My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 805: Dazzling red

When Xiao Xueer was talking with Anyou, he naturally didn't expect that there were four non-human beings at this table, and even Anyang was not a mortal person, and his hearing was ...

Their words were clearly heard by several people!

Even Huang Lan's expression was a little strange, and his strange eyes glanced at Anyang and Anyou.

An You's face burned like a monkey butt.

The last sports car has a place, and a lot of celebrities enter the stage and perform the last show.

This celebration party is over.

But the impact it has brought to the world has only begun to leave now, and even many people have to see the news tomorrow, only to know what actually happened tonight.

When the final show ended, the salute sounded in unison, the audience stood up, and there was a sensation of applause and cheers.

"Boom! Boom!"

The salute exploded at low altitude, deafening.

The colorful fire light forms a dazzling shape on the top of the head, and the one that has just returned to the dim and then blooms again, all kinds of dazzling and overwhelming.

On the edge of the stage, gorgeous fireworks rose, rising four or five meters high, accompanied by soaring smoke!

But apart from insiders, only a few journalists and people with keen observations show that the salute overhead is actually not an electronic salute, but a holographic projection! The bright and lifelike salute exploded without air waves and debris, and the sound came from the loudspeakers around the hall, but it was made too real, and ordinary people would not think it was false at all.

The sparks on the edge of the stage were true.

"The Ans Group really is bullshit!"

"Group mighty!"

The headlights in the hall were dimmed one after another, and only the light above the head was still blooming. Afterwards, the dark hall was beautiful, like a fairy tale dream.

Who could have imagined that when Japanese fireworkers racked their brains to design the most gorgeous fireworks and created the world-famous Mount Fuji fireworks event, in this city of Yizhou, China, a group is using a cross-generation technology to create a brand new The fireworks festival, the picture is so beautiful that people are intoxicated.

It is opening a new era with a more beautiful projection than electronic fireworks, which belongs to the era of holographic projection.

The stage's lighting group cast colorful beams of light, swaying in the hall, as if echoing the rhythm of fireworks exploding overhead. The sound of the explosion is suffocating, subconsciously blocking other sounds, or making any other clutter sounds insignificant. People only echoed this loud noise in their hearts, and felt extremely lonely.

Journalists have pointed the camera at their heads, recorded this moment in the history of science and technology, and tried their best to think about various suitable titles.

Some employees shouted loudly, some employees expressed grief and grief why they did n’t draw the sports car, and some employees picked up their glasses to stand up and toast their own bosses. A beautiful moment to confess to her long-lost female colleague.

Hou Zhengping stared blankly at the sky and pointed the camera of his mobile phone at the top of his head, but he was speechless at this time.

Seeing this scene, what should she think?

Moved by pure beauty? Still remembering the hard times I used to have? Or perhaps silently think about your unreachable dreams and consider whether to pick them up?

After a brief stunned moment, she shook her head and still had to return to reality. She said to the microphone: "Have you seen it? This is the most beautiful scene I have ever seen in my life. I think the beautiful shock of the annual Mt. Compared with the scene on the roof of this hall, it is difficult to see it appear in a covered room! "

An You and Xiao Xue'er both looked up at the sky and were moved by this increasingly gorgeous and beautiful scene.

The three female goblins are no exception.

Huang Lan is still lazy, staring at the top of her head with her chin, wondering what she is thinking. Rabbit Jing also blinked his eyes, watching the fireworks blooming in the sky curiously.

And Xiao Chan is the most silent, she just watched this scene silently, without much expression. At this moment she could reveal a lonely atmosphere that did not match her age. There was a splendid fireworks in the world, but she did not belong to her.

Suddenly, she patted her head with one hand.

The little fox was suddenly taken aback and turned his head, just to give a gentle smile to Comrade Xiaoqian, like a star in the night sky.

Comrade Xiaoqian instantly knew that this little fox was still enchanted after all, otherwise she would be vigilant with her usual alert, and she would never be able to touch her so easily.

For this little goblin, she only felt distressed.

Xiao Chan raised his head and stared at Xiao Qian's hand blankly. After all, he didn't hide, but lowered his head silently.

Xiaoqian also knows well, and quickly withdrew her hand, and turned to hold Anyang's hand next to her, looking up at the most fascinating beauty in this strange world.

For fireworks, her impression is extremely deep.

She clearly remembered that when she first came to this world last year, the whole person was still in a state of panic and confusion, when Anyang secretly took her home for the Chinese New Year. They saw a firework that she remembered the most on the outskirts of Yancheng. She still has a deep picture of that night.

So when Xiao Xueer lowered his head, he saw Xiao Qian holding Anyang's hand with one hand, holding Anyang's arm with the other, and snuggling his body against Anyang.

Her eyes were slightly dim, and she quickly recovered her gaze.

Soon after, Xiao Qian let go of Anyang and gestured to him with his eyes: "Look over there, husband."


Anyang turned his head and saw Anshi Electronics, Ji Weiwei was sitting sideways, his gaze looking at it faintly.

Comrade Xiaoqian smiled immediately, spitting warmth in his ear: "Miss Weiwei must be thinking of you, Husband, please come over and bring Miss Weiwei over to play!"

Anyang is so embarrassed: "Ah ..."

This kind of scene in which her own daughter-in-law encourages herself to soak up the green plums and horses seems to only appear in yy's novels ...

Before he could react, Xiaoqian reached out and began to push him.

Anyang had no choice but to get up and walk towards Ji Weiwei.

At the moment he got up, he felt Xiao Xueer's gaze, which made him unable to sigh with emotion. What a mess!

But he still brought Ji Weiweila over.

At this time, the backstage star artists have re-entered the stage to take photos with nostalgia, and some people have also stepped off the stage, walked to the front row to shake hands with the group's big brothers and introduce themselves.

There is also an actress with a great figure who came to find Anyou and said that she was going to take a group photo with her just-in-time era. The tone is very polite, and she obviously cares about where she sits.

And Anyou was very excited.

The actress did not know that An You also reported training courses for vocal and acting skills. Her dream is to be a star, and the stars that you can often see on TV are almost at the top of the industry regardless of the size of the cafe. It ’s hard to see the actor and singer who are not influential, so this actress can already be her idol.

So Anyou took her by herself, took a picture together, and asked for a social account cheeky, excited.

She naturally did not know that she was also very excited under the calm expression of this actress. It's just that she hides very well, and new college students like her can't see it.

There are also several artists who feel that the rabbit is really good for the country and the people. They want to find a photo of the rabbit and get a sense of presence on Weibo, but Xiao Qian refused decisively. So they can only turn their goals to the world's first limited edition sports car of the first anniversary of the era, have asked for a group photo.

An You also agreed to come down with a smile on her face.

Several of these people are really her idols!

The end of the show performance does not mean that the anniversary celebration is over, at most it means that the performance is gone, and the rules and regulations set up by the group for employees are gone.

They do not need to continue to sit in their seats, but can walk around freely, find someone to drink and play freely.

This celebration lasted until the early hours of the morning, and Anyang also drank a little wine with everyone, but only Ji Weiwei and Rabbit Essence drank a little bit.

The latter is entirely because of mouth greed.

When he walked out of the clubhouse, Anyang just got on the bus and was ready to send Ji Weiwei back. He saw Anyou walked up from behind and covered his face to stop him: "Anyang, wait!"


What Anyang seemed to expect.

He glanced at An You, who seemed to have no face, and pulled the corner of his mouth, and then saw Xiao Xueer coming up from the back.

Xiao Xue'er had a very deep and quiet smile on his face.

"It really hurts!"

Anyang was somewhat embarrassed and said with emotion.

An You covered her face sternly. She only looked at An Yang's guilty expression from her fingers. She couldn't help being annoyed, and she almost wanted to retreat. But after thinking about it, she gritted her teeth and said to Anyang: "You come with me, I have something to tell you!"

"What ... what?"

"You will know when you come with me!"

"Just say it here."



Anyang is really a bit dazed.

But at this time ~ ~ Xiao Qian came again with a perfect assist and pushed him behind him: "Go on, husband."

Anyang turned his back to show a speechless expression, and continued to follow Anyou behind him, coming to a dark garden behind the night, like a little couple's cheating place.

An You looked at the environment here, and at his face again. It seemed to have thought of this too, but it was even more embarrassing: "I tell you, you can't think about it, this thing is not what I want, Cher forced me! "

She kept covering her face tightly while saying this.

"What is it?" Anyang pretended to be silly.

"That's what I told Xueer before, I have never won a prize in my life, and I certainly won't win a prize this time. If I win a sports car, I will ... I will be like her ..." An You said that she has been heard behind Mosquito, "Kiss you ..."

"Ah?" Anyang stunned, as if he knew this thing, "Is there no choice in this matter? Can I refuse?"


An You took a deep breath and said nothing.

The atmosphere froze for a few seconds.

Anyang was a little embarrassed and said, "Well, although my sister and brother are fine, you definitely do n’t want to kiss me, otherwise you will say that you have kissed me, and I will tell Xueer that you have kissed me You can rest assured ... "

Before he said anything, he was strongly interrupted by Anyou!

I saw Anyou put down his hands covering his face, exposing his lips with bright red lipstick under the dim street lights, shouting at him: "Do you think Xueer is so smart, wouldn't you think of this? Hurry up and bring your face together! "

Anyang was stunned and surprised.

This lipstick ... really dazzling red!

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