My Twenty-four Heavens

Chapter 173: 5 lines of evil spirits are great, 9 days of condensing

"There is a so-called Cultivation Royal Family among the Human Race?"

"Some of them have already succeeded in condensing, and the means are comparable to me waiting for the Demon King?"

In the city of Amaterasu, the Fujiwara River, which is entrenched on the magnificent peaks, is full of red light at the beginning of the day.

Under the mighty demon atmosphere, a group of great demon shivered, for fear that the moody demon king would get angry.

"Majesty, it's not that we don't work hard, but the powerhouse of the Human Race Condensation Realm is too tricky."

Under the mountain peak, a giant like a brown bear buried its head deep in the ground.

Fujiwaragawa glanced at him with icy vertical pupils, and then said lazily:

"They occupy a mountain, how can they compare to my Amaterasu Demon Country?"

"How can their so-called Ninggang monks compare to my Amaterasu Demon King?"

"If it weren't for the king's fear of being stolen, he could easily destroy the so-called cultivating royal family if he went there in person."

"Haha...Zongmen power? A bunch of poor worms caught in the middle of the demon kingdom."


Feeling that Fujiwaragawa did not show any killing intent, the big demon present all breathed out a long breath.

The poor worm caught in the middle of the demon country!

This is the current situation of the human race, and it is still better.

With the gradual establishment of the Demon Kingdom, the entire land began to be dominated by the Demon Kings, and the Human Race could only become a vassal of the Demon Kingdom.

These vassals need to provide all kinds of labor for the monsters, and they also need to create and improve the exercises for the monsters.

With the addition of human wisdom, the demon kings have become more powerful.

For example, Fujiwaragawa, who claims to be the Amaterasu Demon King, has now mastered a new method that suits him.

The new method is no longer instinctively based on its own attributes, but on the basis of the original attributes, according to the principles of nature.

Fujiwaragawa, who had already condensed the evil spirits, originally made the earth fire and poisonous evil spirits, and it was condensed into the rising sun and heaven.

After condensing these two kinds of evil spirits, the demon qi became extremely thick, not to mention, it also possessed the power that resembled the rising sun.

This is the talent of the monster race, or the talent of innate creatures, which is unmatched by the human race.

But Fujiwaragawa, who is so talented, now uses the wisdom of the human race to go further.

"The sun is rising, bathing in the East China Sea."

"With the body of a dragon, this king has comprehended the way of bathing in the East China Sea, and now he is considered a strong one among the demon kings."

"Even if a group of weak human races are far more intelligent than me and other monster races, how about they can only occupy the mountains as prisons in the poor mountains and bad waters?"

For today's human race, Fujiwaragawa has nothing to fear.

Now the Taisu realm has been completely divided by the demon kings, and seven or eight out of ten human races have become vassals of the demon race.

Although the remaining human races were out of the condensed gang realm monks, they were not afraid at all.

Coupled with the fact that the suffocating place in the Taisu Realm is basically occupied by the demon kings, even if the human race has one or two strong people, it can't change the situation.

"However, we still need to pay attention to the defection of the human race!"

"Teach them some lessons and let them know the cost of betraying the king."

"In addition... Finally, give them ten years. If they are slower than the king's progress, they can go to death."

"Ning Gang refining the evil golden pill, this king has been waiting for too long."



Whether it is from Dongci or the West, after several days of research in the real world, it can still be confirmed that the next level of Ninggang is pill formation.

As recorded by Dongci Dragon Tiger Mountain, dragons and tigers converge to form a golden pill.

However, the time left for the real world is too short. In addition, all the data in the real world are theoretical-level data, which can't even do the fetal movement, and the various teams in the real world can't provide the players with follow-up. Practice program.

They can only send a large amount of information to the player's private mailbox after a simple identification, and then the player will explore and try.

However, as the innate demon race, the players are not much better than the demon race born in the Taisu realm.

For example, players knowing that the next realm is pill formation, they can feel muddled when they think of key places.

In fact, this is exactly the side effect of the external mental power.

What is the mental power that Zhang Tong gave to the players? It is the kind of spiritual power that is essentially acquired to know God and affects thinking, experience, and emotions.

It is precisely because of this kind of mental power that the demon kings are sometimes not bright in their brains.

Regarding such things as blazing a path of spiritual practice, they must also draw on the wisdom of the human race while they are enlightened by themselves.

As a result, many materials in the real world were naturally obtained by the human race.

Even with the defection of individual human races, those human races that have formed a power outside have also obtained practical data of the real world.

"This is exactly what I want to see!"

"The information in the real world has been screened, enough to limit this world civilization to death."

Zhang Tong's will is flooded between heaven and earth. Although he dare not say omniscience and omnipotence, he can also have a panoramic view of the Taisu realm.

As Fujiwaragawa believed, the situation today is very unfavorable for the human race.

Of course, some of the human race successfully condensed the gang, possessing the power to resist the monster race.

But this kind of condensed gang in haste, but cut off the potential in the future.

There are few powerhouses in this kind of condensed gang realm who are in the middle of the evil road, and even the exercises are average.

However, only such a monk can condense in the shortest time.

The more complex the exercises, the more difficult it is to advance.

Such a group of people can obviously grind their foundations slowly and forge a more solid foundation for the road to the golden core in the future.

But in the face of the situation where the group is waiting for them, they have no choice at all. They can only use the price of sacrificing potential in exchange for the power to temporarily resist the monster race.

"Patriarch, you must be successful."

"As long as you succeed, Human Race has hope, and we are not wasting our potential."

On a towering mountain peak, a large number of human races looked expectantly at the building on the top of the peak, where a strong evil spirit was enveloped.

Those evil auras are colorful and conceived with the endless charm of the five elements, and the number is even more majestic to a bit terrifying.

In the middle of the Five Elements True Evil, with a scar on his face, Ji Yu suddenly opened his eyes:

"The realm of evil spirit refining has been completed, it's time to go to the nine heavens to collect the qi."

Accompanied by Ji Yu’s confident a mighty five-element spirit smashed the sturdy building, Ji Yu, who was already a middle-aged man, was driving the five-element evil wind towards the nine heavens. Fly away.

"Can he succeed?"

Zhang Tong focused his attention on Ji Yu, and the look of expectation in his eyes made no secret of it.

Among the entire human race, Li Yin, who was reincarnated as Chonghua, and Ji Yuneng, who stole the glory of Li Yin and supported by a large amount of human wisdom, entered Zhang Tong's eyes.

Compared to Li Yin's more difficult road, Ji Yu is now taking a crucial step first.

The five elements are full of evil spirits, and it's time to go to the nine heavens to collect the energy!

PS: The grades are too bad, too bad, too bad... I really want a rich woman to see through my fragility and save me with a silver alliance.

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