My Understanding Is Incredible, I Built A Floating City In Hogwarts

Chapter 37 Tsundere Has Withdrawn From The Environment

Time flies,

More than a month has passed since the exciting first round of Quidditch.

It was mid-to-late December, and Hogwarts had entered winter, with several feet of snow covering everything.

Levin has already made plans to go to Diagon Alley during the Christmas vacation to sell the debris he repaired during this period, and at the same time find a way to buy the main ingredient for the permanent elixir - at least he has to find and obtain it.

Because of this incident, he has recently become interested in the subject of potions. He has recently been trying to combine Muggle chemistry and potions, and has gained a lot.

Unlike him, as Christmas is approaching, most of the little wizards are not focusing on their studies and are eagerly looking forward to the long holiday.

The lake was covered with solid ice, and although there were roaring fires in the common room and auditorium, the drafty corridors were bitingly cold, and the classroom windows rattled in the biting wind.

The worst thing for students is that Professor Snape's classes are all held in underground classrooms.

The cold air in the basement combined with the cold air in winter naturally makes it twice as cold.

During class, as soon as they took a breath, a cloud of white mist formed in front of them, so they had to get as close to the hot crucible as possible.

Because he studied potions, Levin was quite active in the potions class, but this did not win the old bat's good attitude.

Even though he was the first to complete the potion required by his coursework, Snape was still very picky about him:

"Being the first to complete the potion does not mean that you have done a good job. Mr. Green, you took too long to brew the uplifting potion. What do I think? If you had finished it later, other people's wounds would have been healed!"

He took a sip of the potion with a sullen face and complained loudly:

"The potion tastes too strong, which means your Bai Xian liquid has too many impurities! Maybe you should crush it first when squeezing the Bai Xian juice, and then squeeze it through gauze. As for now, I can only suggest that you put some licorice in it. and taste, otherwise even the trolls won’t be willing to drink your potion.”

Seeing Levin being trained so badly, Steve on the side felt sorry for him: "Old Bat must be targeting you! He didn't even think about it, who would brew a potion when he was injured?"

"Please call him Professor Snape, Steve. Although he speaks harshly, he is really teaching us some skills that are not in the textbooks." Levin, on the other hand, was emotionally stable and told the truth in one sentence.

"But... you were the first to finish it, and you did it so well, but you didn't give Ravenclaw any extra points." Steve was still a little uncomfortable.

"We come to Hogwarts just to learn more knowledge. Extra points are just a by-product."

As Levin spoke, he waved his wand to chop up a portion of white fresh leaves, and then squeezed them through gauze.

The juice obtained is indeed much clearer. In addition to having less impurities and scum than before, it also doesn't have as much pungent smell.

Levin immediately thought of the original book "The Half-Blood Prince's Potions Textbook".

The so-called Half-Blood Prince is actually Snape's pseudonym.

He wrote a lot of notes and annotations in his potion textbook, which mentioned many potion-making techniques that were different from those in the textbook.

Harry picked up the notes and followed them, and sure enough, his grades in Potions class improved by leaps and bounds.

This shows that Snape has been a master of potions since his student days, and many of his unique medicinal techniques are indeed very effective.

And that's what he was trying to teach Levin just now - but the teaching process was mixed with cynicism.

There is no way, this old bat is indeed an old arrogant person.

Just like how he treated Harry - on the one hand, he stayed in Hogwarts as a professor specifically for Lily, and would rather be misunderstood by Harry again and again, just to protect him.

On the other hand, he was always unhappy with Harry because of James Potter. Even if he knew it would deepen the misunderstanding, he would still mock Harry from time to time.

This directly resulted in Snape being an absolute bad guy in Harry's eyes until he died.

He had to wait until he died in front of Harry before he could realize his tenderness.

It can only be said that Tsundere has already withdrawn from the environment.

Because he knew Snape, Levin was able to take his bad breath lightly.

Come to think of it, although Snape is stubborn and extreme, he still likes good students.

I didn't see him being rude with his words, but he was still very honest with Levin and revealed some of his own secrets from time to time.

In fact, even though Steve has been complaining about Levin,

But in the eyes of the little snakes who really knew Snape, their dean treated the Ravenclaw incredibly well.

The Slytherins have discovered that although the old bat often has a bad mouth about Levin, he has never really found fault with him, and has never deducted points from him.

They could hear that Snape's criticism of Levin Green was fundamentally different from his criticism of Harry Potter.

And both the preferential treatment and the smile are conserved.

Snape's preferential treatment of Levin meant that poor students like Harry were treated even worse.

That's a good saying, I could have endured the darkness if I had never seen the light.

With Levin in front of him, those poor students are even more unbearable in the eyes of the old bat. Whether it is Harry, Ronald, Neville, or the demolition wizard Seamus Finnigan, they hate potions class even more than before, especially I hated being left by Snape to refine potions over and over again until he successfully completed those complicated potions.

Of course, except for Potions, Levin still performed extremely well in other classes.

The school year is not even halfway through, and everyone already thinks that the top grader in the final exam must be Levin.

The second place is naturally the know-it-all Miss Hermione. Although she has become Levin's little apprentice, this does not prevent her from trying to catch up with the first place in class performance and academics.

Since the troll incident, the relationship between the two has become closer.

In addition to after-school magic tutoring, Miss Know-It-All occasionally asks Levin for advice on other things.

Including but not limited to the unfair treatment she encountered in Gryffindor because of her academic ability, and how stupid "her two stupid men" were.

Even certain physiological issues have to be consulted by Levin.

This makes Levin feel that he has a great responsibility:

Not only did he have to be Hermione's best friend of the opposite sex, but he also had to be her best friend of the same sex.

Levin completely believes that in a few years when a girl grows up and starts to have feelings for her, she will want to strangle her past self.

It was before the Christmas party, and Levin was stopped by Hermione again on his way to the auditorium.

"Levin, Levin! Here!"

Next to the pine trees in the corridor, Levin heard Hermione's voice,

Levin turned around and saw Hermione, Ronald, Harry and Hagrid arguing under a holly tree.


The emotional line won't unfold so quickly, at least not Hermione's line, she's only 11 years old!

I wrote my last book too early, and I will never make the same mistake with this book.

Of course, older female characters will start the ambiguous line earlier,

But don’t expect to achieve success in one fell swoop, the protagonist is only 11 years old!

Dear readers, you don’t want your favorite female character to be involved in a crime, right?

Da Yin has the crime of strong women fucking men.

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