My Wife Poke Me

Chapter 776: On the wedding day, the bride was taken away by the police

This Fang Hui is so angry, but what can I do?

Fang Er was very afraid that this incident would affect her marriage contract. However, until the incident happened, Xiang Jichen never expressed any dissatisfaction with her or wanted a marriage contract.

This made Fang Er, who was originally worried, slowly relax her mind, especially when she heard that Wen Zhu had gone abroad, as if she planned to settle for a long time and never return.

This is unfortunately good news for Seoul. As soon as Wen Zhu left, even Xiang Jichen thought about her, the two sides of the strait were only so far away, and they would slowly forget it.

Of course, this is only what Fang Er thought.

Another day was her wedding with Xiang Jichen, and outside rumors about the Fangs group did not affect her at all.

Fan Er still went with her friends to try on wedding gowns and do nail shopping together.

The company's affairs must not affect her daughter's wedding, so Fang Hui also dressed up to attend the wedding day.

Fang Er has also put on a wedding dress that her grandfather customized for her personally, and the makeup stylist for her smiled and praised, "Miss Fang is really suitable for this wedding dress. It's so beautiful."

Another stylist also followed: "I also believe that when Mr. Xiang sees it, he will definitely feel amazing."

Fang Er was very helpful when she heard the compliment. She said, "Thank you."

After finishing the styling, Fang Er waited on the bed before the couple had arrived.

After all, it was her first marriage, and she was inevitably nervous, and could not help but call Xiang Jichen.

She hit twice, but no one answered.

Seeing this, the stylist interjected, "Maybe Mr. Xiang is busy rushing here, so I don't have time to answer the phone."

Fang Er think about it too, Achen must be on her way now to pick her up, no time.

She was bored and started chatting with her girlfriends.

At this moment the bedroom door opened and several policemen came in. One of the policewoman said, "Miss Fang, we suspect you are involved in a kidnapping case and a murder case, please come with us."

Fang Er's complexion changed, and she hid her emotions and said with a smile, "Are you guys wrong?"

The policeman said solemnly: "Is there anything wrong with you going to the police station to confirm with us?"

After saying this, Fang Er cuffed her without waiting for her response.

Fang struggled, "Let me go, do you know who I am--"

The police seemed to have heard her and took her away.

The stylist and bridesmaids in the bedroom are scared. You look at me and I look at you.

Fang Hui was also taken away by the police, the same as Fang Er's charges, but with one more tax evasion.

The wedding had not yet started, and the bride and the bride's father were taken away by the police, which caused a stir.

The celebrity circle in Beicheng is so big, and the entire Beicheng has spread in less than half a second.

Inside the police station

Fang Er was still wearing a wedding dress, and she said in her heart not to panic and fear that it was false. "Do you have any evidence to arrest me like this? Do you know what it is to smear me?"

The policewoman threw a copy of the material in front of her, "Look at it yourself."

Fang Er was handcuffed, and a policeman came over to help her open all the information.

The first was a case of Wen Zhu's abduction, and the second was a death.

Fang Er's eyes stared at the content, her face was very white, she kept shaking her head, and murmured in her mouth, "Impossible, impossible-"

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