Although researching Ningfu's magic books did not reveal anything, Ryan and Hermione were not frustrated. After all, this is the crystallization of part of the knowledge of a secondary deity. It would be very strange if what can be researched in a short time.

After packing up, everyone walked out of the platform, and the family was already waiting there.

After saying goodbye to Hermione, Ryan got into his own car.

"Dad, why didn't you drive out the sports car at home." Ryan was a little puzzled, because his mother wrote to him that his father went out now and prefers to drive a sports car. So Ryan was a little strange to see his father driving the SUV.

"I think too, but it is snowing today. The chassis of the sports car is too low. I worry about being scratched." Mr. Lambert shrugged a little bit depressed.

After returning home, it was naturally his mother's chatter, but Ryan felt very warm. After dinner, Ryan gave his parents this Brazilian gift. After all, not everything in Mahogany Town is exclusively for wizards, and Ryan bought a lot of gifts that can be used by people who are not magic.

Some wood carvings with local indigenous styles are very popular with fathers, while mothers prefer purple propolis produced by a local magic bee. But they all raved about a kind of coffee beans with porcelain luster. Ryan knew that this kind of coffee planting needs magic. After special treatment, the grown coffee beans are more refreshing than coffee beans, but there is no coffee in ordinary coffee beans. Because of damage to the human body.

After chatting happily for a night, Ryan finally returned to his familiar bed and took a good sleep. Early the next morning, he was woken by the knocking sound from the window glass.

"Oh my god, people don't have a good rest at Christmas, who the **** is that?" Thinking of Ryan jumping from the bed to the wooden floor and looking out the window, he found that there was nothing outside the window.

"Is it too tiring to go out this time, so that there are hallucinations?" Ryan thought. Suddenly, the voice of his father, Mr. Lambert, came from the outside: "Hey, son, come out and have a look. It seems to have something for you."

Have my stuff? Ryan quickly dressed and rushed downstairs to the hallway facing the door. Just opened the door. The cold temperature outside made him tremble involuntarily.

"Here." Father greeted him with his thick gloves. "I was just clearing the snow in the yard, and I saw this bird falling from your window. I saw it grabbing a letter and wondered if someone would write to you?" He finished putting a gray feather duster The same thing was handed over.

"This feather duster is a bit familiar." Lane thought about taking something from his father: an owl who had passed out and a letter, and the names of Fred Weasley and George Weasley were written on the envelope.

"Weasley's owl really should be changed. Errol now looks worse than last year." Ryan hurried back to the room and asked her mother to borrow a basket to put Errol into the fireplace. Go up and then unfold the letter.

The letter first greeted him from the twins, and then told him that because they had been caught by his mother in an experiment, it is not appropriate to mail them materials and materials. It happened that Ginny was going to visit Hermione tomorrow, and they could just take this opportunity to visit Ryan and take some things home by the way.

At the end of the letter, the twins said that if Ryan is free, please reply to them as soon as possible.

Ryan glanced at the owling owl shrunken in the basket, and felt that the weather might have caused it to die.

Parents welcomed the visit of Ryan ’s friends, especially when they learned that the visiting friend was the child of the official of the Ministry of Magic who was directed by Ryan before coming to school. After all, Mr. Weasley left a good impression on his family.

Mother Sally said she had been worried about whether Ryan would be lonely at school without friends, and it is really good news for her classmates to come to visit.

So after finishing his meal, Ryan went to the Hermione's house and asked her to borrow an owl, braving the snowflakes in the sky.

After ringing the doorbell, the door opened, which happened to be the one Hermione opened.

"Ryan, what's the matter with you coming here so early?"

"I want to borrow your Hermes to use, because I want to send a letter back to the twins of Weasley, and it seems that their family Errol can't send any more letters."

"I know about this. The twins should come with Ginny tomorrow. You can come in and have a cup of tea and wait a minute. I will send Hermes together after writing my reply to Ginny."

After wiping the slush from the shoes on the non-slip mat at the door, Lane entered Hermione's house. The overall style of her home is biased towards cool colors, the walls are painted light blue, and the furniture is similar colors.

The gray sofa in the living room is arranged in an L shape with a small coffee table in the middle. There is a fireplace on the wall further forward, for example, there are bookshelves on both sides, and the inside is full of books. There are small photo frames everywhere, with photos of Hermione and her family.

Then Ryan sat on the sofa drinking a cup of black tea and watched Hermione write a letter at the dining table next to the small restaurant.

"Why are you alone at Christmas?" Ryan asked strangely.

"It wasn't the last time we made a profit in treasure hunt. My parents decided to expand their dentist's clinic. Today, the decoration workers said that there was a problem found in a place, so they felt hurry." Hermione side Write a letter and say ~ ~ Can you still find decoration workers at Christmas? "Lane was shocked. He had lived in the UK for so many years and had never seen a worker who was able to work overtime during the holidays in a non-emergency state, except for the house elf.

"These people were your compatriots hired in Chinatown, or your father helped to introduce them. Working overtime is more positive than my parents. This is also good. It is estimated that my parents' dentist's clinic will be at the end of the Christmas holiday. Can continue to operate. "

Soon Hermione finished writing the letter and hung her letter and Ryan's letter on her owl legs. Then Ryan took the owl from the shelf to the window and let it fly. He felt that the owl seemed to be fatter than when he bought it. .

The owl quickly disappeared into the gray sky, and Ryan also took the opportunity to leave her home at this time.

With the sound of the car early the next morning, the Weasley twin brothers came down from an old turquoise Ford Anglia car and knocked on the door of the Lane family.

"Huh? Your father sent you here?" Ryan opened the door and asked the twin brothers of Weasley to enter the door, looking at the man in the car that was slowly driving away behind them.

"Of course, our mother is not worried about the two of us bringing our lovely sister to London."

"It happened that our father was going to work overtime today, so he asked him to drive us over, and now he sent our sister Ginny to Hermione and took us back when he returned home at noon."

The twins replied one by one, and Ryan took them to the living room to make a cup of tea for each of them. Today, Ryan's parents went to the shopping street to make room for their son, and only Ryan was at home.

"Okay, what's the progress of your research now?" Ryan asked after everyone sat down on the living room sofa.

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