My wizarding career begins on Earth

Chapter 127 Strength (two in one)

Early next morning.

On the balcony of the bedroom on the third floor, Lu He finished meditating and looked up at the sky. The sun had just emerged. It was still early and he did not hear the seven o'clock morning bell.

He decided to walk around the entire castle first to get familiar with the environment.

Along the lawn path, he began to walk slowly between buildings and buildings, comparing them with the remaining memories.

Buildings are large or small, and have different functions. Some are guest rooms, some are storage rooms, and they are also used for various purposes such as storage and reception.

Lu He spent twenty minutes, from slow to fast, quickly walking around the entire castle.

The servants of the manor have gotten up early, cleaning, feeding horses, washing clothes...

The guards began their morning exercises.

I met a lot of people along the way, and they all bowed respectfully when they saw Lu He.

clang! clang! clang!

Three melodious morning bells rang.

Lu He looked up at the tallest bell tower, where there was a vague person ringing the bell.

He turned around and strode towards the main building in the middle.

It's time for breakfast.

Only he and three beautiful ladies sat opposite each other on a rectangular wooden dining table.

They are the three wives of Sauron's father. They are dressed in red aristocratic clothes with black edges. They look like they are in their thirties or forties. They are all beautiful in appearance and each has his or her own merits.

This is the current core member of the Soros family in this estate.

Zoro's generation only has his sister who married outside the family, and his father's generation has only one person.

There were two people in my grandfather's generation, but they had separated from the Soros family for some reasons.

Looking at the sumptuous food neatly arranged in front of him, Lu He could only sigh that the life of the nobles was so luxurious.

Butler Jose and several servants stood aside. Lu He looked at the stubborn old man and invited him to eat together. The old man refused with a smile.

He didn't force it. In many cases, rules have their own meaning. If you don't have the strength to override the rules, it's best not to break them, as it may harm yourself.

Lu He didn't like to talk while eating, so there was no other sound at the table except for the clinking of silverware and plates.

Just when breakfast was about to end, Mrs. Hannah put down the tableware in her hands and looked at Lu He across the way anxiously.

Master Zoro, I want to go live with Holly for a few days, is that okay?

The third lady on Hannah's left, Qiong Di, also stopped when she saw this, and looked at Lu He expectantly with her beautiful eyes.

Lu He did not answer immediately, but cut off a small piece of cooked beef and looked at Butler Jose aside.

The old man's face was expressionless, as if he was letting him make the decision.

After thinking about it, Lu He shook his head and said, Let's talk about it after a while.

Holly is Sauron's half-sister, married to an earl from the southern coastal province of the Crescent Empire.

After hearing Lu He's answer, Hannah's face flashed with disappointment, she stopped talking, lowered her head and ate silently.

The tradition of the Soros family is that direct men have all the say, and women, even the matron, do not have much power or status.

Lu He knew what they were thinking. Their only support in this family was gone, and they wanted to leave the Soros family.

The social atmosphere of the Crescent Empire is very open. If the husband is gone, the wife can choose to remarry or stay at home, but the prerequisite is the consent of the new head of the family.

But Lu He refused. He had not straightened out the family affairs yet, so it would not be too late to wait before letting them go.

He still had some doubts about the death of the original owner.

He studied this curse carefully, and it can only be said that it is relatively low-end and requires some special media on the cursed object to be cast, such as blood, hair, etc.

The original owner is an extremely self-disciplined person. He basically doesn't go out to fool around except at school. The people who can get these things are most likely family members or classmates.

So, wait.

After breakfast, Lu He returned to the bedroom and changed into looser training clothes.

Open the box in the corner and take out a long sword in a black scabbard. The edge of the sword is inlaid with a crescent moon. The scabbard is also engraved with exquisite and mysterious curved lines, which means that the sword comes from the other side of the Crescent Empire. of the Byzantine Kingdom.

Come to the training ground.

Mark waited early. In fact, it was quite hard for him. He had three jobs: guard, coachman, and sparring partner.

The main reason is that everything he has now is given by the Soros family, and he has to endure it no matter how hard or tired he is.

Of course, the Soros family did not treat him badly. Not only did they give him strength, they also gave him wealth and status that far exceeded that of ordinary people.

Master Sauron, if you are ready, we can start. On the empty training ground, Mark stood with his sword in hand.

This training ground is for the exclusive use of the owner, so there are only two of them in the training ground the size of two basketball courts.

Hearing Mark's question, Lu He nodded, indicating that he was ready.

Master Zoro, let's practice the Kotein-ryu swordsmanship we learned last time to see what else you haven't mastered, and then we can practice in actual combat.

Even though Mark is only a high-level knight attendant, only one level higher than Lu He, he has stayed at this stage for nearly ten years. He has experienced hundreds of battles and has already mastered the swordsmanship of various schools. As a whole, in terms of single swordsmanship, it is no worse than some extraordinary knights.

The reason why there has been no breakthrough is that it is too difficult to make the leap from Knight Squire to Knight rank.

Lu He recalled the memories in his mind, then pulled out the long sword from its sheath, and swung it casually, and a cold light flashed in the air.

He took a half-step forward with his right foot, bowed his foot, and held the sword in his hand flat in front of his chest.

Seeing Lu He's standard movements, Mark was not surprised. Gutingliu swordsmanship is not a very advanced swordsmanship, and the movements are not complicated. For those with strong physical control, they can copy the original moves as long as they practice diligently.

Lu He's mind was highly concentrated, and all the muscles in his body were trembling slightly at an undetectable degree.

Suddenly, the tip of the sword pierced out like a black line, and a sense of fighting arose.

The figure advanced rapidly with flashing steps, and the long sword suddenly tore through the air and stabbed into a space in front of him.

A cold light flashed from the tip of the sword, flowing backward along the sharp blade. At the end of the attack, the long sword pressed down majestically!

When the sword edge quickly approached the ground, he rushed forward again, turned the pressing sword into a dragging sword, raised it with his backhand, and created a stunning arc of light.

Mark nodded with satisfaction. These moves already had the essence of Gutingryu swordsmanship.

Lu He could clearly feel the movements of his body. The heat in his stomach surged to all parts of his body, the blood flowing from his heart beat rapidly, every inch of muscle stretched and contracted, and every organ was running in an orderly manner.

He constantly adjusted his movements when drawing his sword to find the most suitable training method for him.

As an anatomy expert who is proficient in the subtle structures of the human body.

As a fighting master who is proficient in various fighting techniques.

As a weapons master who is proficient in various long and short weapons.

As an innovative expert who combines martial arts with knights.

To him, this way of exercising his body was like Zhang Fei eating bean sprouts.

Sweat quickly wetted his clothes, and a large amount of invisible heat evaporated from the pores.

Brave sword moves appeared in Lu He's hands, and a complete set of Gutingliu swordsmanship was unleashed over and over again.

It doesn't have the grace and grace of a swordsman, and it doesn't have the agility and grace of a swordsman. Instead, some of its movements are ugly, sometimes like a clown waving a stick in the air.

Mark didn't shout to stop, but instead had a solemn look on his face, which made him secretly shocked.

He could see that Master Zoro's Guting-ryu swordsmanship had gradually deviated from its original normal routine.

The angles and strength of some moves have been greatly adjusted, and the entire set of swordsmanship has been changed beyond recognition. If he hadn't been very familiar with it and could vaguely see the shadows in it, he might have thought it was another set of swordsmanship.

But the overall feeling that Master Sauron gave him was extremely harmonious, smooth, and natural. It seemed as if this set of swordsmanship was tailor-made for the young master.

In just ten minutes, he was keenly aware that the strength and speed of Master Sauron's sword had increased a lot.


This is the physical body being strengthened by this exercise!

Mark's mouth has grown wide and has not been closed for a long time. According to this speed of getting stronger, it may take a month, or even two or three weeks, for Master Sauron to reach the level of a high-level knight squire!

He was shocked but at the same time he was filled with doubts. What happened to Master Sauron? Compared with before, his whole person seemed to have undergone earth-shaking transformation.

In the past, although the young master was very talented in training, he learned swordsmanship quickly and practiced it methodically.

But how is it like now, when I understand the inner essence, I don't stick to the external moves, I can move as I want, I have relaxed control over my body, and I'm exercising just right.

Even he can't achieve this level of silkiness. No, it should be said that it is far from enough.

Could it be that the death of the head of the family stimulated him, or was it that the boy was just the same every day, and then suddenly enlightened?

Mark thought for a long time, shook his head, and didn't go into details anymore. Such a change is a good thing after all.

Lu He frowned and stood with his sword in hand. He was not very satisfied with the current speed of physical enhancement.

A rough calculation shows that I have just practiced about ten times, and my body has not strengthened even half a level. It is a bit awkward to be used to the speed of high-speed rail before, and suddenly switch to a bicycle.

Alas, I have to find a way to quickly improve my physical fitness and break through to the knight level after reaching the limit.

If the body wants to reach its limit, it must absorb energy and then exercise to strengthen various organs.

At present, he feels that what affects this process is mainly the attraction of energy. The strengthening speed is good, but the speed of absorbing the energy in food through the stomach is too slow.

When he was on Earth before, he directly absorbed the energy of animals and plants, but now there is an additional step in the process.

After thinking for a moment, Lu He shook his head. He looked at Mark aside and said, Mark, let's start sparring.

Master, don't you need to take a rest first? Mark was stunned and said with his mouth closed.

He felt that the young master must have exerted a lot of physical energy just now, and wanted him to rest for a while.

But little did he know that this state was what Lu He thought was the best state. His whole body was already active, and his various senses became more acute than usual.

So in response to Mark's kindness, Lu He just shook his head slightly and said, Let's get started.

Seeing that the young master insisted on starting, Mark no longer insisted. He pulled out the sword hand and raised the sword with its sheath.

You first.

Lu He wanted to see how strong Mark was.

Mark didn't hesitate. With a swipe of his long sword, he attacked first, moving his steps and sprinting...

Several basic steps are used, and fast movements can make the opponent's prediction inaccurate.

But it also depends on who the opponent is.

If it were other attendants, Mark's series of fast and complicated movements would have caught people off guard.

But Lu He is different. He is a man who combines all the top fighting skills on the earth.

Although Mark's speed was extremely fast, and the long sword in his hand was left with afterimages, which seemed dazzling to normal people, but in Lu He's eyes, it was still clearly visible.

He blocked the long sword on the left side, and a sound of gold and stone clashing was heard. The lingering sound had not completely disappeared, and he swept the long sword in front of his legs with extremely fast hand speed.

There was another crisp sound... The confrontation was too fast, and the two swords collided five or six times in an instant.

In one round, the direction of the sword in Mark's hand suddenly changed and accelerated instantly.

He caught a glimpse of a black shadow in the corner of his eye. Although he couldn't see it clearly, Lu He vaguely noticed it. He dodged and jumped back. The attack point was indeed his lower body. The long sword struck horizontally. If he hadn't reacted quickly, maybe there would have been more on his legs. A bruise.

The physical fitness of the high-level knight attendants is stronger than that of the middle-level knights in all aspects, and Mark is a veteran, so I'll let him fight.

At this moment, Lu He had an intuitive experience of Mark's strength, and decided to let go and see how big the gap was between himself and the high-level knight attendants.

Lu He took advantage of the collision and took advantage of the situation to move back a few steps.

Then, he arched his back slightly, his whole body tensed up, and the muscles under his clothes bulged like iron. He slowly raised the long sword and pointed it directly at Mark in front of him.

Mark knew that the young master was about to attack, but he only paid a little attention to it and assumed a defensive posture.

Although he was shocked by the progress of the young master's swordsmanship, the most important thing in actual combat was physical strength, speed and reaction. He was far stronger than the young master in these three points.


Lu He didn't accumulate much strength and launched the attack directly. He just used his sword casually. The friction between the sword blade and the air produced a sharp explosion, and the sword tip pierced Mark's chest.

In a matter of seconds, the distance between them was suddenly shortened by a few steps, so fast that they didn't even have time to blink.

Mark's expression changed. He didn't expect the sword to be so fast. In a hurry, he could only hold the sword across his chest to resist.

However, how could Lu He's attack be blocked so easily? With a slight twist of his wrist, the sword tip instantly moved to the right, avoiding Mark's sword body.

Mark's expression changed again, he let out a low growl, his veins burst out, he twisted his body forcefully, the sword blade slid against his clothes, and he felt a chill in his belly.

Just when he thought he could breathe a sigh of relief, the sword seemed to have no inertia and bit into his heart like a tarsal snake, accurately and fatally.


There was a clear sound of metal collision, and Mark used his rich experience to block the blow with his backhand.

But before he could take a breath, a flash of sword light flashed in his eyes, and the sword blade touched his neck again.


Mark cursed loudly and had no time to resist. He exerted force with his right foot and retreated quickly.

But in front of him, a little cold light followed closely.

ten minutes later.

Mark staggered back, dropped the long sword in his hand, and collapsed on the ground, his always strong hands trembling.

Beads of sweat flowed from his forehead to his cheeks, and his chest kept rising and falling. He breathed in large gulps of air to replenish his body's lack of oxygen caused by a short period of strenuous exercise.

Raising his head and looking at Master Sauron's leaving figure, Mark felt uncomfortable.

He felt that the young master's sparring partner would need to be replaced in the future.

Facing the young master's attack just now, his performance was relatively poor. He had no power to fight back and could only block and block with all his strength, without daring to be distracted at all.

He felt that he was not facing a young boy who was only sixteen years old, but a swordsman who had been famous for a long time.


Nicole opened the curtains, and the sunlight slanted into the house through the windows, dispelling the darkness in the bedroom.

There are curved stripes on the tan wooden bathtub, and there are several plates next to it, filled with tempting pastries, and a cup of warm milk tea, steaming with the aroma.

Nicole came to the bathtub, half-bent, and gently wiped the sweat of Lu He, who was breathing heavily inside, with a soft towel.

There was a hot smell in the air, which made her cheeks feel slightly hot. She quickly turned around while washing the towel.

She pulled back her hair by her ears, and her turbulent emotions slowly calmed down.

Lu He closed his eyes and slowly adjusted the minor injuries that appeared after strenuous exercise on his body.

After fighting Mark, he had a firm idea of ​​his current strength.

He is equivalent to a high-level knight attendant, and should be at his peak at this stage. Unless he encounters someone who is as proficient in fighting skills as him, no one can beat him.

If after reaching the high-level knight squire, if his physical fitness is at the same level, then he should have no opponent at all below the knight level.

He estimated that this time should be about ten days.

Under the respectful salutes of many servants, the old butler Jose hurried to the hall.

Just as his black leather boots were about to step onto the stairs of the corridor, he seemed to remember something, retracted his right foot, and raised his hand to summon a maid who was wiping things nearby.

Master Butler, what are your orders? the maid asked respectfully, holding her hands in front of her.

Go to the warehouse to get a recovery potion and a strengthening potion from Das, and deliver them to the young master.

Yes, Mr. Butler.

Jose stood quietly for a moment, then turned and walked out of the hall.

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