
Chapter 209 Ravenwood

Awazhou’s alliance with the nascent Blackwater Province regime though There was no hype, but it soon spread throughout the empire, and lords everywhere were shocked by the audacity of the current leader of the Blackwater Province.

After usurping the throne of thorns recognized by the White House, instead of bowing to the bronze-crowned bearer, the man directly swept away the royal faction within the Rose Palace and took over the church in the Blackwater Province, Ignoring the blockade of the Star Council… It seems like a posture of completely breaking away from the control of the three giants of the empire.

If not for the fact that the Empire is mobilizing all its efforts to expedition to Awa, and making such a disobedient act, this new regime in Blackwater Province should have been pacified by the Legion of the Empire…

This is the perception of the overwhelming majority of the imperial burghers.

So when they heard that the new regime in Blackwater Province had allied with Awa, their first reaction was that the Blackwater people were really crazy.

If the previous behavior can barely be regarded as a contradiction within the empire, then at this juncture of the imminent war, the act of directly declaring an alliance with an opposing neighboring country can be said to be blatant. treason.

The “well-informed” citizens of the streets and alleys of Platinum City are all looking forward to the Empire’s invincible Legion to cross the borders of the Blackwater Province and bring the arrogant gang of people who still maintain the vice of primordial ancestor worship. The Blackwater savages were beaten to pieces and brought back the land of undead and curses to the rule of the Empire.

Even if most of them don’t want to, can’t, or won’t go to that damp and gloomy place in their lives.

“So what the hell did the royals of the Riel Empire think? I remember the two Legions on the Blackwater Marsh border haven’t been taken down yet, wouldn’t they just go south and invade?”

A gorgeous carriage pulled by four unicorns is now running on the official road to Emerald Province. This official road, called the Duke’s Avenue, has become extremely rugged due to the lack of maintenance over the years. Coupled with the unicorn’s Mercedes-Benz speed comparable to a supercar, if this is just an ordinary carriage, the people sitting in the car may even bump out the internal organs.

But obviously, this is no ordinary carriage. In other words, the person sitting on the carriage is not the ordinary person.

The silver rune swirling with airflow floated on the bottom plate and tires of the carriage. Under the stability of the storm system spell, the two people sitting in the car could not even feel the obvious vibration.

Hearing the question raised by the woman in the hunting suit beside him, he was leaning his head against the window and looking at the receding scenery outside the window, William slowly replied:

“There is a high probability not… Considering the close relationship between the upper management of the empire and Moon Realm, at least in their core ruling circle, the news of my return should be well known. Well, at least in a short time. They wouldn’t dare to attack Blackwater Marsh directly.”

Otherwise, after Moon Realm’s failed attempt to fuse planes with Blackwater Marsh, the two Legions at the border of the Imperial Army would not have Reason continued to let the weapon in his hand rust there.

“So that’s good news?”

Nezmaar, who had been sitting in front of William like a student, asked.

“Not exactly, didn’t you notice that the Moon Realm’s influence in the Blackwater Marsh area has been increasing recently? I guess they plan to use the Void King instead of attacking directly with martial power. Authority weakens the resistance under my command, confuses the kingdom I rule, and then they move on to their next plan.”

William replied.

“But even if you’re the only one in Blackwater Marsh, their fragile Legion is nothing to fear.”

Nezmaar said immediately.

In response, William smiled wryly and said:

“You are exaggerating, the other general is not a fool, he would be so foolish as to gather the army on the plain and let me Feel free to blast it with a wide range of spells. With the current Blackwater Marsh’s military power that is too stretched to deal with the arrival of the Moon Realm monsters, the Legion of the Empire only needs to dismantle the army into hundreds or thousands of squares with superpower users as the core, and continuously harass the town. With the countryside, cutting off supply lines to major cities is enough to bring down the now fragile Blackwater Marsh government.”

Speaking of which, this tactic was pioneered by The Last Watcher, William When looking through the history books, I found that the Riel Empire more than 800 years ago was based on this tactic.

They made their fortunes from this, and it makes no sense that they wouldn’t use it now.

If the other party can really pass the containment, blockade and the pollution of Moon Realm, the current Blackwater Marsh government will completely lose popular support. Then at the moment when the military force under Vincent disintegrates, the empire will launch a large-scale attack. At that time, no matter how strong William’s personal strength is, he alone will not be able to extinguish the flames that are lit everywhere in the territory.

But on the other hand, the other party would rather give himself more time to find a breakthrough port, and also give priority to guaranteeing the expedition plan of Avazhou, so as to obtain the right to interpret the eighth Holy Spirit event. This shows that the other party is still very afraid of William when it comes to competing for the ownership of the eighth Holy Spirit.

At least the other party didn’t dare to take the first step to bring William into the world as a fake Holy Spirit, and snatch the head of this propaganda war – this is obviously the favorite thing of the church in the past.

“Our current strength is still too weak. So we need new allies, and we must completely interrupt the other party’s plan to expedition to Ava.”

Looking at all Around the growing woods, William continued.

“So…that’s what your trip to Emerald Province is for? Try to work with those elves?”

Nezmaar hesitated after hearing William’s words asked.

William hearing this showed an unfathomable expression on his face, shook his head slightly and said:

“This is just one of the purposes.”

Actually, go to Emerald Province was the result of discussion with Remedios and the others at the first meeting after William established a covenant with Ava on behalf of the new The Last Watcher.

In the beginning, William’s reason for making a personal trip to Emerald Province was simple.

One is because William learned from Remedios that the Holy Tree in Ravenwood Forest, the World Tree, has been reborn in this millennium. And this Holy Tree, which contains an extremely powerful life force, can help him completely heal the wounds previously caused by the Hungry Lady.

The second is that William wants to visit the Sealed Temples in Emerald Province and find the priests there to bring back the Holy Spirit discs they have preserved. After all, according to his previous experience of fighting Moon Realm alone, this thing is really not too much as a trump card.

And that’s why William brought Nezmaar with him on this trip – as an elite executor of the former Eighth Order, she is well acquainted with the locations of the Sealed Temples in various places.

However, in the later discussions, William’s plan proposed by his whim was highly valued by all parties, and everyone was constantly looking for what this trip to Emerald Province could do.

For example, in order to solve the growing blight crisis in Blackwater Marsh, William can negotiate with the locals through this trip to Ravenwood to reopen the trade channel between the two regions and export Thorn City’s Exchange ore for food in the Emerald Province.

For example, the Imperial Expeditionary Forces are currently gathering in two ports in Emerald Province. After William heals his wounds, he might be able to visit there directly and give the garrison there. Bring some surprises from the past.

For another example, as Emerald Province, which is also oppressed by the imperial taxation and oppression of the imperial family, William can test the character and aspirations of its ruler, the Duke of Holy Tree. Maybe they can find an ally who is also willing to resist the tyranny of the empire.

In a nutshell, the second half of the meeting turned into a discussion about what to do in Emerald Province after William’s casual suggestion that he wanted to go to Emerald Province. .

There was a strange atmosphere that made William feel as if he had become the most hated company leader in the past. All he has to do is talk about a plan, and the people under him will demonstrate why the plan is feasible.

This feeling made William not dare to say another word. For the second half of the meeting, he just sat in the chair of the meeting with a stiff and mysterious smile on his face. .

“But Lord… Lord Judge, is it really good to try to accept a terrifying race like the forest elves as allies?”

After hesitating, Nezmaar couldn’t help it. asked.

“I heard that the forest elves even eat the flesh and blood of their kin, and make tattoos of people’s souls and inscribe them on their bodies.”

William heard this , couldn’t help stunned for a moment, then smiled and looked the head.

“It’s been more than a thousand years, didn’t expect this kind of misunderstanding is still so popular…”


Nezmaar is puzzled asked.

“Yes, misunderstanding. Believe me, in this world impossible there will be a more hobby and peaceful race than the elves.”

William seemed to think of something funny, smirked replied.

(End of this chapter)

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