Lu He understood Helen's psychology.

When you go home after becoming a knight, you probably want your parents and relatives to see your achievements in cultivation.

Returning rich and noble to one's hometown, moving around in rich clothes, these eight characters make sense no matter where in the world they are.

Lu He had no reason not to allow it.

After Helen left happily, Lu He continued to sit under the waterfall and meditate.

The strength improvement is too rapid, especially the sudden increase is sometimes not a good thing, and it is difficult to adapt to it in a short period of time.

Sitting quietly is a very effective way to adjust.

By the time he got up again and returned to the Wizard Tower, the sky was already dark and turning into evening.

The bright red sunset gradually spread from the sky and reflected on the earth, dragging up afterimages.

On a piece of black land beside a small emerald blue lake.

Yue Ling and Ralph were planting medicinal herbs. Ralph used a small hoe to loosen the soil, while Yue Ling stood aside with a bucket of water at her feet and watered them with a small wooden ladle.

This plantation is Ralph's own and specializes in growing some special or rare herbs.

Lu He didn't do this.

He doesn't need and doesn't have the time to wait for these herbs to mature completely. He can't even use the ready-made ones now.

Lu He! You are finally back.

Seeing him, Yue Ling threw away the wooden spoon in her hand and trotted over excitedly.

She was wearing a blue loose-fitting sweater dress, a bit like a sweater on Earth, with the hem just above her hips.

Coupled with knee-high black cotton pantyhose worn on both legs, the young and energetic body is perfectly highlighted.

Can I also take a leave? Yue Ling approached and asked in a low voice, I want to go home with sister Helen.

Lu He ignored her and walked straight towards the Wizard Tower, while Yue Ling did not give up and followed closely behind.

The two entered the hall one after another.

Lu He sat down on the sofa in the living room, and the maid Nicole took the initiative to bring a glass of fruit wine and milk.

Lu He, is this okay? At worst, I don't want this month's salary. Yue Ling said through gritted teeth.

Work hard and don't think about vacation every day. Lu He was unmoved and shook his head in refusal.

If both of them left, he would be left with only the little cook Nicole and the personal bodyguard Yerette.

There is no one to help him with some trivial matters, so he can't let go.

How can I ask for leave every day!? Yue Ling was so angry that she suddenly had the urge to hit Lu He directly.

She has been an assistant for almost a year and a half, working diligently every day, never slacking off, and never taking a day off.

Moreover, my wages are often deducted, I am often bullied, and I am often taken advantage of.

Forget it, she doesn't care.

Now she just wanted to take a leave but refused to let him go. At this moment, she really doubted whether Lu He's heart was dark.

Lu He picked up the milk on the table and took a sip.

The mellow milky aroma lingers in the mouth, and there is a hint of fruit-specific sweetness in the warmth.

Look at Lu He taking a sip of fruit milk wine and leaning on the sofa, enjoying himself leisurely.

Yue Ling was angry, and the resentment that had been accumulated for a long time suddenly exploded.

She made a fist seal with her right hand, which was shining brightly, and struck towards Lu He's left face.

Although the little fist looks delicate, its power is terrifying, making a whirring sound in the air.

Besides, her legs were not idle either.

The slender waist twisted hard, and a pair of long legs, like the whip of the wind god, whipped Lu He's chest sideways, firmly and hard.


Lu He just glanced at her.

Yue Ling's brain, which was overwhelmed by anger, suddenly woke up, and her cold eyes made her delicate body freeze as if frozen.

But Lu He was also stunned.

At this time, Yue Ling's left leg was raised high, at an angle of about a hundred degrees with her right foot, and she stood still in front of him.

Looking under the hem of the blue dress, one can clearly see that Yue Ling is wearing white panties today.

Yue Ling also realized it, her cheeks suddenly turned red, and she wanted to close her legs, but found that it was difficult to stop the forward momentum of her body.

He rushed straight towards Luhe.

Lu He was very kind-hearted and worried that the beautiful half-elf Ms. Yue Ling would bump into her, so he stretched out his hands to catch her.

Yue Ling lay all over Lu He, and her faint body fragrance suddenly surrounded him, while his right hand happened to be caught between her two round and slender white legs.

A warm, soft and elastic skin feeling came from my hand, and I pressed it subconsciously.

Yue Ling suddenly felt weak, with countless tiny goosebumps appearing all over her body, and her face was as red as if she wanted to bleed.

She leaned completely on Lu He's shoulders, biting her lips slightly, squinting her eyes slightly, and seemed to be in a state of trance.

I want to ask for leave... Yue Ling murmured softly.

Lu He was stunned for a moment and laughed dumbly.

He nodded, helped Yue Ling up, and said with a speechless smile, Okay, please do it.

Then he got up and walked upstairs.

To be honest, he did it on purpose. He has been in a state of abstinence for the past six months, so he has no restraint.

But Yue Ling's reaction surprised him. She didn't seem to resist, but Lu He didn't go too far.

Abstinence is not intentional, mainly because no one is.

Rainbow Knight Anis had already abandoned him, and after frantically asking for hundreds of times within a month with no results, she decided that it was Lu He who was causing trouble. She called him a scumbag and ignored him.

Lu He was innocent, he didn't mean it.

The main reason is that his bloodline is too powerful, after so many optimizations, and it can swallow a ray of blood of a bronze giant.

It is estimated that it has already reached the level of fourth-level bloodline, which is still equivalent to the first generation.

Therefore, his life essence will mercilessly kill all the reproductive cells secreted in the girl's body.

Anis is just an ordinary heavenly knight, and her bloodline is just that of an ordinary human being. The gap between the two is too big.

Unless he deliberately suppressed the activity of the essence, Anis could become pregnant.

But this will bring another consequence. Her body cannot bear the huge burden of giving birth to a fourth-level bloodline.

May die from being drained of life force during pregnancy.

Selya rarely comes over and spends most of her time helping him with matters in Dawn Forest in the half-elf tribe.

She had been in seclusion six months ago because she had been injected with a high-energy evolution potion, which seemed to have inspired the inheritance in her bloodline.

Ye Ruite is by his side, but she is also at the critical moment of breakthrough and has been practicing with concentration.

Finally, there is the eldest princess Isabel. She often writes letters to harass Lu He and invites him to the Winged Capital to reminisce about the past.

Lu He was too lazy to go, it was too far and he didn't want to run.

But Isabel's letters have become more frequent recently, and the words are very anxious.

The words were not stated clearly, but Lu He knew that the transfer of power in the Flying Wing Empire had reached a critical moment.

Yue Ling looked at the figure disappearing on the stairs, glared fiercely, turned around and walked towards her bedroom.

She felt unwell and wanted to take a bath.

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