My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 470: Party

The Nanguang Hotel in Pingnan City was originally one of the five-star hotels in Pingnan City in the peaceful era. It is close to the military and political center of the current base.

Anyang is planning to take advantage of this opportunity to hold a large-scale evening party and meet with the current "fools" at the base.

This includes high-ranking government officials, military generals, and scientific researchers with outstanding contributions, as well as high-ranking monks from Shenzhou World, as well as the first batch of businessmen since the base opened up certain interest rights, and even including dedicated efforts in the construction of the base Employee representatives, etc.

This conference is destined to include representatives of different levels of the base, different industries, managers and executives, and the people at the bottom. It is a comprehensive communication platform built in the name of the highest chief of the base. Presumably only he has such a platform Energy brings everyone together.

It is for this reason that there are too many guests at this party, the hall of the military and political building can not sit down, and the nature is not suitable for the dinner, so I choose to be here.

Before the guests arrived one after another, there were already people working in the Nanguang Hotel.

After all, this is not a political meeting, not so serious, it requires not only food and drink but also show performances.

Anyang ’s request is wonderful but not luxurious, perfect and not wasteful, but who dare to fool the people below, this is the first time since the Supreme Chief has established such a large-scale evening party since the establishment of the Huaibei base, across all major industries, and may even become How can the tradition of the base be easy and hasty?

Therefore, under the slogan of big investment and small consumption, a grand party began!

All kinds of merchants pulling advertisements, various discounts of the organizer or even free contributions, all added luster to the party.

Some people have expected that this precedent initiated by the highest governor may well become a tradition.

When the base recovered the territory of the empire and even pushed the unstoppable army to every place on the earth, the huge empire rose slowly, but every year there are managers who remember this evening party that invites all classes of society to gather together And hold it from generation to generation.

Yang Zi is a female singer in the era of empire peace, not too famous, at most a third-rate star.

Probably the most glorious moment in her life was when the cataclysm had just evacuated in the same hotel as the base's top chief, the minister of the current defense department, and the two generals of the current army.

When she was unable to eat at the beginning, she was in danger of becoming a plaything for the group of little **** and college students who gradually lost their morals. Take this safety line.

Until now she still sometimes thinks, if she could follow them at that time, would her fate be completely different now?

After all, I want to come. Chen Yafei, Zhai Liying and Chang Hui, who followed Anyang at the beginning, now have two heavy soldiers. , Majestic.

But thanks to the blessings of the base, she and Liu Qing, the female college student, had a good time.

The base has sound laws and strict public security, and naturally there are no people who pretend to be beautiful and violence.

As the base gradually moved away from the threat of zombies, people's mentality also got rid of the arrogance of the end of the world and returned to the peace of the peace era. Only the two did not agree.

In the wall marked with An, it is not the end of the world, and they no longer need to live with men.

Their bitter experience tells them that relying on themselves is more secure than relying on anyone, at least they will not hurt themselves or betray themselves.

This is not the "new-age female thinking" that the empire has just transformed from the feudal era to the capital era, but a sense of security, a sense of stability that depends on its own ability to feed itself, and a sense of not having to please anyone People's faces are at ease!

So Yang Zi resolutely chose to become self-reliant at the base where culture is gradually recovering!

With Liu Qing, who lived and died with her, the two initially sang in the newly opened small restaurant at the base, just to eat mixed meals not to be starved to death, and then performed at the bar just opened in the base. Although they had a salary, But every night to sing until the early morning to rest. Gradually, when some private enterprises with open bases were established, or someone was promoted to get rich, married, and had children, they would also invite them to open a program.

Through their perseverance and hard work, and the little fame before the cataclysm, they were mixed in the No. 1 base.

As a result, they were invited to perform at the party.

This is an affirmation of yourself and the best chance to gain fame.

Yang Zi found himself a little nervous, this should not be the case!

She used to be a singer, and now she has developed a wealth of performance experience at the base. At first, there were many people who heard that her former empire singer was now reduced to a bar to sing and deliberately "support". Those are like watching The zoo's eyes and deliberately make things difficult, so she honed more firmly.

But she did not expect that she was still a little nervous.

Probably when world class emperors and queens sang in major ceremonies of the empire in peacetime, would they?

The legend of the chief of the base is far more than any king in the history of the empire!

Yang Zi felt a pair of soft hands stretched out, holding his hand tightly.

This seemed to encourage her, but she found that the palms of these hands were already covered with sweat.

"Sister Yang Zi."


Yang Zi couldn't help turning her head, Liu Qing's pretended calm face was in front of her, Qing Xiu's face was painted with light makeup, and her lips were tight.

Liu Qing sat on a chair and looked at the lobby scene in front of him. He seemed to see no extra waves in his eyes. He said: "If you don't have a cataclysm, should I graduate just now and find a job?"

Yang Zi couldn't help but stunned.

The two of them had known their lives from what they did not know, and she naturally knew that Liu Qing had just been a sophomore in the year of the Cataclysm, and now it has been more than two years now. She really deserves to graduate from university. It should be twenty-two, and we should get married in two years.

But how could there be any school or learning in those two years, only zombies and moldy bread, only not to be eaten and starved to death, not to be touched by the same kind of evil cruelty, the two weak women could not even think about it Others, only struggling to survive, only to be idle now is eligible to contemplate

Yang Zigang wanted to comfort her, but as soon as she looked up, she was stunned.

In front of me is the hotel lobby that Liu Qing is looking at. This piece of gold is brilliant and the lights are dazzling. This table is covered with silk cloth, a clean glass turntable, a drapery hanging over the head and a gorgeous embellishment. Waiter and host, this scene of tension

Where can I see traces of the end times?

It took a long time before she squeezed Liu Qing and grabbed her hand, and said softly, "Don't think about it, remember the score again."

Liu Qing nodded, took out a few sheets of white paper and looked at it.

Soon, the party was packed and the atmosphere of exquisite feast was revealed.

The waiter was standing, security was gradually in place, soothing music rang, letting people relax for no reason.

The first group of guests arrived quickly, mostly teachers, workers, and student representatives, who were picked up by the car sent by the base.

There is no backstage in the hotel lobby. Yang Zi, Liu Qing, the host and all the men and women responsible for the performance are sitting on the tables on both sides of the stage. They also have drinks and exquisite snacks. There is an illusion that they are also guests. In fact, they knew that they were only responsible for the performance.

In this evening party, even if a farmer is the invitation of the highest chief, they must not be annoyed!

Gradually, a group of people who were at the forefront of various policy reforms at the base appeared.

Most of these people are extraordinary people before the cataclysm. They have a longer-term vision and a keen grasp of opportunities. Even if they are a small decree, they can seize the opportunity to let themselves rise, so as to attach themselves to the base. Tree, detached from ordinary people in one fell swoop.

Most of them wear black bodyguards to decorate their identity. The bodyguards have tall and strong bodies, some have extraordinary temperament from childhood, and there are powerful characters killed in zombies. The fierce momentum can tell the difference at a glance. , And the people he protects appear even more extraordinary.

Immediately followed by a group of high-ranking military and political officials at the base, everyone basically walked in with a strong guard, chatting and laughing.

Those who were previously daring and brave did not dare to be proud in front of them, and quickly came to greet with a smile, and those seemingly powerful and fierce bodyguards immediately turned away from the tigers in front of the guards with the waist-crossed electromagnetic pistol or miniature ion pistol, and their own badges. Become a domestic cat, the momentum is gone.

Yang Zi looked forward and looked at this group of people.

This is the most respectable group of people, each of whom has a lot of power!

Especially those who are upright and stern, not only hold heavy soldiers in their hands, they are also very powerful. I heard that some people can fly, some can fear bullets, even if they do not have the right in their hands, they are unparalleled strong officials, even if they do not have a gun. Strong enough to protect his family, such a person is undoubtedly the most attractive to the girl ’s love, especially in the last days, everyone has experienced the helplessness of that period of weakness.

But the senior officials of the Ministry of Political Affairs were okay. When they met with a kindly nod and a smile, the group of officers in charge of killing looked a bit cold. They found themselves in a good position and sat down without saying a word. It's hard to get close, as if the surrounding atmosphere is a bit heavy.

Then, a group of people wearing different robes came in and immediately became the focus of everyone present.

Whether they are civilians or rich people, whether they are high-ranking officials or generals, or the waiters around, they all look at them.

The oldest one stopped and nodded to them, said hello, and found a place to sit down.

Two officers hesitated and got up to pay a respect to the two Taoists because it was the Taoist teacher who was responsible for educating them.

Immediately, the other officers looked at each other, and they all got up and bowed, making it a gesture of meeting their seniors.

In the future, their achievements, including those of their army, will be linked to this group of people, because the base has already included Daoxing as an important indicator for army assessment.

And they didn't know that there was still an arcane magic waiting for them in the study that even the teacher didn't have.

Then there was a group of people in formal wear with dark circles and formal but weak temperament. They walked into the lobby, but they seemed a little overwhelmed. They were seated under the guidance of the waiter, but they were embarrassed to look around and even even Some people are absent-minded.

But it was this group of people that instantly caught the attention of almost all officers.

The iron-blooded men who didn't bother to speak before all got up and walked in front of this group of people to chat and startled.

"I know you, Professor Luo Ming. My name is Luo Tian. I serve in the Army! Speaking of which, we are still our family."

"Uh, General Luo."

"I heard that you are currently developing a long-range intelligent attack drone project that can be carried by individual soldiers. I think this is very practical. After discussion, our reloading team can do specific practices and data collection and performance correction for your military research projects. jobs."


"If you can make the decision, I can even convince you of the military's top management to include the results of the project as the military's priority equipment target."

"This, this is great, thank you very much, General!"

"But still that sentence, I value this project very much. This can fine-tune the current war. If it is developed, you have the right to recommend the equipment popularization. I hope you can let our army take the lead to equip this weapon as our army Research the rewards of help. "


Afterwards, a few blushing people came in, and the whole body was chilling. ~ Most of the bottom guests did n’t know their details, and the senior staff did n’t care. The rich people swallowed, with a little fear in their eyes.

Who has not experienced the pain of being dominated by zombies?

As the host politely invited all bodyguards and guards to wait in the hotel's lounge area, a heavy sound of footsteps moved from far to near. Several heavily armed soldiers walked to the lobby door and waited.

So everyone calmed down, and even the officers who were incapable of sitting sat more upright, and even more tense hands sweated.

Several figures appeared at the door. It was the people who had the highest power at the base. Following their climate, Anyang also slowly walked in.

The officers stood up and performed a military salute, frightening everyone.

People struggled to stand up and salute themselves.

Anyang quickly waved his hand, beckoning them not to restrain the salute.

But he still felt a little bit painful when he saw the uniformed uniforms of the high-ranking military officials and masters.

He clearly said that this is a party!

"Forget it, it is not too demanding. For this group of people, without armor and weapons, it is probably a very casual dress."

The party soon began, dishes were put together, and the host was familiar with the rhythm.

As the programs that promote fun gradually appeared, people gradually relaxed, after all, this is still relatively extravagant in the doomsday era.

Unexpectedly, staying up late still dragged my body down, plus the temperature change, the gold was a little sick last night. It should have been updated in the early morning, and it was placed in the daytime. This chapter has 4000 words. There will be more changes tonight, please forgive me.

Thanks for subscribing! To be continued.

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