My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 598: The trail of the mystery (5,000 words

Dumbo's footsteps sounded. [Full text reading]

A bit like the sound of flat leather boots.

The first thing that caught Anyang ’s eyes was a thin lady ’s dress with no decoration, mainly in red and yellow colors, which made the forward and backward body curves more prominent. There were laces behind him, and the sleeves were slightly wider, but the cuffs Tighten.

This is the standard aristocratic casual dress for some areas in the southern part of the Federal Republic of Mesoyaran.

The visitor glanced coldly at the two distant cousins. The latter immediately bowed his head and obediently bid farewell to Anyang.

"You go out too!"


The maid also obediently left.

The aura is very strong!

Anyang sighed in silence.

The woman has long gray hair with a little light gold, which is not as curly as the previous Europeans and Europeans, but very soft, white skin and exquisite appearance. The facial contour is slightly three-dimensional than the previous Orientals, but it is not rough at all. .

The slender waist is tightly bound by clothes, the chest is tall, there is a kind of nobility, and it is also very imposing.

The legs are tight pants that are a bit like bodybuilding pants, and a bit like the leggings that young women like to wear in the real world. They outline the tight and straight legs, and then down are a pair of women's high boots, decorated with a few Metal rivets.

This kind of dress undoubtedly makes you look heroic while decorating your identity and **** beauty.

Ian's cousin, Lydia Kofinori!

Anyang immediately recognized the coming person.

Soon he and Lydia were left in the room.

Anyang was more scrupulous, and his face was more silent.

From Ain ’s memory, he knew that, just as Lidia had scared her two cousins ​​in the far room without leaving a word, Lidia was usually an unsmiling person, training in the baron ’s knight camp, very dignified. .

But what Anyang really cared about was her understanding of Ain.

In the territory of Kofinoli, the closest relationship with Ain is undoubtedly the baron, followed by the cousin, but because the baron and cousin are very powerful people, Ain is usually a little afraid of them. Not much contact.

Lydia glanced at him first, then turned back and closed the door before coming to him.

Anyang can see from this action that this cousin may stay with him longer,


Anyang raised his head and stared at her with a frown.

"Ian, do you remember me?"

This is probably the most frequently asked question by those who came to see him.

Anyang tried to make a hard look and some painful expression in order to show the true expression of the cousin who cares most about himself after showing a slight memory loss of ‘Ain’, and then it seems that he finally remembered and looked at Lidia said:

"Sister Lydia ..."

"You remember me."

Lydia's expression softened suddenly, reaching for his head, a smile on the corner of her mouth.

Before she came, she deliberately inquired about Ain's situation. When he woke up, he called his father a baron and his brother Mickey. But he didn't expect to call her cousin as soon as she opened her mouth.

Anyang frowned, repelling the touch from this strange woman, but she still deliberately endured it.

After a pause, Lydia asked softly again: "Do you remember the names of the three girls just now?"

Anyang shook his head, but he actually remembered.

Lydia was more satisfied, her eyes softer and softer, and her previous toughness disappeared without a trace.

An ominous hunch arose in Anyang's heart ...

But he did not show it.

Lydia went on to say: "The two younger girls were your cousin just now, one is Lunan Herist, her mother is your father's aunt cousin, and the other is Misha Larkin. Be closer. "

Anyang weighed it in her heart and didn't want to make herself too idiot, so she made a sudden thought.

"It seems that your amnesia is not serious."

Lydia smiled quietly and sweetly, and hesitated before saying: "That bigger one is called Shirley Zekarya. Her father is your father's right-hand man. Sheka Knight. Her mother is also your father. Cousin. "

Anyang nodded again.

Lidia continued: "Their purpose is not pure, don't contact them recently, you know?"


Anyang just didn't want to get in touch with other people.

Seeing him in this way, Lydia thought that he lost amnesia and had unreserved trust in herself, and couldn't help but be happier.

"Want something to eat?"

"Black ... dried black autumn fish."

This is Ain ’s favorite food in Anyang ’s memory. It is also a specialty of the Kofi Nori collar and several collars around. It ’s just because eating too much is harmful to the body. Very strict.

Anyang throwing this out is undoubtedly avoiding doubt.

Lidia hesitated, but nodded when she looked at the longing look: "Only two are allowed."

Anyang nodded in delight.

Lydia smiled, picked up the fruit that Lunan hadn't cut, and sat on the bed to continue to cut for him.

This picture is peaceful and beautiful. The soft gray hair hangs down naturally. In the eyes of the castle, the reserve horsewoman Lydia has a calm and calm look. Her eyes are focused on the fruits in her hands.

But this is Ain ’s cousin ...

Anyang's mouth twitched slightly.

After Lidia left, the maid came in again, and Anyang asked her to stand up and walk towards the window. In fact, as long as Lydia accompanied him, the demon body had almost repaired him, but he didn't want to attract attention.

Then some people came to see him, and they were all sent by him.

Anyang only feels that the relationship between relatives in this world is not as complicated as the real world China! In particular, this noble family, which was formed by mutual support and mutual trust, actually married with various people.

And for the cousins ​​and cousins ​​of Ain's distant house, he also knew a little from Ain's memory.

Because aristocrats usually have many children and a large family, especially those who only have a few kisses, they are almost everywhere. Many distant relatives who live poorly have turned to the baron for their livelihoods, resulting in many cousins ​​and cousins ​​of Ain ’s distant house. The territories are no more than the territories to which the nobles belong, and it is impossible to support so many relatives who drag their families.

So in more cases, these people are either civilians in the territory who can get a little care from the baron, or they work for the baron in the castle, and their status is higher than other slaves, but also limited. Especially the grumpy baron who started the fire did not take into account this pitiful blood relationship at all, and it was always executed!

So wanting to live here in this war-torn era, it has become very necessary to please the baron. But not everyone was able to speak, and many people turned their attention to the heir to the baron.

This is also very necessary.

Because the territory and the knighthood will inevitably be inherited, it is better to make a relationship when the future baron is not a baron when it comes to please the new baron. It would be better if some special relationship can be established as soon as possible.

After all, no one wants to be evicted!

They are just to protect their livelihoods.

But Baron ’s children are equally numerous, and there are two of the most likely inheritance. Some people choose the eldest son Mickey, and some choose the baron ’s second son, Ayn. Lunan, Misha, and Shirley choose Ai. Yes.

Well, they are just the three who look the best.

Others who weren't nearly as close to Ain, usually used other methods to please the baron and heirs.

This method is disliked by others in modern society, but it is extremely common in this world.

The main reason is that these distant cousins, who are already thin in blood, do not have much sense of existence. As the blood is alienated from generation to generation, if no measures are taken, the later homeowner will probably not take this relative relationship into consideration at all.

And if they can hook up with the heirs of the knighthood as soon as possible, their family life is undoubtedly guaranteed, and they have a weak blood relationship. They are more likely to arouse the interest of the heirs than others, and their faces and body are also powerful weapons.

As for the cousin Lydia--

The hereditary baron of the Kofinori family, but the baron of Leia Kofinori was not hereditary. At first, the baron and the baron ’s brother failed to compete for the title, and angrily led a part of the knights who were loyal to their own territory to leave here. Because the thieves were killed and some properties were added, the baron was given the title of baron and rewarded the territory.

Only a few years later, the baron ’s territory became more and more prosperous, but the baron ’s brother ’s territory was annexed by the neighboring baron because of the large number of knights leaving, and the younger Lydia and the sisters had to Following her mother came here to trust the baron, and the baron also accepted them in terms of blood.

Later, Lydia's mother died of cold, leaving her alone and some half-sisters.

Fortunately, she worked very hard since she was a child, not only receiving training as a knight, but also showing a high degree of ingenuity. The reason for the closeness of the blood was very appreciated by the baron, and her position in the territory even exceeded some of the baron's undesirable biological children.

Anyang seems to be reading a history of the rise and fall of a medieval family written by a Western writer, and can't help but sigh.

Supporting the window by hand, there is a large manor below. The rest of the castle is very simple except for the central castle, but it occupies a large area. Some farms, pastures, and civilian houses can be seen further away.

But in fact, this world is not the same as the ancient West in the real world. Although there are similarities in social culture, creatures with the same thinking pattern must have developed similar social systems, which does not explain anything.

There are also many differences.

The ordinary units of force in this world are knights. These people serve as lords and also lead wars. Similar to medieval knights and warriors of the Japanese Shogunate, people of this status will also appear if they are not highly centralized in ancient China.

It ’s just that they have a special training method, which may also be related to the unusually strong energy of the world. The combat strength of formal knights generally exceeds the human body ’s limit. Anyang estimates that their average physical fitness may exceed two. This value is coupled with excellent quality. Their heavy armor and specialized combat skills have allowed them to ignore ordinary people.

As for the knighthood ... it's all a matter of translation!

The titles of male, son, Hou, Bo, and Gong were themselves set by the Zhou Dynasty in China. Later, after contact with the West, it was found that the Western titles were also divided into five levels, and they were compared one by one. This is the same as the generals called general reason. It's just that because China rarely has knighthoods and territories, and it is the king's land that pays attention to the world, but the west has always used the knighthood, and some people gradually think that only the West has barons and viscounts.

This world knighthood also happens to be fifth-class, and the systematic "language proficiency" is directly converted into the knighthood of the Zhou Dynasty.

What makes Anyang a little strange is that he has gone through Ayn ’s memory and found no information about the extraordinary. It seems that there is no extraordinary power in this world except the knights who are more powerful than ordinary people.

But this world must have strong power.

Anyang has no doubt about this, it can only prove that this power is hidden deep and is not touched by ordinary people.

This also shows from the side that as long as he does not die himself, it will be safe until his strength is fully restored, because these knights who are not as powerful as ordinary people are really nothing to him, and a little recovery will not need to be afraid.

Anyang thought again in his head, but still did not get a result, but it was a legend of some mystery.

This is somewhat similar to the mythology of ancient China, and some folk rumors about the spirit of the mountain god, can not be taken seriously, but it may also be similar to the rumor of Yunding Mountain in the Shenzhou World, maybe there are some extraordinary people as the source.

The most likely fact is the border legend.

The southernmost part of the Commonwealth of Mesoaland is bordered by the Howling Forest. The native people in the forest are a creature called a slave. This beast-shaped creature is as big as a tiger. Although it is wise, it is naturally murderous and perennial. Battle at the federal border.

Sometimes there were ghosts rushing into the border to be besieged by the local lord, and Ain had seen it once.

Legend has it that there is a kind of sacrifice among the slaves, which has a high status, second only to the prince, and has a mysterious and unpredictable power. It can easily kill the knights of the Federation. Once it is discovered, it must be sent with a large knight and a large number of elite to hang it.

Anyang itself is slowly rising from the strength level of the knight of the origin. Naturally, it is known that this powerful body covered with heavy armor can also be used in the lion group. The ordinary slaves cannot pose such a threat.

But he had to wait for his strength to recover before talking about it.

Now his body is basically recovering, and his physical fitness data after leaving the weak state is not so embarrassing, but it is not as good as the ordinary one of the strong one. This is probably not related to Ain ’s maintenance, it is completely suppressed by the system.

It didn't take long for a maid to come in, holding a plate in her hand, and said that it was food prepared for him.

Anyang lifted the iron lid and looked at it. Unexpectedly, the black autumn dried fish brought to him by Lidia exuded a faint smell. Anyang did not know why Ain would like to eat this stuff, but he had to make a lot of Rejoicing expression.

At night, the baron arrived again, but his face was ugly, and the maid was terrified.

"Ian, do you remember where you studied?"

After thinking about it, Anyang nodded slowly: "Boer ... The Islambi Noble Academy in Boer City."

The marquis who divided the baron into a nobleman is named Aaron Boer. The land has been hereditary for hundreds of years, which means that the Baron of Cofinori is nominally attributed to the Marquis of Boer, and the city of Boer is equivalent to The capital of Bohr.

Esrabi Noble College is a college for nobles run by the grandfather of Marquis Aaron.

Ain used to study there, mainly studying noble etiquette and some cultural knowledge, riding and shooting.

The baron nodded sullenly and said directly: "You have to go back to the college tomorrow, you have to drop out, and then I will look for a college or hire a teacher for you in the next school year."

His tone was just arranging one thing without giving him any room for discussion.

Anyang was stunned for a while, and the baron's complexion was obviously wrong, but he chose to be silent at the right time.

During this time, he wants to create an illusion that he is depressed because of the injury in his mind, so as to avoid exposure in case of excessive communication with people, and continue until he restores his self-protection or thinks Other countermeasures.

The baron looked more gloomy when he looked down at him, as if he had accumulated a lot of anger.

"You do n’t have to worry, butler Enke will be with you, even if you ca n’t remember, just do what he said, and I will send the card repair knight to go with you, so you do n’t have to be afraid, they will protect it. you."

With that said, he took a long breath: "Also, you are going to dissolve ConocoPhillips' engagement!"

Anyang was stunned for a moment, and suddenly remembered that there was such a thing!

Ain not only had a fiancée, but both of them went to school at the Aristocratic Academy of Aristocrats. He had long admired his fiancee, Confi, who had started to make a name for himself several years ago. Devoted.

This time it was precisely because ConocoPhillips was very close to a grandson of Marquis Aaron, and Ain was so fussy for a while that he was regarded as a follower of ConocoPhillips and a follower of the grandson of Marquis Aaron. Nilat beat him hard.

This beat was almost to death.

It is estimated that Ain suddenly had some reason to withdraw from Esrabi College.

Hearing the baron's words, he is expected to face some provocations in this business, so he sent the most capable cavalier riders.

"What a mess!"

Anyang has a headache. Can his energy be wasted on these things? It is still important to find strength ~ ~ The baron watched him continue to be silent, a little soft-hearted, but still tough said: "I know you like Conoco, but There are many beautiful girls in this world, you can look for better ones, or wait for the stronger ones! "

When he had finished speaking, he turned away and left without any muddle.

Anyang looked at his back, his eyes stunned, reflecting the elusive light against the candlelight.

I like a fart ...

Early the next morning.

Anyang got up under the service of two graceful maids and felt her body, shaking her head.

The recovery process of his own strength is indeed unstable. Now only the strength of the demon body is being strengthened, the portable space has not been unlocked, and there is no change in physical quality, and he ca n’t feel the existence of mana. Now he is still a weak chicken.

At this time, the guard led by the housekeeper Enke and the knights was ready by the carriage.

Thanks for subscribing! (To be continued.)

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