Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 220: Break in and fight

While Ryan was writing something, a bottle of butter beer was placed on the table in front of him. Raising his head, Ryan saw Fred looking at him with a smile, and George was throwing toad mints at the crowd.

"The two of you are really strange, why are you still studying here while celebrating?" Fred asked.

"It ’s not because your two brothers and Harry, I ’m not only busy with my own business, but also give you three lesson preparations. You need a lot of time to train for the game, and since we promised to help you, it ’s not necessary to spend more Time preparation will try to let you master more knowledge in a short period of time. Do n’t forget that you still have one game after this game, do you not need to prepare? "

"This is really bothering you, thank you!" Fred said, scratching his head. "But you can try butter beer, it tastes really good and has no alcohol."

After making the preparations almost the same, Ryan and they joined the celebration. It wasn't until 1 o'clock in the morning that Professor McGonagall, wearing a plaid dressing gown and a hairnet, came to the scene and insisted that everyone go to bed, at which time the party at the Gryffindor House ended.

After everyone went to bed, Ryan sneaked out of the dormitory to the common room, and then chose to meditate in the corner on the back of the sofa.

Because he knew that Black was likely to come to attack tonight, he planned to wait for Black here.

After more than an hour of meditation, a slight friction sound came from the entrance. Then a figure came in from the entrance.

Moonlight shone on the man's face through the common room window, and Ryan saw a thin body like a skeleton. There was a mess of hair on his head, which looked very dirty. The most important thing is to have a knife in your hand.

It seems that Sirius Black's recent life is very bad. After confirming that Black has no wand, Ryan runs the Zixia magical power and jumps out of the back of the sofa.

"... Who is it?" Before you even spoke, Blake rushed up and raised her right hand, and then reversed the knife on her hand to try to knock Ryan with the handle.

It seems that at least Black is not a bad guy, and he will remember not to hurt the innocent at this time. While thinking about Ryan flashing Sirius's fight, he then hit the point on the back of his neck. Probably because of the long running and starvation draining his physical strength, Black failed to avoid this blow.

He fell directly to the ground. Fortunately, there was a thick carpet on the ground to absorb the sound of him falling to the ground. After a muffled heavy object fell to the ground, the common room was still quiet.

Ryan pulled out an enchanted rope and tied it to Black, then used his wand to read to him: "Recover quickly." Obviously the spell woke Black, but he still pretended to be unconscious and tried to fight back.

"Mr. Black, you don't have to pretend to be unconscious. As a friend of Harry, I have to ask you something. Can you tell me why you want to kill Harry?"

"No, I haven't." Sirius widened his eyes sharply, and then the blood vessel roots in his hand burst out. "I'm here to kill that bastard, that **** is still alive! I'm going to kill him! Kill him!"

Sirius's speech was incoherent, but he didn't want to wake up other people, so even if it was a roar, try to keep his voice down.

After a little excitement, Sirius calmed down and looked at Ryan: "You should be Ryan Liang, right? Can you tell me why you think I might not be the murderer."

"Wait, how do you know who I am?" Lane remembered that he didn't introduce himself at all.

"I picked up a lot of waste newspapers in Hogsmeade, and there are photos of you getting the Merlin Medal of the second grade. Seriously, your Asian face is so easy to recognize, the whole Gryffin is yours. Asian boys. "

"Then why do you think I don't think you are a murderer?"

"Because you were merciful just now, you didn't go out to call people."

Sure enough, I was still inexperienced, Ryan simply said half-truth: "Since you have seen me in the newspaper, you should know that I am a hemp wizard. I sometimes read a lot of information about the magic world to understand this world, and Your case is in an old newspaper that I have read. From my Muggle world point of view, a case like you that sentenced directly without trial is really too doubtful. "

"Besides, I learned from Hagrid that you gave Harry to Hagrid after the death of your parents. If you really want to kill Harry, then it will be fine. So I found out that the first reaction after you came in was to think Ask what are you doing here? "Ryan told Sirius the reason he had previously thought about.

"You are very courageous and worthy of being a Gryffindor." Sirius glanced at Ryan and said: "Yes, I am Harry's godfather. I and his father are like brothers. I will never hurt him. What I want to kill is the real traitor Peter Dwarf ~ ~ It was because I gave him the opportunity to betray the Potters to Voldemort, I just came out because I saw him in the newspaper Look for him. "Sirius pressed his throat in a hoarse voice.

"Of course my luck is also good. When I arrived at the door today, I found a note outside the door with a full week's pass code. So I can come in smoothly."

"Is Neville cursed? Even Crookshanks would throw things away from him." Ryan thought. "It is estimated that everyone was a bit confused when entering the door when celebrating today. Neville throws his notes. Now. "

Ryan was thinking about these things and saw Sirius staring at him all the time. So he opened his mouth and shocked him with the news: "Is the spot you said now a mouse with a finger missing its front paw?"

"You, how do you know?" Sirius looked at Ryan in surprise.

"You just said that you can see him in the newspaper, but in theory he should be dead and can't appear in the newspaper. Then the only explanation is that when he appeared at the time, he didn't look human, so he could hide in Gryffindor In the tower, it is only possible to pretend to be someone ’s pet. The owls in the school will go to the owl room, and the only suspicious thing in the remaining pets is that Ron pleases me to take care of his pets. It has been able to live normal mice several times the life Ordinary house rats, this year's inexplicable starting state has become very bad. "If you know the result in turn, the reasoning process is still very simple, but I don't know that Sirius is obviously shocked.

"Smart boy, I would even wonder if you should go to Ravenclaw. You just said that Peter the Little Dwarf is with you. Hurry up and let him kill me." Sirius looked excitedly. Said.

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