My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 463: Way of practice

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An You thought that Anyang is now incredible.

It ’s not that a person who has never learned to fight or fight since childhood and is considered by many to be a negative teaching material is unlikely to succeed. On the contrary, even she looked down on Anyang at first, but whenever she heard someone talk about her brother She will feel disgusted and even annoyed at the bottom of her heart when she departs from the apostasy. There is an urge to rush to tear the mouth of that group of bitches!

Then, after a long time, she slowly became indifferent. When Anyang made trouble, she felt that her face was dull.

But the time taken by Anyang was too short, he only graduated a few years.

If an ordinary graduate of Yizhou University can easily achieve such a great achievement from scratch, Yizhou University has long been a world-famous government.

An You frowned and thought, a faint worry flashed between her eyes.

On the BMW X5, she looked at the decoration in the car and suddenly asked, "Anyang, what the **** are you doing?"

Anyang glanced at her with the rearview mirror and said, "Why, do you want to graduate with me?"

"Who is going to mix with you!" An You pouted, and said coldly, "Look at you, since last year, all kinds of waste of money, as if you are spending too much money, now know After the high-level of the Ans Group, there is no money in the sky. Where did you get so much money? "

Anyang smiled and replied: "Why, you thought it was a crime?"

An You said expressionlessly: "That's inaccurate."

Anyang pursed his lips, he didn't want to tell their industry so quickly, even if An's group was just a little decoration of his power.

But Anyang Group is still too big. He has technology beyond the world, has top-notch talents, and uses many special methods to build this business empire in such a short period of time. It can be said that it spans all major fields. The Ans Group has already surpassed any company in this world.

A person has the ability, the opportunity, the time, and may use half of his life to open up a business empire close to this level.

For example Microsoft, for example Alibaba, for example Google.

But their development potential and momentum will never be comparable to An's across all fields, not to mention that An's is still making great strides!

But if there is a young man who can create this country in just two years, that would be incredible!

However, Anyang has a way to make Anyou shut up.

"Xiaoyou, ask so clearly, are you caring about me?"

Sure enough, An You sneered suddenly, but the tone was a bit weird and answered: "Who cares about you!"

Anyang shrugged and stopped talking.

Everything is under control.

Xiao Xueer has been looking at them with a smile, always feel that this way of getting along with them is actually quite interesting.

Anyang found a restaurant that looked pretty good and took them for a meal.

On the dinner table, Anyou was exposed, eating at a high speed in silence.

Now she has learned the skill of ignoring Anyang and Xiao Xueer directly.

After eating, they decided to go shopping and go back.

An You rarely had no objection, and it should have been a job. She was relieved and wanted to relax.

Anyang went to the parking and the sky did not darken when he returned, but the temperature was much cooler than in the afternoon.

He doesn't feel much, but for other ordinary people, the entire summer is a rare time for a walk at night.

If you think about it carefully, your two goals when you longed for contact with the world of monasticism have reached half.

It hasn't been immortal yet, but it's already warm in winter and cool in summer.

Xiao Xueer and An You walked hand in hand in front. The backs of the two young and strong girls were slim and the heights were scattered. The two slender and slender shadows were projected under the dim light, and the street became more hazy and beautiful. It looks like a beautiful picture.

Anyang still follows them as before, but at this time he has not been left out.

Xiao Xueer turned back and talked to him from time to time. When she saw interesting things in the window of the street, she would share with him. When she saw novelty, she would ask him. Even An You will insert two sentences, at this time the feeling between the three is still quite calm.

Anyang felt a little bit. Although Anyou still talks so special to him now, it is not as cold as it was a year ago.

At that time, she didn't want to talk to him!

Anyang touched his nose in embarrassment, not knowing whether he should be happy or not.

Suddenly, there seemed to be a lot of people in front of me, and the faint music sounded very light and elegant.

An You paused and Lima trot with Xiao Xueer.

Xiao Xueer glanced back at Anyang a little, and smiled sweetly, having been pulled by Anyou to the edge of the crowd.

Anyang followed the past unhurriedly.

He also played the guitar bubble Jiang Xinrou when he was in college. Although he became a cheat girl in Ji Weiwei's mouth, he did learn music. Now he still has an accidentally drawn skill of the primary instrument, which naturally can be heard. The guitar accompaniment, performing singer level is also quite good.

Elementary musical instruments are proficient, even the elementary ones are proficient!

It was a very clean male voice, which sounded very young. He sang a song that was easily mesmerizing, with a touch of emotion.

Xiao Xueer stood on tiptoe and glanced inside, quickly turned around and greeted Anyang in a small voice: "Brother Anyang, we are here."

An You also tried to tiptoe, but she was not tall with Xiao Xueer and could not see anything, so she hesitated a little, and immediately pulled Xiao Xueer into the gap.

Because their bodies are very slim, the onlookers of street performances are not so crazy, and the sparse crowd gives them many opportunities.

Anyang approached slightly, so he didn't go inside.

The people around here don't seem to be very tall, nor are they many, so that he is not very outstanding standing on the periphery and can see the situation inside.

A fairly ordinary boy holding the guitar and sings gently with his eyes closed. He was wearing black-framed glasses, and he was extremely bookish. Standing next to him was a little girl about 13 or 14 years old, with a guitar at his feet, wearing white-washed jeans and a cheap t-shirt. I can see that the family conditions are not good, but they are very good. Being clean does not make people look down upon her.

Soon, after a song was finished, many people generously released their songs.

Anyang noticed that even Xiao Xue'er smiled and found out fifty yuan, which was politely put into the boy's piano case.

The songs previously sung by boys were obviously not in line with the aesthetics of most middle-aged and elderly people, so the onlookers were mostly young people, and the voice soon became enthusiastic.

"One more song!"

"Handsome, one more song, will you sing see-you-again?"

Most of the shouting people are young girls, and some even read high school girls. At this time, they seem to be completely fascinated by this little boy with a clean and fresh singing voice. As long as there is an artistic cell, it can actually attract girls' attention.

The boy smiled shyly and turned around to talk to the little girl, as if to seek her opinion.

Soon, he turned around again and continued to pluck the strings.

A soothing music flow, accompanied by his clean voice, makes it easy to relax and enjoy it.

Anyang listened quietly, glancing at the two young girls with her gaze.

After the song ended, there was a calm applause, and there was a lot more money in the piano case.

Many girls almost shouted for another song, and the onlooker young men also coaxed, eager to hear him sing another song.

But this time the boy refused to sing anymore, but he nodded and thanked him, put away the guitar that did not look good, but gave all the money in the case to the little girl , And then carrying his guitar, politely let out the onlookers, and the stroll disappeared into the crowd.

At this time people were stunned, glanced at the little girl, applause began to thunder.

The original little girl picked up her piano and posed and played, but looking at the noisy crowd was a little overwhelmed.

For a long time, her voice rang, as clean and clear as boys, but the singing skills were obviously not as good.

Anyang was also touched. Looking at the disappearing back of the boy, he suddenly thought a lot.

In the World of Warcraft, Medivh, as the guardian, has already acquired a vast amount of knowledge and culture in the inheritance ceremony of the guardian of Tirisfal. Inheritance and accumulation can be called horror, but when he was called to the astral mage, he still traveled across the world and experienced all kinds of life in order to seek more wisdom and realize the connection between various life. See all kinds of customs.

In Anyang's understanding, such a journey to seek wisdom is a practice.

However, this practice is different from the meditation of magic, and is different from the practice of the Taoist. He is not only reflected in strength, but in the soul. This is a process of pursuing the spiritual realm and realizing life, whether it is the mage of Azeroth or the monks of the divine world, they will choose this way.

From this point of view, this is named to help the poor girl, and the boy who is singing instead of her is also practicing?

If this is not an extraordinary earth, but a world of monasticism, or a mythical world that can be enlightened by itself, or a world of fairy tales that can prove the avenue by its own way, this name Should young people count as practitioners in his path?

After all, his state of mind is very thorough, just as clean as his singing and eyes.

Anyang thinks about it, he seems to have heard many legends.

Some people have very high musical attainments, and suddenly they are awakened to the fairy tales. Some people paint vividly, they can draw dragons out of thin air, or write a real fairyland in the painting, and step into the master of a fairyland; Indifferent, always benevolent and charitable, naturally become Buddha after death.

Unfortunately, this is the earth, this young man can only be a mortal.

I just hope that his state of mind can continue.

Anyang thought about it lightly, and left like a little girl who was playing and singing.

He did not follow this path.

Thanks for subscribing! (To be continued.)

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