My Wife, King Arthur

Chapter 259: New articles

Chapter 259 New Chapter

Chapter 259 New Chapter

ps: Yesterday I went to update my sage master. The whole person was mad. I did n’t write anything here. Do n’t blame ...

ps1: Hey, go to the q group less frequently, and delay all kinds of time ...

ps2: Sorry everyone, no face to ask for votes.

ps3: Now comes the exciting part.

After taking a lap on the island, Kailar recorded a few important points and kept them. Rocar will be the lord here. As a naval general, he is already a lord and can already have his own territory. This time it is just a good exercise. Let me have a look. In addition, he is indeed a better navy director in this respect. Kailar gave him considerable autonomy, including taxation here, the establishment of naval bases, shipyards, and weapons workshops.

These are very taboo. The main reason is that the lord does not like to give these rest to others, but Kaylar is fine.

Kailar even allowed him to have the right to attack on his own initiative, and to see troops on the mainland and the opportunity across the coast to send troops. This is a great power. In the future, both people will understand that if the battle is settled, this right will be taken back. However, Rocal was still very excited, this is Kaylar's heavy trust in him.

Kailar puts this glory and responsibility on his shoulder and is about to leave, but before that, Kailar used his rich experience to map the terrain of the island and what should be used in it. The most important thing is that Destroy the ecological chain on the entire island.

As a conqueror and consumer, humans are still a vulnerable group in this world. In order to protect the ethnic group, Kailar will not eat pork and beef while calling the environment while being like hypocrite in later generations, and even more disgusting is driving Large-displacement cars are constantly air-conditioned for 24 hours.

What they do to the earth is many times worse than the threat to wildlife in their time!

After this, Kailar embarked on a journey back.

When returning, all the sixteen large crossbow guns on the Red Leaf Ship were removed. The bare side of the ship seemed very ugly, but Kailar was in a good mood. After all, a chess piece had been laid up, and the next step was direct. Tactical issues.

"Master Kai, is this really okay?" Sailors were more nervous than Kailaer's leisure. They all held crossbows, and two or three people looked over the mast, which was lost for them. The loss of the long-range strike means the loss of the crossbow gun, but Kailar is on their ship, what is the reason for this inexplicably weakened sense of crisis!

The captain is a middle-aged man named Balot. He was born as a fisherman. He is a famous tough guy nearby. After being recruited and trained for six months, he is already a qualified captain. With an inexplicable puzzlement on his face: "Why do you have all your crossbows removed with your ingenuity? You should know that this is the fundamental reason for us to settle down."

Now that Kailar, who easily discards his attack power, is like a fish on the chopping board, but Kailar is not worried at all. Why?

"Captain." Kaylar leaned on the bow of the ship with a smile and looked at the huge waves on both sides. "Before the crossbow appeared, did you not always fight with bows and arrows? You have the best crossbow in the world. Why should you be afraid of the same attack? "Kaylar asked with a smile.

The captain, who was suddenly awakened, saluted Kaylar heavily, then turned to the sailors and screamed with anger: "Ghosts! Cheer me up, tammd, what happened without the crossbow? How and no Have you eaten enough? Set sail for me and go home at full speed !!! "

"Yooah !!!" Although I don't know why the captain suddenly rose up, but everyone responded with a roar. The sea was very windy, so almost everyone would not whisper, plus the big ship, almost speaking It all depends on howling.

Facing the roar of everyone, Kailar leaned on the bow of the ship with a calm smile on his face, like a special seat. Gradually out of his mind, he had spread his thoughts thousands of miles away.

What is Lancelot thinking?

I guess I think a lot?

"Hurry up! Hurry up!" Lancelot stood outside the smithy's door, anxious in his heart, and the sound of iron hitting like a sledgehammer knocked on his heart.

Pieces of weapons were manufactured and sent out with heat, but they were not comparable to the large-scale weapons that Kailar used for hydraulic stamping at the same time, let alone dragon scale guns. These weapons It was just a weapon made by the apprentice of the mad blacksmith Asda, with a large sword and a spear.

Since the broad-edged sword was manufactured, no one has played with the foil to take things. Although that thing has a blade, at most it will cut a piece of skin. The tough guy can bear it. There is no use on the battlefield. The wide-edged sword is different. Leather armor is a one-size-fits-all tool, and it is very easy to use when facing people with enough light armor.

The spear is a good thing.

There is no distinction between guns and spears in the West. Although guns require technology because of soft guns and spears are pure heavy weapons, there is no such thing in the West. Western spears are divided into spears and short spears, and Macedonian infantry are assembled in squares. The long version is about two meters and five meters long. It is very hard and long. It is made of hardwood wooden poles. The Romanian heavy infantry's spear array uses short rods. The full distance was 150 meters. This distance was very scary at the time. Ordinary bows and arrows were not comparable. (Here we explain why the world record is only about 100 meters but it can shoot with heavy armor here. By 150 meters, many people have forgotten one thing: the physical fitness of the ancients is much better than that of modern people. One is to exercise in farmland from a young age, eating pure natural videos, and the other is ancient People are really better than modern people!)

Of course, Lancelot's territory still can't produce such good weapons now, and can only use inferior products to deal with the exception of his friends, Yasda's fine products are a few more weapons.

Lancelot began to learn the appearance of Kailar after coming to his territory, but because he was too heavy on force, he gave up the cultural course and brought more than twenty Knight attendants directly, which is equivalent to him Future generals, and Asda brought more than forty blacksmith apprentices. It is really equivalent to a blacksmith factory.

But this is no better than China. China had an assembly line system during the Great Qin Dynasty, and because of the strict laws, the artisans were numbered. Anything that went wrong on the battlefield would strictly find the artisan at the source and punish them with torture.

Therefore, the weapons of the Daqin Army are always the fastest, the best, and the highest quality.

The current forging technology can only rely on the craftsman's own skills and technical manufacturing. Where is this speed faster?

Moreover, besides this open-air iron ore, there are no talents for prospecting minerals in the vicinity of the minerals. Where is the talent cultivated by Kailar for ten years, looking at the mines, cultivated land, nautical and manufacturing , Everything, where can he build a decent power in just a few months?

It is entirely Lancelot's selfishness to be able to start building workshops as self-sufficient as he is now, and he can directly use the weapons, forages, and even everything that Nero provided him.

But he understands that in this world, he has no place in the world and has no right to speak. As long as he gives his lifeline to Nero and develops habits, his future has almost no future except for a lord. Already.

How can he tolerate such things?

Not only that, who can guess his ambitions? How could Lancelot, hiding his ambitions so easily, give in?

Although the 3,000 men in his regiment still use weapons provided by the Roman Empire, he has already begun to provide himself with weapons and equipment.

This was the first step in his ambition.

Stroking and carrying his warm weapon, he couldn't help laughing out loud.

Just when he was full in this car, Kailar had returned to Carmelo.

"I'm back." Altria's five thousand knights neatly lined up ready to go.

"Welcome back." Altaria responded with a smile to Kylar.

"So, Lily, give orders." Caryler said with a smile and took two steps to stand behind her and said softly.

"Um." Altria was wearing her cloak, but she didn't have that kind of velvet cloak. Now that the weather is so hot, she still wears her velvet cloak.

"In the name of Altria_Arthur!" She raised her sword and shouted, "Landing in Brussels! Official start! Boarding !!"

"Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooahs ..." Horns of horns came, and the knights slowly walked into the ship with the sound of drums and horns. The giant red-leaf ship docked on the shore, the lower the rank The more occupied the lower level, and the higher ranks occupied the upper level.

The bottom two floors are for horses.

This is standard equipment for Carmelo.

The knights are the guards ~ ~ It seems that the infantry standing on the big ship may not adapt to the waves. Although the knights standing on the ship will not be seasick, they do have great obstacles.

And they did not land for combat. They used cavalry to harass the enemy.

No matter how strong the horses are, after a few hours of bumping at sea, they will slap like eggplants beaten by frost. After they land and let them fight, it is really a death.

And even if the infantry is able to lift a spear even after a few hours of sailing, it is more complete and hardworking than a knight. It is no wonder that Kaylar pays attention to these infantry with no background.

The knights watched the infantry on the ships next to the infantry who entered the ship in turn. It is the sky to carry a maximum of two hundred knights on a boat, and two people on a horse. But the other side can carry 800 people, let alone who chooses this proportion, let alone defense, not to mention the use of knights in the building, and the defense of huge territory is even more cumbersome.

This is why the country with a huge territory does not pay attention to cavalry.


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