My wizarding career begins on Earth

Chapter 280 Reflections on the Library

The next day.

In the early morning, the sky was light blue, like a huge sapphire, with white clouds sparsely distributed on it, slightly destroying the purity of the gem.

After Lu He washed up, dressed neatly, boarded the carriage at the door and headed towards the Yunguang District.

He leaned against the car and opened the black curtain.

The streets outside the window continued to slide past, black residential buildings one after another, and occasionally passing breakfast restaurants and shops.

After entering the civilian trade area, the streets outside the car gradually became a little dirty and crowded. More and more carriages passed each other, and occasionally a gorgeous-looking vehicle could be seen.

There were also some bullock carts pulling fruits, vegetables and other goods passing by the street, and they were quickly left behind.

It got much better after entering Yunguang District. Although the streets were still crowded, there were guards to maintain order.

Lu He didn't find anyone following him. It seemed that the lesson he learned last night was still effective and the killing was not in vain.

After passing through most of the cloud area, the carriage finally stopped in front of a towering building shaped like a giant cone.

It says Royal Library.

After getting off the carriage, there was a small garden square in front of the library, where several workers were repairing flowers and plants.

Walking into the library, you will see a spacious and bright hall, and a middle-aged woman in uniform will greet you.

Hello, sir, please show me your reading certificate. The woman walked up to him and was very polite.

Lu He took out a dark gold metal card that Suraya had given him from his pocket and handed it to her.

Seeing that the color of the certificate was dark gold, the woman's attitude was respectful and she even bowed slightly.

Sir, is this your first time here? Her attitude was more respectful, even flattering.

Lu He nodded.

Mary's eyes lit up and she thought that it was indeed the case. He was probably a big noble from some province outside.

When she first saw this young man, she knew that he was a top noble, even though he looked unfamiliar.

Then I will arrange for someone to take you to visit the library? She was thinking about which little girl she would give this opportunity to.

In fact, the Royal Library does not have this service, but in the face of young nobles like this, some young women working in the library are happy to provide services.

The reason is that the girl naturally takes this opportunity to see if she can marry into a noble family. No matter how bad she is, she can get a generous reward.

As for the young woman, it was because of other reasons that are hard to explain.


Please come to me. After receiving the reply, Mary thought for a moment and then led Lu He inside.

When passing the row of rooms labeled Archives on the left side of the hall, I called out Jessica softly.

My lord, Jessica has worked here for two years and is very familiar with the library. Mary explained.

Of course, the real reason is not that, but because Jessica is the daughter of her distant cousin.

The young man is exquisitely dressed, has a noble temperament, and holds a royal reading certificate. He cannot take advantage of outsiders.

At this time, a woman in her twenties came out.

The woman has a slightly delicate appearance and a slim figure. She is wearing a white short skirt and knee-length black cotton pantyhose.

Her tall breasts are faintly protruding from the white silk lady's shirt, coupled with her fair skin and face, and her clear and pure eyes, giving people a pure and beautiful feeling.

When Jessica saw Lu He, her eyes lit up slightly, and she gently straightened her smooth blond short ponytail with her right hand.

The bangs on her temples are a bit long, hanging down to her chin, making her look like an intellectual beauty.

Hello, sir, my name is Jessica. Her cheeks were slightly red and she seemed a little shy.

Please take me for a walk. Lu He smiled.

Under the leadership of Jessica, they passed through the gate guarded by several guards and entered the first floor of the library.

The hall, which covers an area of ​​two to three hundred square meters, is surrounded by densely packed red copper bookshelves.

There are more than twenty rows in total, and the bookshelves are filled with densely packed red hard-cover books, neatly arranged in an orderly manner.

In the middle is a row of tables and several circular sofas.

The room was empty, with only a dozen or so people reading books in front of the bookshelf or on their seats.

Jessica introduced while leading the way.

As long as the nobles pay the reading fee and register in the Royal Library, they can come in and check the information.

Of course, books are also divided into levels, and books of different levels require different fees.

And you can’t loan it out and take it back to see.

In addition, civilians are not allowed in, and civilians can only go to ordinary public libraries.

Sir, the first floor is full of random miscellaneous books. There is no special classification. I can help you check the summarized catalogue.

In order to avoid disturbing others, she deliberately approached Lu He and lowered her voice and whispered.

The distance between the two was very close, especially after Jessica deliberately got closer.

Lu He could feel the warm air flowing gently on his cheeks when she spoke, carrying a light body fragrance.

Take me to have a look. He took a half step back.

Jessica nodded and led Lu He towards the bookshelf in the first row on the right with a normal expression.

Although there are miscellaneous books here, they all have a certain value. If they don't have value, they won't be collected.

Under Jessica's low-pitched introduction, Lu He casually picked up a book from the edge of the bookshelf.

I saw Strange Why written on it. When I turned to the first page, it was written in the table of contents: Why is the sea water a bit salty and fishy? Why does the cat scream in the middle of the night...

Lu He put it back silently and looked at the next book.

High-egg-producing feed formula for old hens, deciphering the cries of infants and young children, the secrets contained in the age of trees, how to understand the thoughts of girls, how to see objects with the left and right eyes respectively...

It is indeed a miscellaneous book, and there is even a sacred book that also exists on earth: postpartum care and depression of sows.

It can be said that just by looking at their names, most people don't want to see them again.

But is it valuable and effective?

In Lu He's opinion, it still exists.

Because even though they seem weird, they are all explaining some kind of truth or knowledge in the world.

So it is not worthless. Even if this kind of knowledge is strange, it is still knowledge.

Of course, Lu He did not intend to study it, because this knowledge was not serious and he wanted to spend his time on serious knowledge.

I can study it later when I have some free time.

However, Lu He was very curious at the moment. He took out the sacred book on the bookshelf and prepared to spend ten minutes reading it.

He wants to know how sows here differ from sows on Earth, and how postpartum care is linked to depression.

Holding the book, Lu He walked towards the table in the middle.

Behind him, Jessica's face looked a little strange, and rows of question marks appeared in her little head.

She couldn't imagine that this aristocratic young man who seemed unattainable at first glance and had a noble temperament would choose this book about sows among so many books.

Do you have any special hobbies?

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but shudder, because she had heard many ridiculous things that happened to nobles.

Lu He found a seat and sat down. Opposite the table was a thin young man who was a little younger than him.

Wearing blue casual clothes, his skin is a little dark, his eye sockets are deep, and he is reading a book with a frown on his face, his expression is serious and serious.

Lu He glanced at it and was immediately speechless.

Because the boy was reading a novel, the title of the book was clearly: The Days of Living with My Sister-in-Law’s Girlfriend.

Lu He didn't want to affect him, so he changed seats.

After spending more than ten minutes studying this book, Lu He's expression was a little enlightened, even solemn.

The book was full of practical information and analyzed all aspects of sows in depth. Lu He felt that he had learned something.

He put the book back in its place, walked to Jessica who had been waiting on the sofa next to him, and said:

New 𝘹.𝘤𝘰𝘮

Take me to the ancient books room.

Lu He remembered the mage books Emma had mentioned in the bar, which was also the main purpose of his trip.

Sir, there are only royal families in the ancient books room...

Jessica hesitated, but after seeing the dark gold card Lu He handed her, she was stunned, and her eyes suddenly brightened, The ancient books room is on the top floor. Come with me.

The library has nine floors in total, with the ancient books room on the top floor.

Jessica took Lu He out of the study room on the first floor and had to go through the hall and enter from the stairwell on the other side.

There were many people in the hall at this time, all nobles in gorgeous clothes, queuing up to register at the front desk.

Jessica took Lu He's dark gold card, checked it with the guards, and then took Lu He into the corridor.

There is no elevator in this world, so you can only climb one level at a time. The stairs are spiral and made of white marble, as are the handrails, which are painted with gorgeous patterns.

The ground is slippery, please be careful, sir. Jessica reminded softly, and then started to go upstairs.

Lu He nodded casually.

He is still thinking about the book Postpartum Care and Depression in Sows, not the content, but the inspiration it brings to him.

Unlike Earth, where there are college students who specialize in raising pigs, the pig raisers in this world are all people at the bottom of society.

These people are struggling for survival every moment and working hard to have enough to eat for the next meal, but it is incredible that these people have studied sows so thoroughly.

He felt that he had fallen into a misunderstanding before.

Because of the Eye of Inheritance, he wanted to learn everything and devoted himself to the pursuit of profound knowledge.

Looking back at it now, I feel like I was just banging a hammer here and sticking a hoe here and there, and only scratching the surface of everything.

Just like the famous saying, children make choices, adults make all choices.

He is also the same, he only wants to be a wizard with all abilities in all subjects.

Curse system, soul system, element system, blood system, plant system, prophecy system...

Four words, mixed but not refined.

Although according to the evaluation of the Eye of Inheritance, compared with ordinary wizards of the same level, he can be considered proficient or even outstanding, he has not formed the kind of completely crushing accumulation of knowledge.

In addition, there is another inspiration, which is persistence.

If you stick to one field and accumulate over time, even a dull person will make some achievements.

The Endless World has no shortage of beings with outstanding talents and who practice various top-notch techniques that are directly at the level of ancestors.

But how many can reach the pinnacle in the end?

Just like knowing that hard work, a little inspiration and persistence can achieve success in any career.

But you know, everyone knows that as long as you persist and don’t give up, you will always succeed no matter how many times you fail, but there are a few people who can withstand this boring process.

The greatest flaw in life is giving up, and the greatest value in life is persistence.

Lu He suddenly remembered the Chinese teaching methods of those teachers when he was a student.

The teaching at that time seemed old-fashioned, basically asking students to recite and read famous articles over and over again.

Now it seems very reasonable.

A famous article often contains multiple layers of charm.

However, because the students are still young and have insufficient intelligence, they cannot understand the profound meaning and philosophy.

But even though I am extremely familiar with it, I continue to recite and memorize it over and over again, because one day I will find out the rhyme and philosophy in it.

But as long as you understand it clearly, it is worth it.

Lu He's thoughts swirled for a while.

From the postpartum care of sows and depression to my own spiritual practice ideas and shortcomings, I also thought of my path to school when I was a child. I thought about a lot and realized a lot.

Ah! Just at this moment, a sweet cry came from the front.

Jessica's soles suddenly slipped and she lost her footing, and her body fell backwards involuntarily.

Lu He, who was walking behind, was in the process of self-reflection. Without thinking too much, he subconsciously raised his hands to help him move forward.

Suddenly, Jessica's soft and delicate body with a faint body fragrance collapsed in his arms.

Hmm~ She suddenly moaned softly.

Lu He also felt something was wrong. When he looked down, he felt a little embarrassed.

His left hand was on her arm, but his right hand unconsciously touched the girl's two long, fair and round legs under her skirt, still at the top of her thighs.

Sorry. Lu He whispered, quickly retracted his right hand, and helped her stand up.

In all his years of life, this was the first time he had taken advantage of someone else without his intention.'s okay. Jessica's face turned red and she lowered her head shyly, feeling embarrassed to see others.

She actually did it on purpose, but she just wanted to have a little intimate contact to seduce and tease this noble boy.

But who would have known that he would be copied unexpectedly.

Remembering the pressure and strange feeling caused by the boy's middle finger just now, her body suddenly felt a little soft and warm.

Lu He suddenly took a few steps forward and walked side by side with her.

I was too deep in thought at first to pay attention, but just now I discovered that Jessica was wearing those small panties under her skirt...

It's not good if you are still following behind.

In a strange atmosphere, when I arrived at the top floor, there were also several guards guarding the door, including a knight.

Lu He showed his reading card and entered alone, while Jessica stayed outside.

This is a small library, the main color is gold, and the decoration is very similar to the old emperor's study.

Inside are two large golden bookshelves filled with books. Different from the outside, the books here are all in black metal boxes, and the words Top Secret are engraved on the sides of the bookshelves.

The ceiling of the library hall is not thick and is made of a layer of frosted citrine stone.

When the sun shines down and is weakened by refraction, a certain amount of yellowish light can penetrate, which can not only relieve eye fatigue after reading for a long time, but also expel the moisture in the library.

Lu He did not start reading immediately, but glanced around the bookshelves to see what aspects were involved.

There are many books, which can be roughly divided into three categories.

One is the exercises, swordsmanship, research materials, training notes of predecessors, etc. related to knight training. This category is also the largest, occupying an entire bookshelf.

The second category includes some of the most top-notch subject books, as well as some rare documents that are almost out of print.

The third category is other training systems, such as mages, witches, fighters, etc. that Lu He wants to read, but there are not many in this category, it can be said that there are only a few books.

This is normal. In a continent where knight training is the mainstream, it is difficult for other training systems to be passed down.

It's not that these training systems are weaker than knights, but some are more powerful. However, due to the lack of a general environment for training and the soil for continuous development, they gradually declined.

Under the yellowish sunlight refracted overhead.

Lu He kept flipping through the books in his hands, comparing and integrating the knowledge in the books with the memories in his mind.

He reads very quickly.

It should be said that this is the case for systems that major in mental power. The powerful mental power gives them terrifying memory and understanding, as well as careful and fast logical thinking.

In addition, he is a master of martial arts and martial arts, and he has a very good foundation.

Therefore, he does not need to read many contents carefully. He can know what it means at a glance and what comes next. He only needs to compare it with the deduction in his mind.

Time passed quickly, and by the time Lu He had finished reading all the books in this room, it was already late at night.

He was the only one in the ancient books room from beginning to end, and no one else came in.

During this period, Jessica brought him meals and tea from time to time, and the service was very attentive.

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