My Understanding Is Incredible, I Built A Floating City In Hogwarts

Chapter 15 Getting Rich Starts By Selling The Room Of Requirement

The next morning, Levin's biological clock woke him up from a deep sleep.

Before leaving the dormitory, Levin checked the class schedule.

There are eight courses in total this term: Transfiguration, Charms, Potions, History of Magic, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Astronomy, Herbology and Flying.

Basically there are two classes in the morning and one class in the afternoon.

Of course, astronomy is an exception. Its classes are only held at night. After all, it is impossible to ask the little wizard to look at the stars in broad daylight.

The best thing is that the first class starts at 9 o'clock every morning, avoiding the rush of breakfast.

Lunch is from 11 o'clock to 12 o'clock.

The dinner time is longer, lasting from 4 to 7 o'clock, because there can be at most two classes in the afternoon.

Moreover, there are no classes on Friday afternoon, and Saturday and Sunday are two consecutive days off. Such a generous time arrangement will make Muggle junior high school students cry.

Hogwarts implements a three-term system, and the three holidays are Christmas, Easter and summer vacation.

After quietly dressing and washing, Levin left the Ravenclaw Tower with his textbooks.

He didn't rush to get breakfast, but set out to find the place he looked forward to most in all of Hogwarts - the Room of Requirement.

This is the most mysterious place in Hogwarts, also known as the "Coming and Going Room".

Legend has it that it comes and goes, and one can only enter when one really needs it.

When it appears, it is always arranged to suit the needs of the seeker.

At the same time, the Room of Requirement and the people in it cannot be displayed on the Marauder's Map, and the names of those who enter will disappear directly from the map.

If you can find it, it means that you will have a private enough room where you can safely study some magic beyond this world without worrying too much about the probing eyes of others.

I have to say that "Hogwarts Legacy" restored this school well.

At least the main areas and roads are correct, as Levin himself can prove,

If not for this, Levin almost got lost,

There are a total of one hundred and forty-two stairs in Hogwarts. Some of them are wide and large; others are narrow, small, and wobbly.

At certain times, some stairs will lead to different places, which is even more punctual than my aunt’s arrival!

Halfway up some stairs, a step will suddenly disappear. If you don't react, you will miss the step and fall straight down.

The special magic will ensure that the little wizards land safely, but this means that you have to climb back from the first floor again!

Plus, there are many doors at Hogwarts that won't open if you ask them to open them rudely, or poke them in the right place.

There are also doors that are not real doors at all, just solid walls that look like doors.

It’s hard to remember what is where because everything seems to be constantly moving. The people in the portraits are constantly visiting each other, and even the armor can walk.

It is said that it was Ravenclaw herself who came up with this design, and her purpose was to dissuade those students who were not very smart.

According to the impression in his memory, he came to the Black Magic Defense Tower and went all the way up to the eighth floor. In the corridor in front of the stairs leading to the planetarium, the tapestry of "Troll Fighting the Silly Barnabas" was the Room of Requirement. On the opposite side of it.

In front of the tapestry, Levin skillfully mobilized his spiritual power and cleared away the complicated thoughts. He only thought: "I need a place to hide things."

Then he walked three times between the wall in front of the tapestry.

At some point, a very smooth door suddenly appeared on the wall.

Levin quickly walked in, and after closing the door, he didn't forget to look out through the gap. It was pitch black, and he couldn't see anything. It seemed that after closing the door, the Room of Requirement was disconnected from the corridor.

Levin believes that this Room of Requirement is not in the same phase as Hogwarts, but is more likely to be a real alien space.

Only through the user's wish can it be connected to Hogwarts.

The space knowledge involved is far beyond what Levin can understand. He can only judge that the principle here has nothing to do with the so-called traceless telescopic spell, but is closer to the various demiplanes created in arcane magic. .

The place was as big as a church, and the surrounding scenery looked like a city. Those high walls were made of thousands of things hidden by students who were no longer alive: bottles, hats, boxes, chairs, books. , weapons, brooms, bats...

All the items that have been cleared by the Vanishing Curse in Hogwarts for thousands of years are placed here.

Levin knew that one of Voldemort's Horcruxes, Ravenclaw's Diadem, was also hidden here.

Legend has it that those who wear the crown can gain access to the Ravenclaw's wisdom.

But he did not set out to find the crown;

He won't do it until he has enough ability to protect himself.

The main purpose of his coming here today is to visit.

According to his observation, although the old things here are seriously damaged, most of them can be repaired through the [Repair Spell].

"Sure enough, my previous idea is feasible!"

"When I have time in the future, I can select some suitable old objects here, repair them with a repair spell, collect them, and sell them in Diagon Alley during the summer vacation!"

"Anyway, so many things are sitting here for nothing. No one will care about them at all. It's better to give me an advantage."

"This way, I don't need to work for that little money anymore!"

Although he can learn a lot while working, Levin is not a masochist after all.

Since you can learn magic through study and experimentation, there is no need to tire yourself out.

The plan was made, Levin got out of the door.

There is no way to go here or to the various classrooms and the common rooms of the four colleges, so I am not afraid of being seen.

He came all the way to the auditorium, where breakfast had already begun.

"Levin, come here!"

He saw Harry waving to him, and Levin pointed to the Ravenclaw logo on his robes. He reluctantly rejected him and walked to the long table belonging to the Ravenclaws.

Roommates Stephen and Kevin were already there eating and drinking.

"What's James's first secret lesson?" Steve asked as he chewed on a German sausage.

"The first class is Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration class. It's a two-hour class with Gryffindor." Levin said while putting bacon into toast.

In the first-year course, there are three classes of herbal medicine every week. This is to facilitate the observation of the different growth stages of herbs.

Charms, Transfiguration, Potions, History of Magic and Defense Against the Dark Arts are all taught twice a week.

Both flying lessons and astronomy only have one class period.

At this moment, there was a "pop, pop, pop" sound in the sky above the auditorium.

Many owls flew into the auditorium, and it was time to deliver letters.

Levin's Hermer also flew in front of him, fanning himself. The brown eagle owl did not bring a letter - no one would send a letter to Levin - it seemed to just follow its peers to join in the fun.

Levin waved his wand and caught Homer before it fell into his creamy soup. He then tore off a few pieces of bacon and handed them to his mouth.

After eating and drinking, the little guy jumped on Levin's shoulder and used his oily beak to tidy up his hair intimately.

At this moment, students screamed from the other side of the auditorium: "Oh my God! Someone is trying to rob Gringotts?!"

"What happened? What happened?"

Immediately, several young wizards gathered around him.

It turns out that someone subscribed to the Daily Prophet, and according to reports, Gringotts in Diagon Alley was stolen.

A dark wizard has broken into the Gringotts vault, but the goblins claim the thief failed to steal anything and was almost caught...

However, they failed to catch the thief in the end, so it caused a lot of discussion.

Levin reacted immediately: Isn't that about the Philosopher's Stone?

Fairies are indeed unreliable.

The farce ended quickly. Levin and his roommates got up and walked towards the Transfiguration classroom.

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