Tian Chen exhibited the Seamless Divine Escape, and soon came to the Prime Minister Mansion silently.

Appearing in the small courtyard of Seventh Madam, Tian Chen is a complexion greatly changed!

In the dim moonlight, I saw an illusive figure sitting at the stone table, watching a jade pendant on the stone table quietly.

“Seventh Madam, who did it!” Tian Chen appeared instantly in front of Seventh Madam, and the anger surged.

In front of Seventh Madam Gong Yixuan, the mother of four disciplinary Bing Ling, only Divine Soul is left!

The Seventh Madam complexion is kind and doesn’t seem to care about himself. Only Divine Soul is left, and gentle said with a smile: “No problem, you can restore the fleshly body in a few days. How did you come back? I heard you entered the Imperial Family Guard, congratulations ! “

Tian Chen frowned, “Prime Minister Mansion treats you like this, but you can still laugh.”

Seventh Madam picked up jade pendant with a soft smile. “As long as Bing Ling is good, what else can I be dissatisfied with?”

Respectful, but with the sad heart of the parents in the world, made Tian Chen restless and opened her mouth for a few seconds and said, “Wait for a while, I will take you to see Bing Ling tonight, take you away Prime Minister Mansion. “

With that said, waiting for Seventh Madam’s response, Tian Chen’s figure has once again plunged into the ground.

I did n’t have to worry about this at first, but when I saw Seventh Madam was destroyed and fleshly body was left, Divine Soul was left. Tian Chen could n’t wait anymore. Although Seventh Madam did n’t care, how could I explain to Bing Ling?

With a stomach full of anger, Tian Chen was silent in the earth for a moment, eyes slightly narrowed, and instantly turned into Third Prince’s appearance!

“Prime Minister Mansion, it’s over!”

In Bing Yinwei’s hidden courtyard, everyone was kicked out as soon as he was done. Only Bing Yinwei and First Madame Yang Rouyue remained in the entire courtyard.

“Mother, things are over. You must beg me for pleading. How can I bear it if I am banned for ten thousand years?” Bing Yinwei said bitterly.

Yang Rouyue looked at Bing Yinwei quietly, and sighed for a long time: “Hidden, you are no longer small, and recently made so many storms that almost made Prime Minister Mansion suffer. You father banned you for thousands of years for your good. You can bear it for years! “

Bing Yinwei frowned, “mother mother think I deserve punishment? Father scolds you for teaching you no way, but you ca n’t raise your godfather, why does Father blame you?”

“If it wasn’t for father sending Ning Baisheng’s bastard to the Observing Monument Great Assembly, what would happen today? It was clearly Father’s fault, but punished me, why!” Bing Yinwei gritted his teeth, and his eyes were unwilling. color.

Yang Rouyue Liu Mei is frivolous, he never thought that Bing Yinwei would think so, but what Bing Yinwei said, why not have several points of truth?

“Hmph! Mother, you don’t have to ask for it. If you have time, help me to ask Third Prince to go out of the house. Third Prince will help me.” Bing Yinwei added.

Yang Rouyue was silent for a moment, slowly looking towards Bing Yinwei, “Third Prince has not yet returned to Chaotic Monsters Mountain Range, but even if he returns, as a son, do you think Third Prince is willing to help you?”

Bing Yinwei hearing this is also silent, yeah, I have made such a big thing myself, if anything else is fine, but it is offensive to the Imperial Family Guard right now, even Third Prince is afraid of being speechless, and even he dare not speak.

Because of the special status of Imperial Family Guard, several of their Princes wanted to fight for power but did not dare to attract Imperial Family Guard. After all, if they did that, it would be a crime of rebellion.

That’s the team managed by Fire Sovereign himself, did he play the idea of ​​Imperial Family Guard, did he just plainly want to take the throne?

After a long silence, Bing Yinwei said uncertainly: “Third Prince and I have an extraordinary relationship and should help!”

“Haha, Hidden, you trust me!” Suddenly, Third Prince’s voice came.

Bing Yinwei and Yang Rouyue hurriedly turned around and saw that Third Prince neither fast nor slow fell from the courtyard wall, with both hands behind them and stepping forward.

There was a doubt in Yang Rouyue’s eyes. Third Prince wanted Bing Yinwei. Why did he come in the middle of the night? And it seems that he sneaked in!

Bing Yinwei didn’t have that many doubts. I saw Third Prince naturally overjoyed at unexpected good news, and hurried to greet him, “Third Prince, you are finally back! You must help me!”

Surprisingly, Bing Yinwei just ran to Third Prince, but Third Prince suddenly fisted out, hit Bing Yinwei’s chest, immediately blasted him out, and at the same time he kept coming forward, “Help you? Me I ran out in the middle of the night just to catch you and invite me to the Imperial Father! “

Yang Rouyue and Bing Yinwei were shocked. Third Prince, actually came to capture Bing Yinwei?

“First Madame, you better don’t care about this!” Third Prince while speaking, has once again caught up with Bing Yinwei who flew upside down, and was fist fiercely blasted out, pointing directly at Bing Yinwei’s forehead.

The boundless Divine Power surged everyone in the Prime Minister Mansion. Everyone was shaken for a while, but someone attacked the Prime Minister Mansion at night?

But Third Prince moves extremely fast. If this fist goes down, he can destroy Bing Yinwei’s fleshly body and take away his Divine Soul!

When time was up, Yang Rouyue moved!

Yang Rouyue’s figure was lightning fast, throwing out Bing Yinwei with one hand and fiercely with the other hand, instantly banging with the Third Prince’s fig.

Third Prince was bombarded and slammed into the house. The violent Divine Power wave swept across, and the house collapsed instantly, and Third Prince was buried in it.

“My son of Yang Rouyue, the absolute overlord is not allowed to move him!” Yang Rouyue gritted his teeth, but did not wait for him to do anything. The recovered Bing Yinwei was furious and stepped away towards the fragment of the wall and blasted over.


In the loud sound, I saw the broken wall remains turned into powder, and Divine Soul of Third Prince floated out!

Bing Yinwei startled, this blow blasted Third Prince to Divine Soul? It should be mother’s credit!

“Damned, Bing Yinwei, how dare you shoot at this King? Don’t stop!” Third Prince flustered and exasperated, at this moment it’s not clear what the situation is, because he has just been released!

Bing Yinwei gritted his teeth, and hurriedly looked towards Yang Rouyue, the latter also expressed tightness, slightly nodded.

“Okay, don’t blame me for being unkind. My Prime Minister Mansion has a great formation that covers soul detection, and kills you, no one can know! You just came out, absolutely!” Bing Yinwei thought of this and touched A long sword stabbed out.

Third Prince turn pale with fright, “Bing Yinwei, we’re all fooled, stop now!”

Bing Yinwei ignored it at all, the long sword with the magnificent Divine Power blasted out the word glow, and instantly hit the Divine Soul without defense!

“You wait for me, this King must ask you to tear your body to thousands of pieces and cut off your Prime Minister Mansion whole family!” Third Prince was so annoyed that he hurriedly retreated, but it was too late, Bing Does Yinwei let him escape?

Suddenly, Bing Yinwei again blasted out a boundless attack and blasted this Divine Soul!

At this time, many soldiers of the Prime Minister Mansion also arrived. With their ability, Soul Power was suppressed by the great formation. It was not possible to detect the situation here before, so it is not known at this moment who the dead man is.

In the ground below, Tian Chen once again became Ning Baisheng, applauding gently, “Good show, staged!”

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