
“Wait a minute, let me stroke…”

After listening to Flaro After speaking, William touched his forehead and said.

According to her statement, the original Ravenwood was a forest. Like the rest of the Vic continent, there are human tribes, and they have also discovered ceremony magic, which can initially tame the authority of the gods for their own use. However, due to the influence of the local environment, the silhouette of the “mother” observed by local humans is the image of the dark mother goddess that reflects the feature of “returning life to its mother”, so it was feared and abandoned by the locals in the depths of the forest.

Then, the ancestors of the forest elves landed in Ravenwood at a certain point of time. They carried the residual spiritual blessings and a magic system that was a dimensionality-reducing blow for most humans in that era. The bloody era of colonial rule began.

Under the pressure that the blessing of the spirit is about to dissipate, in order to find a new source of blessing and continue to maintain his long lifespan, the ancestors of the forest elves stepped into the depths of the forest. There, they found the image of the “Mother God” who had been forgotten by humans because of fear, and through ceremony magic, made him appear in the mythology on Camilla’s body.

In fact, this is also a transaction between the dark mother goddess and the elf colonists. The reborn “big mother” blessed the elves and turned them into forest elves. With the help of the outsiders of the forest elves, the eldest mother fulfilled her long-cherished wish to return all children to her mother’s body.

The matter should have ended here – the Ancient God, which emerged from belief, will immediately lose its value after completing its responsibilities. For the “big mother”, if all the humans in Ravenwood are dead, and while fulfilling her long-cherished wish to return all her children to the mother’s body, she also loses all her own believers. He should completely disappear in this world. right.

However, the forest elves did not kill the last Ravenwood to the last one because they hoped to continue to use the power of the “big mother”. They preserved those human trees forever, thus maintaining the anchor of the Big Mother’s existence in this world, allowing them to continue to utilize the power of this Ancient God.

The forest elves at that time probably didn’t think that this behavior was “a coincidence” that met the conditions for the birth of the Hungry Lady, the Void King… Of course, William felt that in this matter, he must There are other influences from external forces, and it’s probably the Void King who is fueling the flames. But anyway, the end result is that Hungry Lady Camilla was born.

The moment when the Void King was born again, crossed the past and the future to re-weave time, making him a god who exists in the world from start to finish. As a result, Ravenwood’s timeline was broken and a new origin was recreated… as if restarting the game for a new background origin.

Ravenwood’s past has been replaced by the land that has been polluted by the Hungry Lady since ancient times. At the time when Camilla was upgraded to Void King, it should be used as the cornerstone of his Moon Realm domain and brought back to Moon Realm… It should have been this way of development, but for some unknown reason, Cammy Ra did not choose to do so.

The origin stories of these two Ravenwoods both end at the point in time when the Hungry Lady was born, ending with Ravenwood’s total destruction – which has no impact on the future , but the Hungry Lady, with her power, forced both timelines to continue.

At this point, the ancestors of the forest elves were no longer the invaders who slaughtered the human aborigines, but the colonists who helped this land to disperse the undead pollution. They signed a contract with World Tree, believed in the “Big Mother” and “Father of the Wilderness”, and established the Oak Council… These things were eventually remembered by the world as the truth of history.

“In other words… until now, the whole of Ravenwood is still in a broken time? The two possibilities are developing side by side. In the probability we are in right now, Holy Tree Mother Is the continuation of the authority named Camilla in the mortal era; and in another probability, the Holy Tree Mother is a puppet controlled by the Hungry Lady?”

William concluded.

But how is this possible?

If so, according to the time of Hungry Lady’s birth, this time fragmentation spanned the four epochs of bronze, silver, gold, and platinum, that is, nearly six thousand years. The time that has lasted for more than 5,000 years is broken, and the two timelines have existed side by side for more than 5,000 years.

Be aware that the broken time will eventually come together.

It’s like completing the tasks in the game, you can choose to sneak in to assassinate, you can choose to force the unparalleled, and you can even use your own eloquence to fool… The way to complete the task can be a hundred flowers, and the specific execution details can have countless differences . But no matter what, time will eventually come to the end of completing the task.

In the case of different initial conditions, after nearly six thousand years of butterfly effect, William couldn’t imagine how the Hungry Lady would finally bring the two timelines together.

Is it all impossible to be hit by meteorites and turned into a sea of fire?

Probably seeing the confusion in William’s eyes, Flallo explained:

“History that is too far apart will naturally be cut out, and eventually it will become an empty fantasy. But you know, the other timeline is maintained by the Hungry Lady. The other timeline may be less than 5% different from the timeline we are currently experiencing. Therefore, the king of the Moon Realm can It’s easy to replace it with our present history, and it won’t cause too much paradox, at most it will leave some contradictory records.”

William continues to shock the head when he hears this.

Then this makes no sense. People in this world are not NPCs who are set to behave, they all have their own will. And self-will is the ultimate mystery comparable to creation itself. Even the Void King is impossible like manipulating a puppet, manipulating hundreds of millions of mortal life trajectories in more than five thousand years.

Maybe based on a mortal’s wish to “go out and see the world outside”, the trend of history can be completely rewritten.

The free will of mortals, which is not controlled by any gods, is the weapon that can really break the chains of the gods.

After William raised this question, Flallo suddenly let go of his hand on the staff and stood Spell in place.

She gently lifted her black veil, revealing a face that was too pale for a forest elf. Losing the cover of this enchanted jewelry, the rich Death Aura instantly swirled around her.

At the moment when she took off her veil, everyone in the room, except William and Ebony, turned their shocked eyes to her.

Such a rich Death Aura… Only the most high-ranking undead creatures are likely to emit.

Lich … The Duke of Holy Tree in Emerald Province is actually a Lich? What kind of imperial joke is this?

William knew the identity of the other party for a long time, so there was no reaction, only curious about which show she was playing.

But Ebony on the side also didn’t respond, until he noticed that all around became dead silent, and then noticed everyone’s shocked eyes, and then asked suspiciously:

“You guys. What’s the matter?”

Until then, Flaro looked towards William and said:

“In the timeline controlled by Hungry Lady, Camilla was promoted After becoming the Void King, under the pollution of the powerful Moon Realm, the entire Ravenwood has no living people. There is only a dead and desolate place, and wandering, decaying wandering corpses.”

After finishing speaking, she looked towards Ebony and continued:

“So, He manipulated countless undead, imitating the historical process of our timeline, and it has continued to this day.”


Flaro’s voice fell, and Ebony, whose face was getting more and more ugly since before, immediately said with a sinister face:

“Enough! You still want to cover up your crimes. What kind of bizarre lies are you making up? Do you want to say that I am an undead?!”

Wu Mu was shaking all over when he said this, not out of fear or nervousness, but simply restraining himself of anger.

Faintly discernable beast-spirit avatars formed around him. It can be seen that if it is not because of the clear recognition of the strength gap between the two sides, then the listener of the Holy Tree mother probably would have liked to rush directly to pull out the tongue of the other party rather than using language to refute.

“Without the Blood Moon game, how would we choose the heir to the father of the wild? If the will of the ‘big mother’ has already been deactivated, how did the forest elves resist the conquest of the Riel Empire?!”

“So, don’t try to use this kind of lame lie to influence Lord William’s judgment!”

Ebony said looking towards William, the expression on his face as if he was anxious to get his confirmation.

However, for Ebony, William opened the mouth slowly and said:

“In my time, your forest elves ancestors used the ‘big mother’ and ‘wilderness’. The power of the ‘Father’ dispelled the Hungry Lady’s attempt to descend. After that, both Ancient Gods stated that they would fall into a long slumber, and would not wake up again when the elves needed them again.”

After all, an important theme of this game is “the end of the age of the gods, the dawn of the mortal era is coming”. Before the end of the game, the era was basically fixed at the moment when the belief in Ancient God was abandoned and inactivated, the Void King of Moon Realm was isolated, the belief in Holy Spirit returned to its original rationality, and modern magic was systematized and about to be promoted on a large scale.

After expelling “Hungry Lady”, relying on the listener’s eldest mother, the last sentence left to all the forest elves was: “The time that belongs to you (mortals) has come.”

But after all, more than a thousand years have passed, and with Riel Empire fiercely driving a wave of historical reversal, William has basically made little progress on the current Ravenwood, but it is not too much. surprise. Rather, it is this style of painting that makes it so much better than Riel Empire.

For this reason, he always felt that Flaro, who was willing to cooperate deeply with the Empire, might be a better partner. From the point of view of the system itself, the secular structure of the empire is a little bit better than the belief system of the forest elves, which blocks the possibility of civilization.

At least not having to continue eating corpses.

Thinking of this, William looked towards Flaro and asked:

“I want to ask, after being there, the two ancient gods, the eldest mother and the father of the wilderness, have not woken up. Have you been here yet?”

Flaro nodded replied:

“Yes. Not long after you disappeared, the Oak Council also hoped to wake the ‘Big Mother’ For this reason, they found Mr. Neh, hoping that he could return the will of the ‘big mother’ by re-signing the original contract. Many things happened later… In the end, Mr. Neh almost succeeded, but also because of that time The attempt allowed him to glimpse another history of the manipulation of the timeline, thereby interrupting the ceremony. All I know now is through the analysis of the material left by Mr. Neh.”

“In other words, these documents were left with Neh’s legacy?”

“That’s it.”

Flaro’s expression was calm.


Ebony turned his head stiffly, he looked at William with a dead face, and said like a prayer:

“But… shouldn’t you be the one who exiled Hungry Lady to Moon Realm by the strength of oneself? Didn’t you reject the help of ‘Big Mother’ and ‘Father of Wilderness’ at the end, the incarnation of Hungry Lady who fought alone ?”

William pondered for a moment at this question.

The history that Ebony said is right and wrong.

Fighting against the boss battle of Hungry Lady’s incarnation in this world, there is a special mechanism that combines the plot. During combat, Hungry Lady will add a special status to the player that continuously deducts the maximum health and mana. If you can’t kill the BOSS within a certain period of time, the blood and blue bars will be forcibly reduced to an unacceptable level soon.

The assistance of the two Ancient Gods, the father of the wilderness and the mother, is reflected in the game to help players relieve those two special states.

The normal customs clearance process requires the blessing of two Ancient Gods to defeat the BOSS. However, the game developers also gave players who wanted to challenge themselves the option of refusing to bless and directly killing the past.

William remembers that those who passed the level would also get an achievement called “Scavenger”, which was less than 3% of the time.

And he first passed the high difficulty mode that refused to bless, and then he passed the level according to the normal process-in order to obtain a better sense of substitution, he finally chose to use the normal difficulty mode. Archive, continuation of the game flow.

After all, sacrifice and regret are part of the game.

But if it’s true as Flaro said, then it seems to make sense…

Maybe, if you choose a single solo cut-off archive, the original The non-existent timeline was taken by the Hungry Lady and shaped into the timeline where Ebony used to be?

Thinking of this, William shook the head looked towards Ebony.

At this moment, the other party looked towards William as if he had caught some life-saving straw.

“But, you rejected the help of the Big Mother and the Wilderness Father, right? The records passed down from generation to generation by the listeners are recorded like this…”

He desperately wanted William to prove that what Flaro had said was all nonsense.

“I did refuse their help and defeated the Hungry Lady’s incarnation alone…”

William slowly said.

Then he continued, before the other’s expression turned to joy:

“But I also accepted their help, and with them I defeated the Hungry Lady’s incarnation of nothingness.”

Looking at the ebony whose expression gradually stiffened, William said solemnly:

“And I finally chose this future and made it the present past.”

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