My Wife, King Arthur

Chapter 195: Strong My Great England

Chapter 195 Strengthening My Great England

PS: Thank you for the reward of "Huang Yinglong" and "☆ fallen angel", to be honest, I was really scared when I saw the reward of fifty thousand starting coins ... Thank you for your support.

PS1: Thank you "Dark-Evil" and "Ibrahim" for the evaluation votes! Thank you, the three hundred evaluation votes were reached, and I'm in a good mood ~ Hehe ~

PS2: This is the end of the God Stick problem. I don't want Kay to become a "God Say" God Stick. Nobody in the foundation knows for thousands of years, so everyone will stop here.

PS3: Sure enough, England still needs a fleet to enjoy it!

Rocar raised his hand and shouted, "Turn the rudder! Turn the rudder!"

Suddenly, three or four fighters pushed the rudder hard, but slowly turned the rudder, and the hull began to move sideways.

It's not about leaving or fighting, it's Kailar's secret weapon— "Stone Crossbow !!!!"

The stone crossbow is not an arrow. It is soaked with tung oil for sixty days through the crossbows inlaid on the sides of the ship, and then twisted on the tendons. The tendons are soaked in fish glue and pine oil. Even ordinary people can't pull the bowstring, so there is something called a winch.

The winch is formed by a cross shape, one strong man on each side slowly pushes, and finally pulls the string to half open. This is almost OK. Reopening may increase the range and power, but it will cause damage to the bow string. This half-open state is enough to shoot a distance of thousands of kilometers. In this century, where only bows and arrows have a range of about 230 meters, this weapon can be said to be cross-era.

Of course, this weapon is not without its weaknesses. First, the loading interval is long, about 30 seconds or so, but it is not a problem in terms of his power, because a red-leaf battleship has eight stone crossbows on one side. A total of sixteen stone crossbows were added on both sides, and then there was the issue of ammunition.

东西 The east-west orbit is concave, in other words, it fires stone bombs. The requirements for this kind of stone bombs are very high. They must be mined and polished by intermediate-level stonemasoners, which increases the cost and time.

Maybe someone would say why not use metal? As long as the metal is melted, ammunition can be easily manufactured in batches using a mold.

But there is one thing that cannot be ignored: in this era of undeveloped mining industry, iron is very valuable. It goes to armor, sword, arrow head, spear, horseshoe, horse armor, and down to the mine pick. No shovel or plough, no huge iron is needed, Cameron was originally an island country, and it was impossible to waste iron on a large scale.

Plutonium lead is too heavy, which is a huge pressure on the load capacity of the ship, and bronze is even more than lead, so in the end, only stones from the mountains and mountains can be used for ammunition (Tucao, there are really many stones in England).

However, don't underestimate this thing. This thing was not made by Kailar, nor was it created by the wisdom of thousands of years later, but he proposed ideas, and his students completed it in three years. "homework"! !!

不要 Never underestimate the wisdom power of ancient people!

The stone crossbow has aiming, which is made of wood. Similar to the grenade launcher's aimer, it can be slowly aimed through experience. This is a very delicate setting. You only need to aim and you can hit it very accurately. Chinese counterpart, this method has improved the accuracy rate by at least 20 times!

All I saw was that after Rocar raised his hand, the sixteen strong men turned their winches in front of themselves nakedly and exhaled, and then the thick handle of the other baby's forearm turned to him. Once again, they were all strictly trained, stepping on the horns 2,1,2,1 and slowly pulling the huge stone crossbow halfway.

Because they are strictly trained, they finish at almost the same time.

瞄准 "Aim!" Five fingers spread out, Rocar yelled.

Suddenly a strong man squatted down and started to adjust with the sight.

"Two kilometers !!!" Rocar yelled, and gave the distance by eye measurement.

Increased two squares.

"Launch!" Rokal shook his hand fiercely.

Like a meteor, the person's head-sized stone bomb flew out with a sharp howling. This kind of speed plus mass is more than just a bloodshed!

石头 People who have been stoned know that the swelling and bruises should be fortunate. The blood flow in the head is medium, and the fracture of the tendon and brain is normal.

But the lethality that this stone brings after being accelerated by beef tendons is definitely not that simple!

I only saw that the barbarians hadn't responded yet. The six stones smashed directly into their cabins. The wood outside was directly broken, and the seawater was continuously poured in. What's worse, these stone bombs hit them. Fortunately, other stone bullets that did not go out are the most dangerous. After breaking the ship's wall, these stone bullets directly penetrated dozens of people, broke the head, or broke the sternum. ~ Those barbarians who just broke their hands and feet after rubbing should kiss the toes of lucky women and look at the companions around them. Meat puree! Meat puree! The blood mixed with the puree is like a piece of red mashed potatoes, so disgusting!

And the attack is not over, the ship may start to flood with water, and they may be able to rush out the water with a number of people, but there is more than one Hongye battleship!

Since the first test was successful, will the next wave of offense be far behind?

Hongye Ridge has at least a hundred or more. This is a mixed fleet. It is not just the Hongye big ship. It has fifteen big ships, sixteen stone crossbow, six hundred archers, three hundred marines, plus logistics. A total of 1,000 managers are deployed.

The medium-sized ship is thirty-five, eight gates (four on each side), two hundred archers, one hundred spearmen, and a total of four hundred logistics personnel.

Fifty small ships are divided into two types: one is a collision ship with long horns and thick skins, which is extremely fast, and the other is a very fast disturbance ship, except for the helmsman and sailor. More than fifty archers and arrows are used to shoot down enemies or suppress enemy ships, both of which should be close to the attack and can be regarded as frigates.

Twenty-six rounds of crossbow fired at the same time, there may be a lot of falling into the water, but more often through the scope and skillfully shoot the enemy ship accurately.

More than fifty keel ships were like fragile eggs. They could not be blocked. They were directly broken. However, they saw the sea water pouring inward, and many of them suffered more than thirty keels. The ship sank directly and slowly, and the consequence of the sinking of a ship of this quality was a huge vortex. Even the barbarian who wanted to swim away at this time was slowly sucked in by the huge vortex and buried under the sea. ...

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