
Chapter 112 Optimization plan

“You shouldn’t find a blacksmith for this kind of thing Do you want to do it?”

Sigmund stared dumbfounded at the man who started the melting furnace by himself, put the metal ingots of Elemental Silver into it and melted them into a liquid glowing with silver light, and then guided them into the shape of rune prototypes through magic.

“No, the enchantress with thin arms and legs taps the enchanter while casting the magic rune to activate affinity.”

The prototype of the rune, while replicated.

“I know…but this process just requires you to inject magic power into the furnace on the side. You don’t need to do the casting process yourself, just like this process. Replace it with the corresponding mold.”

“The blacksmith may sneakily copy the mold of the rune prototype. Once the prototype of the rune has been learned, the secret of the rune seal is at least 50% or 60% of the time is revealed, which is unacceptable to any enchanter.”

For the enchanter, in addition to the more than 200 general runes disclosed by the Star Council, other The Fengmo rune will never use molds to mass-produce prototypes. Because this is equivalent to spreading their own unique technology to the outside world, many enchanting shops rely on a few runes from family inheritance to survive, and exposing the technology is equivalent to smashing their own bowls.

The man said, the hammer in his hand was slightly biased, and the prototype of the rune was slightly smashed.

He let out a “tsk”, then threw the crooked rune prototype into the burning recycling bin to melt, and continued:

“But like this We will leave the failed products to remove impurities and refine them into metal ingots, so we will not waste time on this matter.”

But you have already wasted a lot of time by doing this. …

Sigmund thought, but didn’t say anything, just continued to record the other party’s work process.

After the prototype of the enchanting rune was forged, the enchanter went through several steps of processing and polishing, and then placed it in the center of the complicated array on the enchanting table. Immediately, the man put the magic crystal that stored pure magic power into the groove of the enchanting table, and finally lit the incense candle to soothe the soul.

After all the preparations were done, the man closed his eyes with both hands on the enchanting table.

The magic crystal in the groove gradually began to dissipate as a gray powder, and a bright streamer flowed from the magic crystal and filled the entire enchanting table. After the streamer lit up the thirteen focus points on the enchanting table array one by one, all of them finally merged into the center of the Enchanting Rune. With a dazzling but not dazzling rays of light flashing, a Enchanting Rune was created. finished.

Sigmund gestured to the inspector beside him. The man stepped forward and picked up the demon seal rune from the enchanting table. After careful inspection, he said:

“This No problem.”

“I’m lucky today, when the magic finally converges on the Stranger Seat, my mental state is still sober.”

The enchanter was sweating all over. said.

“What do you mean? Does it even have anything to do with constellations?”

Sigmund asked.

The other party asked in surprise:

“Don’t you know? The enchanting table imitates the arrangement of stars, and the magic crystal used as fuel imitates the realm of light. The magic rune symbolizes the present world. The purest magic power in the realm of light flows to the Star Realm, is refracted with different properties of magic power, and is finally guided and fixed into the present world – simulating this on a table. The process is the basic principle of enchanting.”

And this is also the main reason why William asked them to make the general enchanting rune with such a high defective rate.

As a general magic seal rune laid in Twilight Fortress, because the spell core inside the fortress basically needs the thirteen series spells, so the magic seal rune also requires the ability to circulate the thirteen series spells without Conflicts will occur.

This is a bit too high for the enchanters who make the magic seal rune. After all, under the law of the stars, they can only study three spells at most. Although through these ancient enchanting tables inherited from the Seven Kingdoms era, it is possible to convert between different properties of magic, but for those enchanters who have not mastered other properties of magic, this process is prone to errors.

After figuring out how enchanting works, Sigmund asked a question.

“Then can you only process the spell part you are proficient in the enchanting rune?”


After a week of in-depth work in the enchanting factory After researching and making detailed statistics on the frequency of defective products in the hands of each enchanter, Sigmund called all the enchanters for a meeting.

The location of the meeting is inside the enchanting factory. Earlier, Sigmund gave all the enchanters a day off, but today when all the enchanters came back, they found that the entire enchanting factory had been replaced. a look.

Previously, the entire enchanting factory was divided into many individual compartments according to the standards of the Thorn City Enchanter Guild. But now all the compartments here have been dismantled, and the small smelting furnace in each compartment has also been removed, and a standard blacksmith shop has been built instead at the entrance of the enchanting factory.

And the enchanting table is a group of thirteen, placed side by side in four columns.

“Although I am only a layman in the field of enchanting, I have an immature idea on how to improve the efficiency of the project. I hope everyone can experiment to see if it is feasible.”

Just the first sentence of Sigmund’s opening.

The enchanters present looked at each other in blank dismay, and they looked around the enchanting factory that had been changed beyond recognition, wondering if this Chief-In-Charge, who was not even a magic caster, had What an immature idea.

“I previously split the entire enchanting process into four major steps and twenty-two small steps, starting from Elemental Silver smelting and ending with the final quality check.”


He walked to the blacksmith shop at the door, then went all the way to the end of the enchanting factory, and then said to them:

“And I also sorted out your numerology constellations and the spell you are best at. Factions, and the frequency of defective products in each person’s hands. Based on this, a simple table is drawn. Next, only enchant the demon rune in the field you are good at, and then hand over the semifinished product in your hand. The next person will continue to work.”

Sigmund’s experience came from working in a slaughterhouse in his early years, and then when he was directing work at Silver Stream Mine, he also tried to follow each The miners’ physical quality and work efficiency are different, and they are assigned to each link to work together.

When he learned that the magic seal rune could be enchanted in batches, the first reaction in his mind was to split the parts that everyone is good at into separate links. , let a rune be processed in batches by thirteen people.

For those enchanters whose enchanting success rate is too sorry, they can be arranged to cast the rune prototype in the first step. Even they only use magic power into the furnace to activate the magic affinity of Elementium Silver, and the specific casting work can be handed over to the blacksmith master.

In this way, even the refining and recycling equipment for defective products can be moved here together. After defective products are found, they can be directly recycled and refined, and then put into the next production and production. A lot of unnecessary time loss.

It seemed like such a promising plan, but after Sigmund explained his idea to everyone, none of the enchanters present dared to move.

“Mr. Sigmund…”

The leader said deliberately.

“I still recommend that you discuss this method with the boss behind you, because this method of disassembling the complete process is a kind of nakedness to any researcher who seals the magic rune. provocative behavior.”

Thanks to book friends 20220116135129975, jerry _, Twilight of the Polaris, sj56454564 for the rewards, thank you very much! ! !

Thanks to all my friends for their monthly tickets, recommended tickets, and thanks to all readers for their subscriptions! ! !

Early to bed and early to rise tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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