The corridor in front of me was the only way to go.

In the corridor, in addition to their own footsteps, they also heard the sound of water drops slowly dripping along the wall, which seemed particularly scary in such a silent passage.

"Can you hear anything?" Ronald asked quietly.

Everyone listened carefully, and there seemed to be gentle rustling and tinkling sounds coming from ahead.

"Could it be a ghost?"

"I don't know, it sounds like the flapping of wings."

"There was a light ahead - I saw something moving.

They came to the end of the corridor and faced a brightly lit room with a high vaulted ceiling. Countless little birds, as dazzling as gems, fluttered around the room. There is a heavy wooden door on the opposite side of the room.

"Do you think they will attack us if we cross the room?" Ronald asked.

"Is there a possibility that those are keys?" Levin reminded, "Maybe you should get glasses."

"My dad knows a very reliable optical shop." He Min was very positive about this.

"I'm not short-sighted!" Ronald felt aggrieved, "Also, the wizarding world is not as backward as you think. We also have an optical shop!"

Just as a few people were chatting about myopia and glasses, Harry interrupted them.

"Never mind the glasses, we have to find the one that can open the door from these flying keys. Do you have any pigs?"

Ronald looked at the key in the sky, then looked around: "...Yes, look! There is a broomstick there! We can fly up and catch the key to that door!"

"But there are hundreds of keys on it. It's too difficult to find the right one among so many keys!" Hermione has no talent for flying. She looked at the keys flying in the sky and felt a little worried.

"But Harry has the talent of a chaser, doesn't he?"

Ronald said excitedly: "Think about it, there is actually no difference between the Golden Snitch and the flying key, right? I guess we are looking for a big antique key - it's silver and shaped like a door handle."

"No need to bother."

Before Harry was ready to use his talent as a Seeker according to the level rules set by Professor Flitwick and Dumbledore, Levin stopped everything.


The power of the Druid caused the originally silent and windless cave to suddenly change. A strange wind suddenly blew up from the top of the cave.

Amid the whistling of the strange wind, these keys flying like birds suddenly lost their ability to fly and fell down with a crackle.

So it rained keys in the cave.

The three of them looked at Levin in shock.

Levin looked calm and calm, as if what just happened had nothing to do with him.

When it stopped raining, he gently pointed forward and said, "Look for it."

What was once a difficult task can now be completed even by a squib.

The three of them rummaged through the pile of keys, and soon found the silver key with broken wings, inserted it into the keyhole, and used force to protect Ichigo.

With a click, the door lock popped open.

The second room was completely dark and nothing could be seen. But as soon as they stepped in, rows of lights lit up one after another, illuminating the shocking sight in front of them.

They were standing next to a huge chessboard, with black chess pieces in front of them. Those chess pieces were taller than them and seemed to be carved from black marble or something like that.

At the other end of the room, facing them, were some white chess pieces.

There are no facial features on the faces of those towering white chess pieces. Under the uncanny valley effect, even Levin is inevitably a little creepy.

"What now?" Harry whispered.

"Isn't it obvious?" Ronald said, "We have to play chess to get across the room.

They saw a door behind the white chess piece.

"How?" Hermione asked nervously.

"In my opinion, we must act as chess pieces." After Ronald confirmed that it was a wizard's chess piece, he walked to an empty knight without a knight.

Immediately, the stone came to life, and the horse paved the dirt with its hooves and looked at Ronald.

In addition, there are three other empty positions on Black's side. Obviously, it automatically adapts well according to the number of participants.

Seeing Ronald's eagerness to try, Levin patted his shoulder and stopped him.

"You don't have to really work that hard,"

He smiled and said: "We are wizards, so don't try your best to solve problems that can be solved with magic.

"As a wizard, isn't it easy to find a few cannon fodder?"

As he spoke, he waved his magic wand:

"[Level 3 Monster Summoning Technique]"

A burst of light flashed, and four rock figures slightly taller than them appeared in front of them.

"What...what is this?" Ronald felt that he had seen a lot of new magic today.

"These are the chess pieces you will use later." Levin said, "The four earth elements, they will obey your control.

"In short, we just let them play chess for us, right?" Ronald nodded in understanding, "It's really yours!"

Although Ronald is not lacking in courage in this level,

But if he couldn't do it himself, he certainly wouldn't be stupid enough to insist on it himself.

"Then, this level is all up to me, and I'll make the arrangements... You take the place of the bishop; you stand next to him, taking the place of the castle; you climb on the horse, taking the place of the knight. "As for you, go to the queen, that is the strongest chess piece!"

At this time, Ronald showed strong confidence. He knew that he didn't need luck because he was good at this.

His biggest entertainment when he was a child was playing wizard chess, which was a gift from his grandfather and his only toy.

…Please give me flowers…

Because the Weasley family is so poor, Mr. Weasley's salary is not enough to buy snacks for the children, let alone toys.

In this game of chess, Ronald performed very well. He easily played evenly with this invisible opponent, but the scene of the chess pieces fighting also made several people feel a little creepy:

The white queen violently knocked the knight to the floor and dragged him off the chessboard. He lay there face down, motionless.

This kind of scene is common in ordinary wizard chess, but when it happens on a life-size chessboard, it seems very mediocre and powerful.

The two sides fought for about thirty rounds, and the chess pieces suffered heavy losses. Even two of the earth elements summoned by Levin were smashed into pieces. Ronald was frightened when he saw it - if they were the ones on the chessboard, that would be enough to defeat them. He must have met Merlin.

In the end, Ronald controlled the Black Queen and successfully defeated the White King. He took off the crown on his head and threw it at his feet as a sign of surrender.

After winning the chess game, the white pieces bowed and stepped back to make way for them to move toward the door smoothly.

The second challenge group of Hogwarts Challenge successfully passed one level and reached the next level.

As soon as they entered the gate, the four of them smelled a disgusting stench. In desperation, Levin could only give each of them a [Head Bubble Curse].

Then they saw a troll in the room.

This giant monster is bigger than the one Levin killed last time.

But at this time, it was lying motionless on the floor in front of it, unconscious, with a large bloody mass on its head.

"Great, we don't have to fight this troll anymore," Harry whispered.

They carefully stepped across the troll's thick legs, and Harry muttered: "Come on, I can't breathe."

"Wait a minute," Levin stopped a few people, "Before we leave here, why don't we guess who set up this level?"

"The gatekeeper is Hagrid's three-headed dog."

Hermione calculated on her fingers: "We have passed Professor Sprout's mechanism, which is the devil's net. The one who enchanted those keys must be Professor Flitwick. Professor McGonagall deformed the chess pieces and made them come alive. The rest There are only Quirrell and Snape... and Snape is the Potions professor, and most of the levels are related to potions, so this level is taught by Quirrell.

"But, what's the problem here?" Ronald was a little confused.

"Have you ever wondered why Professor Quirrell was so afraid of trolls on Halloween since he was able to get trolls as a checkpoint?" Levin raised the question of the soul.

Even he, a time traveler who read the script in advance, didn't understand this.

Hermione and Ronald also fell into deep thought,

This seems to make sense.


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