orgrim?"

Lothar opened his eyes and said weakly: "Please use battle or duel to describe this confrontation, respected Lord Prophet."

Anyang shrugged indifferently and said, "It seems that the situation of the great commander is not optimistic."

Lothar retorted: "The orc was also seriously injured, and I did not lose in this battle."

Anyang said calmly: "But if you fight with him again, you will probably die in his hands. After all, you have no experience fighting orcs, but he has fought for many years in the Draenor and the draenei. And you do n’t have his youth and strength, you do n’t have the right weapons ... "

Lothar frowned and asked, "Prophet, is this your prediction?"

Anyang shook his head: "I don't know. I have changed too much. Now I can't see the future clearly, but in the original history, you did die in the destruction of Orgrim in a duel. Under the hammer, and because of your death, Azeroth won the war. "

"Oh, it turns out that my death still has such a big effect, then I am relieved that it is not a white death." Lothar said easily, and he couldn't move because he was seriously injured and couldn't move. The orc leader is indeed very difficult to deal with. It is much more difficult than the rude orc leader and the magician who mastered the evil energy. By the way, the prophet, you have such strong power, it is better to help me kill this Orc ... "

"Forget it, I don't want to interfere in your war."

"It's really disappointing, I thought our friendship could ask you to do it."

"I am a principled person, and I will be leaving soon."

"Are you leaving?" Lothar behaved in surprise, "When?"

"After some time, when I have read all of Karazhan ’s collections, it is estimated that I have mastered the essence and outline of Azeroth ’s arcane magic system. That is when I left, and I got a lot in this world. , Not only the wisdom about magic, but also some very special friends. "

"I think you mean me, but why does this sentence sound so strange, like saying goodbye."

"Do n’t be too narcissistic, not only you, but you are indeed included, you are brave, strong, fearless, a typical hero, and being friends with you can help me learn a lot, and Your time together also made my experience more legendary and more exciting. "

"Do you think I will be embarrassed, but it should be said that being with your prophet made my experience more legendary."

"Maybe so. For you, I am a prophet. For me, you are also a personal hero."

Lothar pursed his lips indifferently, and then suddenly digressed: "So, the purpose of your coming here is to eliminate evil and stop Sargeras. Humans and orcs have nothing to do with you?"

Anyang has long been accustomed to his personality and the way he talked like this, and thought for a while, "I'm not that great, I said, I just came here by accident, I really don't want to intervene in the war between human and orc , So it ’s not wrong to say that I just want to destroy evil energy. "

Lothar shook his hand tremblingly and pointed out: "So, Medivh is dead, but there is an orc mastering evil energy, don't you plan to use your great side to kill him, uh, you You know, his threat to justice is too great ... "

Anyang's eyes twitched, and he immediately understood Lothar's thoughts.

"You just want me to be a free hitter, to get rid of Gul'dan with great threats for you?"

"I didn't, haha, you said it yourself, you need to be clear about evil, but you didn't do it thoroughly."

Anyang was too lazy to talk to this guy, and chatted with him for a while, and then he planned to leave.

But before leaving, he turned around and said: "If I can meet Gul'dan, I will try to shoot."

Losart suddenly lighted up and grinned: "I keep in touch with Durotan. If you keep going west, you will surely meet Gul'dan."

Anyang's eyes suddenly pumped again, and quickly walked out of the account.

Arriving on the open ground, the two patrol soldiers who greeted him nodded in return, then jumped up directly, soared into the sky, and quickly disappeared into the sky.

Flying hundreds of miles west, he really encountered Gul'dan and his guards who were constantly fleeing, as well as the Frostwolf clan that they pursued.

Anyang didn't stop. He swept through the air at a high speed. He swiped over Guldan and his party before finding a place to stop.

He put away the armor and left a white robe wrapped in a hood to cover his face. At this time, he was like a mage of Azeroth, pacing under the woods, waiting for Gul'dan With the arrival of his personal guard, the various weapons on his body are already ready to go.

This was a promise to Lothar and an explanation for the excuse he had made.

The sky in the distance is pure azure blue, floating with faint white clouds, surrounded by dense mountain forests, yellow trees, red blades of grass, a bit like an autumn landscape on the plateau, against a winding stream, gurgling The sound of this makes it beautiful like a fairy tale.

It didn't take long for a slight rumbling sound to travel from far and near.

Gul'dan and his guards riding the giant wolf, and some fallen warlocks of the Shadow Council came over the distant hills. The giant wolf obviously had softer feet than the horseshoe, but due to the heavy body shape He walked on the ground with the orcs, like a cavalry.

Anyang walked out of the tree in time and stopped in front of them.

Gul'dan at the forefront suddenly strangled the giant wolf with a muffled roar in his throat. His eyes were as fierce as a beast. With his fangs, he looked even more terrifying. He stared at the stranger who appeared suddenly in the front, and his dry hand was quietly held A staff hanging beside the giant wolf.

"who are you?"

Anyang raised his head, revealing a face that was not quite like this world, with deep black eyes. He raised his hand and took off the hood, letting his face be completely exposed to them, saying, "I think you have heard me The name, my name is Anyang, is the person who guides Durotan. "

Gul'dan's eyes suddenly became sharper, glaring at him: "Are you the Prophet?"

Anyang stared at the orc in a black robe. He was a little rickety, with a sprawling bone spur on his back. Two prominent bone spurs on his shoulders were hung with two striking skulls. His face was a bit old. , But the facial features are terrifying, but the eyes have an evil sense of wisdom.

He nodded: "Yes, you really know me, it seems that you are a dog, ah no, Gul'dan, I am very lucky to meet you."

Gul'dan looked at him lowly: "I heard that you are not from Azeroth, why are you ruining my plan?"

Anyang smiled: "Because I also have my plan, you have the power you want, and I have what I want, it's that simple. In fact, these have nothing to do with justice and evil, and I'm not that great."

Gul'dan solemnly said: "So, you have succeeded, why stop us?"

Anyang smiled again. When he stopped suddenly, his eyes were cold: "Because I want to kill you!"

Gul'dan picked up his staff and jumped from the giant wolf, but he seemed very cautious. Shen Sheng said: "You are a mysterious person, I don't want to be against you, but I'm not afraid of you, if you continue to provoke, I will let the pet I ride taste the so-called prophet. "

Anyang pursed his lips: "Exactly, I also want to try the power of a shaman after mastering the evil energy."

Gul'dan stared at him silently, suddenly waved his hand, and said to the orc beside him: "Go guard against the Frostwolf clan, this man is handed over to me, rest assured, I will not let you wait too long, nor Let the shamans and warriors of the Frostwolf clan catch up with us. "

The orcs looked at each other and soon spread out.

Undoubtedly, they defaulted Gul'dan and Anyang's confrontation into a sacred honor duel.

Anyang is more relaxed, knowing that Durotan is not dead, he knows that the spell is more or less defensive to evil energy. In this case, as long as he can resist the overbearing evil energy, even Durotan can fight Gul'dan. For a long time, what else is he afraid of?

The Frostwolf clan led by Durotan should take half an hour to arrive here, and this valley has already heard a huge muffled sound. The sounds of evil energy, spells and explosions complement each other, showing the fierce fighting here, and Gul'dan The power is also stronger than Anyang imagined.

The plants on the ground were trampled, the clear stream became muddy due to the collision and caused the sand, the yellow-leaved trees were burned, broken or simply destroyed, and many red low-rise plants were directly razed to the ground, the beauty is no longer on the ground Occasionally a scorched black or pothole appears.

Half an hour later, when the Frostwolf clan arrived, the Shadow Council and Gul'dan's guard had dispersed.

Anyang stood alone in the white robe in a white robe, holding a head in his hand, facing the orcs of the powerful Frostwolf clan.

The first is Durotan and Gurush.

An unsuspecting orc rode him around in a huge frost wolf, very alert, carrying a weapon, moving his muscular body, showing a strong and brutal war intention, and from time to time someone roared, if Durotan once and Human beings form alliances, they are afraid they would have rushed up.

But Durotan and Gurush, who recognized him, were puzzled, glanced at what was in his hand, frowned and asked, "Prophet, how are you here."

They glanced at him again, and the messy land was amazing, as if it had been ravaged by powerful creatures.

Anyang didn't say much, turned the head in his hand and threw it on the grass in front.

The orcs around were suddenly stunned and upset.

Even Durotan opened his eyes ~ ~ staring at the ground in disbelief.

"Gu ... Gul'dan!"

Anyang pursed his lips and said, "I'm about to leave this world. This is the last thing I did. You can do it yourself, Durotan. I sincerely wish the orcs to survive on a well-preserved land, but it is best not It is cruel to rely on war. "

Durotan opened his mouth slightly, but quickly responded, and pulled out a string of small things from his waist, handing him: "Thank you, prophet, although this sentence started from knowing you, I have said it many times But it is still my most sincere language. "

Anyang smiled and took the Xiaoguzhong bracelet, pursing his lips, but he began to show a layer of silver-white nano-armor.

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