My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 588: Weiwei scheming

The genius remembers "Love ♂ Go ÷ Little? Say → Net" in one second, to provide you with wonderful novel reading.

Both Ouyang Sheng and Li Chengzhi were stunned and suddenly embarrassed: "This, I'm sorry."

After a pause, Li Chengzhi said: "However, Director Ji, an old classmate, is an outstanding person regardless of his temperament. I heard that Director Ji seems to be single, so you can think about it too! Shop. "

Ji Weiwei's face became more rigid.

But she did n’t have a seizure on the spot, she just pointed her finger and said lightly, "So many classmates are waiting here, I ’m not good at talking with President Li all the time. President Li and Ouyang certainly have something to talk about. , I wo n’t bother. "

Li Chengzhi and Ouyang Sheng were stunned again, and then looked at Mu Yun who was also a little embarrassed.

It seems that he misunderstood.

And Ji Weiwei seemed a little unhappy.

It is estimated that there are other hidden reasons.

Only Anyang, who was not far away standing and talking with Yuan Shu, understood that Ji Weiwei just didn't want that kind of human relationship, so she deliberately guided them to think that she and Mu Yun had something, and then deliberately made a little unhappy.

This nizi is so dark!

"Director Ji, don't be surprised. It's really an act of innocence. Wait for the two bottles of red wine to be sent to Director Ji. The first is to thank Director Ji last time for choosing our Xichu's kindness. Do n’t refuse, supervisor. "

"Yeah, don't be surprised."

Both big bosses put their posture very low.

In fact, this is just the habit of businessmen. It is hard for a businessman to be proud of no matter how big the business is, but it seems that they bow their heads with humility only because you are valuable and they are not willing to do evil with others.

Ji Weiwei naturally knows this, so she never thinks how much Li Chengzhi and Ouyang Sheng take themselves seriously, you can never guess what their eyes look like when they lower their heads for half a lifetime.

But she knows it, but her classmates don't necessarily know it.

In the eyes of the vast majority of students who are just looking for a common company, Ji Weiwei is on the shelf. The two expensive bosses bowed their heads in front of her. After all, these students do not play any shopping malls.

"Mr. Li, Mr. Ouyang, you are too worried. I ’m not so stingy, and I ca n’t even talk about any salvation, and the wine you ’ve collected is worth my salary for a few months. I can't afford such an expensive wine. "

Having said that, both Li Chengzhi and Ouyang Sheng can hear that Ji Weiwei is still a little unhappy, and they don't want to investigate why Mu Yun Ji Weiwei would change her face immediately, just want her to calm down as soon as possible.

After all, they want to make friends, but don't want to make enemies.

But they also heard Ji Weiwei's principle, and flatly would not accept any of their gifts.

If you insist on sending it, maybe it will cause disgust.

As a result, gift-giving can only be done.

It is estimated that the human relationship cannot be owed, and now we can only strive to leave some goodwill in Ji Weiwei's heart.

"Well, since this is the case, we will not disturb the director Ji and the old classmates, but in the end, I have to say that I hope that the director Ji will not mind the things just now and inadvertently act. If there is any offense, just tell me."

Li Chengzhi chose simply.

Acting in this way just fits Ji Weiwei's appetite, reflecting Li Chengzhi's ability to see people and deal with people.

If Ji Weiwei is really angry, this is undoubtedly the best way to deal with it, and although Ji Weiwei is not angry, she just happens to be in her arms. After all, she just does n’t want to talk to these old foxes.

"No no."

Ji Weiwei said repeatedly, his face unchanged.

"Then we will leave first."

"President Li, President Ouyang, walk slowly!"

Ji Weiwei didn't continue to slap her face.

After all, she knew that she did n’t have the capital to talk to the self-made industry tycoon like Li Chengzhi. The reason why she dared to do that was because of the Ans Group ’s tiger skin, but she was n’t in the eye. .

And for this old fox, even if his posture is lowered, you must not take it lightly. 【Love ↑ Go △ Small ↓ Say △ WwW.AiQu】

Because he is the same for all valuable people, if you think he is really humbly to you, then you may be eaten without bones if you are not careful, so you must be extremely vigilant in the face of them.

Li Chengzhi and Ouyang Sheng left with a smile.

It looks like there was no unpleasantness just now.

Ji Weiwei was relieved.

They finally confiscated their stuff.

She feels that such wit and bravery are more tiring than anything.

It's just that Mu Yun standing next to him is a little embarrassed. He wanted to take this relationship with Li Chengzhi or Ouyang Sheng. Even if he can't say how to get acquainted, he must have a familiar face. .

Especially Li Chengzhi.

Because their family is also electronic, their relationship with Li Chengzhi is undoubtedly a great help.

However, he didn't respond at all, and Ji Weiwei was suddenly a little unhappy. Li Chengzhi and Ouyang Sheng both thought that they had contacted themselves with Ji Weiwei's acquaintance, but suddenly left inexplicably.

He didn't understand it until he heard the sigh of relief from his side.

Can't help but admire the woman next to her.

Mu Yun was not angry, just turned to smile at Ji Weiwei: "You seem to be familiar with President Li."

He is also a person in the shopping mall, and since he was influenced by his family environment, he can naturally see what kind of relationship Li Chengzhi has with Ji Weiwei. The reason why he said this is that he wanted him to lead him.

"Not familiar, just know."

Ji Weiwei smiled faintly, and his tone was calm.

It is not as simple as the student days now. If she introduces Mu Yun in front of Li Chengzhi, even if she just gives Li Yunzhi's contact information to Mu Yun from her, it is also a kind of referral, which is to burn the face and owe humanity.

And as a guide, she will also assume a responsibility like a guarantor.

Ji Weiwei is not so stupid, she does not do such a thing!

Mainly she is not familiar with Mu Yun.

"This is it."

Mu Yun said nothing and turned away.

Yuan Shu in the distance looked a little funny at this scene and whispered: "Your green plum bamboo horse seems to have a great face."

Anyang smiled, noncommittal.

He has seen the documents that Xiao Qian puts at home, and now people's demand for electronic products is increasing, which promotes the prosperity of the entire electronic industry, but when it comes to a certain company, it is increasingly competitive.

Especially the suppliers of electronic accessories, coupled with the impact of foreign companies, make life more difficult.

This includes Xichu Electronics.

The market value of Xichu Electronics itself is shrinking, and Anshi Group is also strongly involved in the electronics market. Many upstream industries that have orders with Xichu Electronics are facing a crisis. Li Chengzhi is likely to lose this big company.

If it were not for them to catch the high-speed train of Anshi Electronics, Xichu might still be in a bleak state.

The person in charge of this order is Ji Weiwei.

To put it bluntly, it was Ji Weiwei who first chose Xichu Electronics to let Li Chengzhi end his burnt head. He was probably really grateful to Ji Weiwei in his heart. In addition, he understood that Xi Chu had to continue to live well, and he had to keep the An's line unbroken, and Ji Weiwei could undoubtedly play a key role in it.

So his attitude towards Ji Weiwei is so good.

After all, such a small supervisor is an important person who decides whether Xi Chu can continue to take An's orders.

Now the accessories supplier staring at Anshi Electronics is more than Xi Chu. After all, this is a big cake containing fame and fortune. Large and small companies on the market are not willing to let it go. Order.

So he cannot be tolerated!

At this time, Ji Weiwei had left Lin Siyan and Xu Minqing and walked straight to Anyang.

"What are you two muttering about?"

Anyang High School is often mixed with Yuan Shu, and she and Yuan Shu are naturally more familiar than ordinary people.

Anyang smiled and said, "He said you have a great face."

Ji Weiwei's face was a bit dark.

Yuan Shu glanced at Mu Yun in front of him and asked, "Does he want you to help him lead the way with Li Chengzhi?"

Ji Weiwei nodded and said nothing.

Yuan Shu sighed: "I heard that the electronics industry in Yizhou Province has been highly competitive recently, and many companies can't survive. Mu Yun also doesn't want to give up this opportunity to make friends. I'm not in Yizhou Province. I want to be in Yizhou Province. Will do the same. "

Ji Weiwei was a little surprised: "I know all this, but why did you suddenly think of talking to him?"

Yuan Shu was stunned: "I'm just gossip."

Ji Weiwei: "..."

Anyway, she was not familiar with Mu Yun, and did not want to contact Li Chengzhi more, so she would not take this hot job.

Several people walked side by side to the back garden of the hotel.

Shangri-La, like most five-star hotels, has very complete leisure and entertainment facilities. In addition to luxurious restaurants and accommodation throughout the building, it also has a swimming pool, gym, bath center and so on.

It also includes bars and dance halls ~ ~ some of which are free for customers to use, and some require additional fees.

The place they are going to is a small bar located at the back of the restaurant, which integrates singing and dancing. In fact, it is equivalent to the integration of the disco bar and KTV. There is only one Shangri-La. Naturally, Luo Yang cannot contract.

So when they arrived, there were already a few people singing and drinking.

Fortunately, it is daytime and not many people.

It is also because it is the internal bar of the hotel. If it is outside, there are not many bars open yet.

In the past, eating in the restaurant was a unified arrangement. If you change here, you will be more casual. Everyone will talk freely. This also means that it is time to really divide into small circles. Poorly connected and poorly mixed may not be ignored at all.

Anyang and Ji Weiwei entered side by side, causing a lot of classmates to ridicule.

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