My Weird Life

Chapter 23: a sheep

   Chapter 23 A Sheep

   Lux (Ding's Curse Seal): With the blessing of this magic seal, under the circumstance of consuming a lot of food, it can continuously increase its own strength and strengthen its physique;

  When smoking and watching videos that are not suitable for children, the pain of amputation can be transferred without anesthesia;

   When fighting with other people, the more damage you take, the more your strength will increase;

   With the blessing of this mantra, it is easier for oneself to learn all kinds of fighting, fighting, and attacking skills, and the coordination of all aspects of the body is significantly improved.

  This spell can be improved by combining similar talents and spells.


   If talent is a single-pointed ability, the spell seal is a comprehensive improvement of a certain aspect of the individual.

   The gap between the line and the face.

   Obtaining the 'Lux' spell, Su Wu is equivalent to obtaining a permanent physique enhancement buff.

   Eating a lot can increase your strength and strengthen your body!

   Acquire Attacks Faster***!

   These two abilities alone made Su Wu feel that it was worth the fare.

   What's more, those talents that were integrated into the "Magic Seal" did not disappear, and their abilities were also reflected in the spell.


  Su Wu's heart is hot, and she can't wait to try the spell seal ability.

   But he resisted the urge and put his newly acquired 'Chevrolet Cruze' keys into the backpack on the table first.

  This key was pulled from the car in front of the restaurant in the future simulation.

   Even though the road behind was blocked by the car rubble, he and Jiang Yingying abandoned the car and walked without losing the key.

   I didn't expect it to appear in the items that can be brought out.

   In this simulation, Jiang Yingying handed over the 'emergency can' to Su Wu before she died, but it did not appear in the items that can be brought out.

  Because the big rooster is a living thing and the car key is a dead thing?

  The former cannot be copied, but the latter can be copied?

The    simulator's judgment on personal possessions is really a mystery, and it is completely impossible to figure out what its judgment rules are.

   But no matter what, since this key can be brought into reality, it should also be able to open the car at the door of the restaurant.

   In this way, even if there is an accident, there is no key in the car in front of the restaurant, so I am prepared.

  Su Wu zipped up the backpack, closed his eyes, and began to review the simulation in his mind.

  The comment at the end of the simulation is 'Darkness before dawn is always hard', which means that you have chosen the right path.

   Maybe you can get to a relatively safe area by passing through the encirclement of the group of 'corpses'.

  However, how to break through the encirclement of those 'corpses'?

  'The corpse' is relatively fragile by itself, and it is easy to beat them to pieces. But after turning into a pile of minced corpses, after reuniting, all aspects of strength will increase.

   They aggregate minced meat fast!

   They cannot be killed.

   The number of 'dead corpses' is unknown, and Su Wu saw 'deceased corpses' in tattered nurse uniforms and doctor uniforms.

   There were also several ambulances in the car rubble.

   Therefore, he speculated that the people who died in the pile of car rubble were later turned into corpses.

   The corpses buried in the pile of car rubble were roughly estimated to be hundreds!

  How can you smash all the hundreds of corpses in a short period of time, and escape from the gray fog before they converge?

   This is the key to breaking the game!

  Su Wu thought carefully in his heart, and gradually formed some ideas.

  If you want to smash hundreds of corpses in a short time, you need tools—all tools that can quickly cut and smash flesh and blood.

   Such as chainsaws, swords, gasoline, etc.

   He even thought about driving a big truck straight over it.

   But Su Wu then dismissed this idea.

  The wreckage of the car blocking the road is itself a part of this weirdness. Since it is blocking the road, it is clear that no vehicles will be allowed to pass.

   Weird power doesn't make sense at all.

   In this case, not to mention a big truck, but a tank, it’s hard to pass or pass!

   In addition to borrowing tools and forcibly opening a **** path, is there a second path to take?

  Su Wu racked his brains, but could not think of the second method.

   The faces of his two former colleagues, Xin Qiaoge and Wang Zhiyou, flashed in his mind, and a strong sense of disgust suddenly surged in his heart.

   These two colleagues made a lot of troubles for themselves in the company.

   "Sima thief!"

   "It's all corpses and you want to pull me into the water!"

  Su Wu clenched his fists.


lunch time.

  In the box of a restaurant outside Ping An Garden.

The waiter came in with a pot of tea, and when she saw Su Wu sitting alone in the main seat, she was stunned, then smiled and said, "The roasted whole lamb you ordered has been roasted, your friend hasn't come yet? ?

  Otherwise, I'll ask the back chef to wait for a while, and wait for your friend to come over before serving you food? "

   As she spoke, she poured tea for Su Wu.

  Su Wu shook his head: "Don't bother, just bring all the dishes."

   "Okay, I'll let the back kitchen serve the dishes." The waiter didn't ask more questions, and walked out of the box lightly.

   Not long after, the two apprentices in the back kitchen carried the iron rack on which the whole roasted lamb was strung, walked into the box, and brought the whole roasted lamb with a strong roasting aroma to the table.

   After that, dishes such as mutton soup, mutton oil buns, and spicy mutton blood were placed on the table like water.

  After everyone left the box, Su Wu cut off a leg of lamb with a knife, cut the leg of lamb well and ate it piece by piece.

   The unique aroma of mutton mixed with juice burst in his mouth.

   He didn't seem to eat fast, but in fact, within three minutes, the whole leg of lamb had fallen into his stomach.

  In the past, he was paid a monthly salary, and Su Wu would eat a roast lamb shank in this restaurant.

   The staple food plus a leg of lamb is just enough to fill him up.

   But this time, it only took him less than three minutes to solve the whole leg of lamb, and he did not feel the slightest satiety in his stomach, as if he had eaten a cloud of air.

  Su Wu didn't feel how hungry he was.

   But it seems that as long as he wants to eat, he can eat all the food at the moment.

   "The Lux spell can make oneself stronger and stronger by eating continuously, but it does not limit the amount of each meal.

   So, theoretically, I could eat even a cow if I wanted to?

   And the food I eat can be gradually transformed to improve myself?

   And if it is in the case of food shortage, can I maintain the same amount of food as ordinary people?

   This mantra is amazing! "

  Su Wu Nei thought about it, rolled up a sheet of suet and put it into his mouth.

  The warmth of silk that makes people feel comfortable all over the body surges from the abdomen, and then flows around the whole body.

  The muscles around his body were bathed in this warm current, and there was a slight tremor, and the loose flesh that had not been exercised for a long time gradually grew elastic.

   A sense of strength arises spontaneously from the body.

   Since the years of work, the healthy state that has rarely been seen has slowly returned.

   (end of this chapter)

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