My Wife, King Arthur

Chapter 313: Death of Dracula (8)

Chapter 313 Death of Dracula (8)

ps: It's a little bit cold today. I didn't want to come out of the bed in the afternoon and it turned out a little late.

ps1: Let me write 2000 words within 12 o'clock!

ps2: The scum is so embarrassed to say something to me? My exercise is dozens of times! !! !!

"The first echelon attacked!" The roar of the Macedonians was passed on one by one by the commanders.

Aleksander, who has learned Kailar to build a high platform, has only built a high inclined platform with hundreds of woods because of time problems. The height of the platform on such a **** is amazing, although it can only rise above the other side of the wall And it is very long-distance, so it is not very helpful to the entire operation except to do the command to the army.

But only a conductor like Alexander could understand what such a high platform represented.

A clear career is as comfortable as an arm's smooth ride and control of the situation.

This invention is simply amazing.

Alexander's heart suddenly hated iron and steel, and with the talents of Kailar, the two of them worked together to lay the foundation of eternal life, but Kailar had to compete with him, and the power of life was used to this grandeur. Although he enjoyed the victory, he would inevitably have a regretful mood in it. What if all these were used?

Maybe some people think that war is shock to shock, whichever wins through the opponent first.

That's right. But it is limited to small battles with less than 30,000 people.

Before the Song Dynasty, wars of more than 30,000 people China had never lost to the nomads of the past, Wei Qing, Huo Qubing, Chen Tang, Gan Yanshou, Zhou Bo, Zhou Yafu.

These celebrities were able to beat the Huns with more wins and fewer fights. In addition to their stellar commanding talents, the Huns had Wang Tingdan who gathered the troops together and dispatched them together. One more thing is the logistics of the Huns.

The Huns have a strong personality. Fighting fiercely and fearing death, most of the Han Dynasty was harassed by the Huns in a tribe of thousands of people. But since the Huns began to gather in large-scale battles with the Han Dynasty was the ultimate cause of their decline. The Huns who did not have a civilian official even gathered people together with a single tribe, but in the end it was just a tribe. As for the country ...

Self-sufficiency cannot supplement the country that needs to be plundered!

It is also because of logistical reasons that the logistical needs for combats of more than 30,000 people are relatively large.

Let's calculate it. Modern people eat seven or two grains a day. This is in the case of vegetables and meat. If you eat food alone, it will be doubled. It is directly counted as 2 pounds.

2 catties of food a day.

Then 30,000 people consume about 60,000 kilograms of food every day. This is one day.

Then 100,000 people are 200,000 catties.

How many people will be required to pull 200,000 catties of food?

We count directly as a horse and cart team. A chariot team of 1200 Malayan. A Mongolian horse that is specially used to carry weight can pull 80 kilograms of grain, and it only takes one trip to pull all the grain to the front line.

Well, here is another calculation problem, a horse and cart team, horses, fewer people, and five hundred people. So how much food does a hundred and two hundred horses and five hundred people need each day?

Believe me, in Hyundai, there are all kinds of transportation vehicles, and modern roads with good road conditions are all covered with cement. You definitely can't figure this out!

This is a consumable mathematical problem.

Then this is just the food needed by 30,000 people.

When 30,000 people have expanded to 250,000 people, the daily food dispatch is astronomical! !!

Why not say that Cao Cao's ability to set the world is definitely the first thing he does. The military rations he mobilizes for Cao Cao every day are absolutely the biggest contributor to Cao Cao's ability to carry out various conspiracy tricks on the front line!

In the face of such huge military needs, Alexander is very difficult every day.

Although he has Aristotle's connections in Greece. Many scholars are willing to make a good birth for him, but such a large demand is only 250,000 servants!

There are also 60,000 elite Macedonian infantry. They eat much better than 250,000 people and are much richer. After all, they are Macedonian citizens!

So when various problems piled up in front of Alexander, Alexander's "not allowed to retreat" was not only an eagerness to break the city, but also not necessarily the cruel idea of ​​reducing food consumption.

This is war, cruel war!

Ride on your warhorse. Only in Raymond's mind did he think that he looked back at his army. Ten thousand cavalrymen stood neatly. Among them, three thousand men became thirty men. A cavalry detachment of a small team scattered as a scout five kilometers away If there is any problem, it will be reported immediately. The news will be sent back in fifteen minutes as the source of information. The scout in that direction was unplugged.

If anyone can lead an army or squadron like this directly to Alexander's logistic camp, these 10,000 people will lose their heads!

The army is the army, and there is no rigorous "approximately" or "probably"!

The Alexander cavalry, on the other hand, was waiting very closely behind the Macedonian infantry.

This is standard. A strong 40-year-old male Macedonian is used as the first three strong men, followed by some light infantry with a short sword of 30 to 20 strength and little war experience who are ready to attack the incoming knight.

In this way, as long as the front row blocks the charge, the cavalry behind the wings will hug the enemy who rushes to pieces. Divided into pieces!

And the reason why Dracula was stubborn and stubborn, to tell the truth, even an additional 20,000 Roman heavy infantry was useless.

Everyone knows this question.

But the reason why Dracula was so determined to be able to carry on with reinforcements was because he saw Alexander's logistics problems.

As long as you persist, it must be Alexander!

Because Rome's endless resources brought absolutely more to Bia Alexander.

In addition, there are only 200,000 people in his city, and the food has not been eaten since the last autumn harvest. After the 50,000 people left, it was not only trust that they took away, but also greatly relieved the food pressure.

So as long as it persists, Alexander cannot have 9 months to attack.

Drag on, drag on is victory!

This is Dracula's last glimmer of hope.

But he far underestimated Alexander's decisiveness and thorough understanding of the problem.

So on the first day, 30,000 Arabs gave Dracula a loss.

It was a strong shock from the beginning! !!

[Macedonian citizen] Status! Three levels of loot! There is also a reward for being promoted to three ranks and five ranks!

Just these few points are enough to make people desperate, not to mention that there is an emperor who once said that anyone who has fallen back will be beheaded.

The 60,000 Macedonians were not here to siege the city, to watch the show, but to kill back and supervise the 250,000 coalition forces of all ethnic groups!

The reason why such a miracle-like thing can be achieved is a thing called [prestige].

Because of his prestige, Cao Cao's crusade against Dong Zhuo could gather the seventeenth road princes to make alliances. Because of his prestige, Ran Min still remembered his achievements even after the Wuhuranhua era. No one recorded it for thousands of years. Therefore, the white horse Chen Qingzhi just scared the 100,000 Hu people into attacking the white horse. After the death, the Hu people came to commit crimes, and 3,000 people wore their white clothes to scare the 100,000 Hu people back 30 miles.

This kind of thing is called prestige! !!

Alexander's prestige is unimaginable in this era.

He was very powerful. After the death of his father Philip II, he raided twelve autonomous territories that wanted independence in Macedonia and Greece overnight.

He said that his father Philip II was killed by the Egyptians.

So he expeditioned to Egypt and broke the Holy Legion of Thebes in World War I.

Egypt destroyed.

He said that the Arabs were not very good, and they always harassed his herdsmen, so 20,000 Macedonian elite infantry broke the Arab machete.

He said that the Persian scimitar is good, and I didn't ask you how to make it, so I directly burst the Persian chrysanthemum.

He was exploded several times by more than 20 Persian nations on the savannah, and no one dared to make a fart.

Perhaps the predominant side of Rome did not feel enough about Alexander's prestige.

But which one heard the prestige of Alexander the Great from both sides of the sea of ​​love to the distant desert? Which one didn't change?

Which one is not willing to drive such a hero?

I am afraid that the greatest pressure is Hannibal's King of Carthage on the other side of the sea of ​​love?

He could feel the admiration of Alexander on the African side, but he did not dare to move.

If Alexandria really dominates Africa directly, I am afraid that a large number of people will fall in the wind.

This is called prestige!

Thirty thousand Arabs were covered with white gingham to prevent the violent sun and then wore a machete in their robes ~ ~ The other hand rushed towards the wall with a shield.

Thirty thousand Arabs are as dense as a white ocean, and you can only see the edge vaguely with your 2.0 eyes!

Some of them rushed straight up with a thin siege tool like a ladder!

Defensively, Dracula didn't expect them to be so pure. They even rushed straight up regardless of the large siege equipment. Is it really okay to hold a small round shield?

The Romans were frightened, and saw that they rushed within thirty meters before they reacted and opened their bows or picked up throwing spears.

But within this distance, the opponent almost set up the ladder within a few seconds and rushed up.

In the first wave of attacks, the battle fell into a white-blade battle! !! (To be continued)

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