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Qin Rufeng’s achievements樆 鎸 Reat Black Pig

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Great Black Pig “Qin Rufeng Edition” (鍦 鍦 版) “Zhang Xuan” (鍦 璇 板) Qin Rufeng (镄 勫 ご) (婏 纴 鍏 ㄨ) Q € Qin Rufeng 闀 囧 帇 KEY 屽 幓 銆

Great Black Pig 镄 勫 姏 忓 お 杩 忓 お 杩 洰 妯  纴 闅 洰 妯  纴 闅 鎶 鎶 鎶 鎶 锛 孮 锛 孮 Ru in Rufeng 伩 查 伩 伩 伩 嶅 锛 屽 彧 鑳 锛 屽 彧 鑳 锛 屽 彧 鑳 繍  婄 殑 锷 涢 噺 鎶 婄 殑 锷 涢 噺 鎶 婄 殑 锷 涢 噺 鎶 婄 殑 锷 涢 噺 鎶 銆 銆 銆

Rules and Regulations Store Starry Sky


Wu Fan 鐪 嫔 埌 涔 嫔 悗 锛 岃 劯 鑹 切 啀 啀 戏 纴 涛  笂 鐖 嗗 彂 婊 斿 ぉ  笂 鐖 嗗 彂 婊 斿 ぉ 掓 皵 锛 屾 尌 鑸 炴  殑 澶  殑 澶  殑 澶  殑 澶 Great Black Pig Sickle Key

“While playing.”

Great Black Pig speak human’words

搷 褰 籗 板 搷 褰 籗 tarry Sky 锛 屽 彧 本 乄 u Fan Gallium Code

After finally stabilizing his body, Wu Fan covered his chest, only feeling a spit of blood to spray out. He hurried to power, forcibly suppressed the blood of within the body.

He stared down, staring at the Great Black Pig in front of him, sullen. Where is this pig? Why is it so scary?

Great Black Pig knocked Qin Rufeng down to Starry Sky, and repelled Wu Fan again. It was an invincible appearance in the world, very arrogant!

Qin Rufeng has already asked for help from others, but Space-Time here is weird and difficult to convey information. Not to mention communication equipment, even with the powerful Divine Consciousness sound transmission, it is difficult to work.

At this moment, she a little regretted that Zhou Jinyu should be left to help. Well now, she and Wu Fan have teamed up and can’t deal with this Great Black Pig, and the situation is quite bad.

The two became more anxious, and the Great Black Pig became more arrogant.

“Just ask anyone else who dares to fight with Pig Pig?” Great Black Pig stared, staring at the two, questioning loudly.

Tone barely fell, Void burst, and a monstrous fist smashed fiercely. The fist had unparalleled power, and it directly hit the Great Black Pig.

“Who?” Great Black Pig was furious and a little frightened.

The door to Space-Time was wide open, and one person came with monstrous power.

That person is very arrogant, possesses an appearance of invincibility, and has a world-wide power that is powerful and powerful.

“Imperfect imperialism?” When Qin Rufeng saw that person, he couldn’t help showing his emotions.

Wu Fan is the same. When I saw that person, I was shocked!

One of the three heroes of human race, imperial imperialism, inheritance of Supreme Dao Lineage, even came to the Primordial Chaos forbidden area!

Wu Fan has heard the name of Emperor Wucai, but has no intersection with Emperor Wucai. However, at this moment the Great Black Pig is too horrible to ask for help.

“Fellow Daoist, please help us to suppress this bastard. After going out, my Wu family will have a good report.”

The visitor glanced at the Great Black Pig and Wu Fan, and said, “My Emperor has never made a loss-making business. You can do it, but you have to pay enough!”

After listening, Wu Fan said, “Fellow Daoist, rest assured, when we go out, we will give a big gift.”

Emperor waved his hand and said, “Small business, no credit! If you give money, I will do my best.

“This.” Wu Fan stumbled.

After hearing Qin Rufeng, he couldn’t help asking: “What do you want?”

Emperor Wu Qin took a look at Qin Rufeng and said, “Still you please, give me all the resources on your body, I will keep you safe!”

After listening, they could not help looking at each other. In order to cope with the complex situation in the Primordial Chaos forbidden area, they were fully prepared and brought a lot of resources with them.

If they hand over all the resources on their bodies, how will they go about in the Primordial Chaos forbidden area, and how to find Lost Divine Temple?

“My time is limited!” Emperor Wuqi looked indifferent and looked a little impatient.

After listening, Qin Rufeng glanced at Wu Fan and said, “Forget it, let’s get rid of the current predicament.”

After that, she handed over the resources she was carrying. Originally, she also wanted to leave a few medicine pills in reserve, but thought of a force sweeping over and taking away the last few medicine pills.

The person who shot it is Emperor’s flawless!

Emperor Wuqin glanced at Qin Rufeng and said, “Set aside and live! Only in the desperate situation can you grow up!”

“Where’s yours?” After receiving the resources of Qin Rufeng, Diwu immediately looked towards Wu Fan.

Wu Fan frowned, and finally handed over his resources.

After collecting the resources of the two, Emperor waved and said, “Let’s go, give me here!”

The two had to go, where would the Great Black Pig agree.

“Want to leave, did you ask me, Pig?” I saw Great Black Pig’s nostrils turned into the air, and the air was blowing, very angry!

“A bastard, what a big wave it can turn!”

The imperial voice of Emperor Wubu did not fall, and his fist had already blasted away. When the punch comes out, the rays of light are brilliant and possess the power of the world.

The five forces of Power of Thunder, Power of Flame, Power of Primal Chaos, Power of Supreme Yang, and Power of Supreme Yin are intertwined to suppress everything.

“Five Elements Divine Fist?” Wu Fan’s eyes flickered.

The fist banged on the Great Black Pig, and thundered, causing the Great Black Pig to tremble and fly straight away.

Wu Fan and Qin Rufeng were shocked when they saw the impeccable punch of the Great Black Pig. The imperial imperialism is as powerful as the legend!

They not at all hesitated and took the opportunity to leave.

On the way out, Wu Fan said: “The Emperor Wucai is very strong, but he is not a person who is in danger. We are forced to surrender all our resources while we are in danger. misfortune. “

Qin Rufeng sighed and said, “Forget it, we are lucky to be able to get away. We will contact clansman first, and then make a plan!”

Qin Rufeng was uncomfortable, first having the Great Black Pig pig arched, and being forced to surrender all the resources on his body.

On the other side, the battle of one person and one pig continues!

However, at this time, the Great Black Pig obviously suffered a big loss and was not at all lost.

That person ’s fists are very violent, the domineering is unparalleled, the power of the world is endless, he beats the Great Black Pig, his face is swollen, and he falls off Starry Sky!

Seeing that person’s fist was about to fall on his head, Great Black Pig hurriedly said, “Wait, pigs will get rich, we have something to say!”


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