Seeing the scene in front of him, Levin had to sigh,

Apart from Hogwarts, no other place embodies the magical beauty of this world better than the Ministry of Magic in front of you.

They stood at the end of a long, splendid hall, with a polished dark wooden floor and a peacock blue ceiling inlaid with sparkling golden symbols, which were constantly moving and changing, like a Huge overhead bulletin board.

In the middle of the foyer is a fountain.

In the middle of a circular pool stands a group of pure gold statues, which are larger than life.

The tallest among them is a noble wizard, holding his wand high and pointing directly at the sky.

Surrounding him were a beautiful witch, a centaur, a goblin and a house elf.

Centaurs, goblins and house elves all looked up at the two wizards with admiration.

Shining jets of water spurted out from the top of the wizard's wand, from the centaur's arrow, from the tip of the goblin's hat, and from the two ears of the house elf.

The walls on all sides are paneled with glossy dark wooden boards, and many gilded fireplaces are embedded in the wooden boards.

Every few seconds, with a soft popping sound, a wizard suddenly appeared from a fireplace on the left.

On the right, there are several people queuing up in front of each fireplace, waiting to leave.

When passing by, Tonks looked very happy. She happily greeted everyone she knew and introduced District Two who was about to be honored:

"Yes, I brought them to receive the Order of Merlin."

Levin could see envy and jealousy in every wizard's eyes.

It seems that the wizards at the Ministry of Magic value the Order of Merlin very highly.

The Order of Merlin was originally an organization founded by Merlin in the Middle Ages.

Merlin believed that wizards should coexist peacefully with Muggles, so the Knights established rules prohibiting the use of magic against Muggles.

After the founding of the Wizengamot, the first medal was awarded in the 15th century, named the Order of Merlin in memory of Merlin.

By the way, Merlin graduated from Hogwarts as a Slytherin, so the green ribbon representing Slytherin is used on the Order of Merlin First Class.

Wizards from the Ministry of Magic and members of high society are particularly fond of the Order of Merlin.

For the former, this is a brilliant addition to their resume and a symbol of their future:

For the latter, this is a manifestation of their noble status.

Levin himself doesn't care much about this stuff. For him, knowledge is the real power.

Ciri is a visitor from Otherworld, and she has no feeling at all about this - she is also the heir of the ancient blood, the princess of Cintra, and the daughter of the Emperor of Nilfgaard [Is she proud?

It's just that considering a future career requires enough fame and connections, Levin is happy with it.

At the security checkpoint, they successfully passed the wand test.

Then, they passed through another door and came to a smaller hall. There were at least twenty elevators blocked by exquisite golden fence doors.

Tonks picked a booth with fewer people in line and quickly entered the elevator.

The elevator door slammed shut and began to climb slowly,

Every time you reach a floor, the elevator will stop once and people will come in and out.

"The fifth level has arrived, the International Magical Trade Standards Association, the International Magical Law Office and the British Chapter of the International Federation of Wizards.

In the elevator, the same female voice as in the previous phone booth announced the address without emotion.

"We're here. The fifth floor is the territory of the Department of International Magical Cooperation. The same auditorium is used for awarding the Order of Merlin and for diplomatic cooperation.

Tonks walked out of the elevator first and led everyone forward. The sun shone in through the windows in the corridor, bringing warmth to the corridor.

But that's exactly what's wrong.

"Are we...still underground?" Hermione asked the key question, "Where does this sunlight come from?

"These windows are enchanted."

Tonks explained: "The Magic Maintenance Department decides what weather we have every day. Last time we had a hurricane for two months because they wanted to raise wages. 17

The auditorium where the Ministry of Magic holds major events is at the end of the corridor.

When they entered the auditorium, there were already hundreds of Wizengamot members wearing various colored attires, as well as recipients of the Order of Merlin, gathering in the audience in twos and threes to chat.

This is the grand occasion when the first-class medal is awarded.

If there is only a second or third-level medal, then at most a few members of the Wizengamot will come to confer the medal on you, and then there will be more than ten or twenty wizards who are weekly medal recipients to come and cheer you up.

After all, there are tricks in the issuance of medals, and there are especially many second- and third-level medals, so the gold content is naturally greatly reduced.

The moment they entered, the members of the jazz band in the audience who came to watch the ceremony cast friendly eyes on several people.

Among these people, Levin also saw many acquaintances

For example, Dumbledore, who was sitting on the rostrum high in the auditorium, was chatting with an old man about his age. As soon as he saw Levin, he pointed him out to the old man next to him.

For example, the dean of Ravenclaw, Professor Filius Flivi, who will be honored today, Levin and Shiriko, are both students of his college, and he has been looking at them kindly since they entered the door.

There was also a witch whom Levin had never seen before but recognized at first sight.

She wore a gold-rimmed blue-purple cloak, a white dress, and purple high heels, with beautiful blond hair and a beautiful face.

Even when they met for the first time, Levin could tell her name: Jaina Proudmoore.

There is no way, even in another world, this girl still wears the same clothes, it would be strange not to recognize her.

When Levin saw Gianna, she saw them too.

Jaina nodded to Tonks, then looked at Levin with interest, as if she recognized him.

Under the leadership of Tonks, several people sat down in the first row of the auditorium.

Levin met some leaders in his previous life and liked to deliver some nasty and long speeches on important occasions.

Cornelius Fudge, as the Minister of Magic, a member of the Wizengamot, and a recipient of the Order of Merlin First Class, also spoke on the podium of the auditorium for more than an hour.

The speech routines are naturally the same.

First, of course, I will explain the origin and status of the Order of Merlin, and review the glorious past of the Ministry of Magic and the Order of Merlin.

Then it led to the fact that the British magical world under his rule is currently in a prosperous state.

Finally, I would like to thank all sectors of society for their support of the award.

Before Levin fell completely asleep, the talk of the awards finally came.

But Fudge has another trick up his sleeve.

After praising Levin and Ciri, Fudge attributed this to the strong training of Hogwarts and the strong support of the Ministry of Magic.

A brief translation: Fudge shamelessly rubbed the honor of the two of them, and because he was afraid of being criticized, he dragged Dumbledore along.

Finally, before Levin hit him with a fireball in the face, Fudge finally (no money for it) started the awards ceremony.

Dumbledore came on stage at the right time and waved to the two of them.

In his hands were two exquisite boxes.

"."I am honored to announce that Mr. Levin Green successfully participated in subduing the dark wizard who tried to attack Muggles on the beach in Cornwall, successfully killed the adult chimera released by the dark wizard, and protected the people on the beach. A Muggle, he upheld the Wizarding Statute of Secrecy and was awarded the Order of Merlin, First Class Medal. "

"Ms. Cirilla Leanne successfully participated in subduing the dark wizards who tried to attack Muggles on the beach in Cornwall, protected the Muggles on the beach, and upheld the Wizarding Statute of Secrecy.

Awarded the Order of Merlin, Second Class. "

"Please invite the winners to come up to the stage to receive their awards."

Cornelius Fudge announced cheerfully, as if he had received a medal.

Dumbledore opened the box, and Fudge took out a gold medal with a green ribbon and brought it to Levin's neck.

Another second-level medal with a purple ribbon was placed around Xili's neck.

There were bursts of "clicking" sounds.

The scene was permanently recorded by the media present. .

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