In the principal's office, a short middle-aged man stood in the middle of the office, surrounded by a group of people.

"Well, Peter, tell me what happened in the past?" Secretary Boones asked her question.

Peter shuddered and took a deep breath, then spoke in a flat tone without emotion.

"Because Sirius gave me the identity of the Potter's secret person for safety, and he declared that he was the secret person and led the chase. I found the Dark Lord immediately after becoming the secret person, and put The secret about the Potter family told him that I could get an unprecedented reward for this, but the Dark Lord missed it. Black later pursued and killed me after learning that I had betrayed the Potter and his wife. "

Hearing this, Lupin looked a little excited, and he felt like he would rush to beat Peter. But Mr. Weasley next to him caught him. Ryan turned his gaze to Professor Snape. It turned out that although Professor Snape looked calm, his clenched fists and slightly trembling body explained his current anger.

Peter took another deep breath at this time and continued to speak in a flat voice.

"I couldn't escape when I was chased into a Muggle street at that time, so I could only blow up half a street and then turned into a mouse to escape along the blasted sewer. Then I was a pet in a wizarding family. To today. "

After listening to this sentence, Mr. Weasley covered his face in annoyance: "Oh my God, when I picked him up in the garden, I really thought it was just a mouse, and I swear I would never mess with these messes again. Take things home. "Mrs. Weasley next to him patted his back and comforted him.

"Since you have taken refuge in the mysterious man, why haven't you and Harry lived in a house that hurt him in recent years?" Director Boones asked an important point that everyone cared about. It was completely quiet and started listening.

"Because the Dark Lord had heard that the situation was terrible after he failed to kill Harry that day, so I hurt Harry at this time and would also put myself in. So I can only quietly stay in a wizard's family to listen to intelligence, I will only dedicate Harry to the Dark Lord after the Dark Lord has really made a comeback. After all, my mistakes have made many Death Eaters resentful of me. Only by making enough merits can I keep myself in front of the Dark Lord. "

"Why would you betray Potter and Lily? They took you as a friend." At this time, Lu Ping finally asked out. Burns frowned at the behavior that interrupted her interrogation, and said nothing.

"Friends, do you really treat me as a friend?" At this time Peter's tone fluctuated, and it seemed that this stimulated him a lot. "Porter and Black are from noble pure-blood families. You study well in school. It ’s also the class leader. Only I am nothing and follow you like a small classmate. You always say that my courage is too small, even if I try hard to integrate into a small group, but you have always ignored me, no matter what I am Whatever you say will be ignored. "

"But--but that's not the reason you made the Potters pay the price of their lives." Lu Ping said a little puzzled.

"Why not? After graduation, you didn't ask me. I took the hands of the Dark Lord and went down to fight. The first battle was when the Dark Lord arrived. Two Aurors fell down with a wave. Fortunately that time The Dark Lord did n’t continue chasing us before we escaped. After the battle, you were very excited, but I was really scared. I really do n’t want to feel the feeling of dying again, so I must find a way to live. Go on. "

"Then do you choose to be the running dog of the mysterious man?" Director Boons asked seriously.

"Then what else can I do, I just want to live, I don't want to die. But Potter and they have been pulling me on the front line with the Dark Lord. Several times the Dark Lord has personally played for people on our side The casualties were heavy and the well-trained Aurors were vulnerable in the hands of the Dark Lord. So after two or three years of struggle, I found the Dark Lord and begged him not to kill me. "

"What did you do after surrendering to the mysterious man?" Amelia Burns asked.

"I revealed a lot of valuable information within a year of surrendering to the Dark Lord, and he praised me." At this point, Peter's face showed a twisted smile. "Finally, when I told the Dark Lord the Potters' hiding place, he told me that I would get an unprecedented reward."

"For this reason, you killed so many people." Lu Ping shouted out of control.

"There is no benefit in rejecting the Dark Lord, but as long as I obey him, I gain unprecedented strength. For example, the curse that exploded half a street, I just told him a few names and he gave me.

"Don't you know that the fight against the most evil devil in history is to save innocent lives, Peter! This is more important than power and life." Lupin looked calmer, and he used a hoarse voice Speak to Peter.

"You don't understand!" Little Dwarf Peter regained the calm tone that he had before, "He will kill me, Lupin! I just need to be alive. Not to mention that he gave me strength."

"Okay, now the facts have been clarified. UU reading books" The director of Burns reached out to stop Lupin from saying anything. "I know you used to be friends, but now we still have important things to do."

After that, she took the record from Percy and looked at it, and signed the name at the end.

"You are Percy, right, this transcript is good." Percy's praise, Percy looked excited and smiled and nodded, almost throwing his glasses off.

But Burns just said something in courtesy and then said to Professor Dumbledore; "Mr. Principal, the situation is now clear. The previous criminal acts were all committed by Peter, but he was stolen to Sirius . I would like to invite you to go to the Ministry of Magic with me to give a testimony to the rehabilitation of this case. "

"Of course, of course. I'm glad to see an innocent person will get rid of the notoriety that was added to him." Dumbledore stood up after speaking. "I think we can pass by the fireplace in the office."

Afterwards, Professor Dumbledore and Director Burns took Peter, who was sturdy, to the Ministry of Magic. Before he left, he told Ryan and Percy: "Thank you for your contribution to this matter, but this matter will not be made public until the Ministry of Magic has discussed it, so please temporarily keep it confidential."

Both Ryan and Percy nodded quickly, agreeing that Dumbledore left after a burst of green flames. Everyone also left the office separately.

At the door, Ryan met the Weasley family of three. Arthur Weasley took the initiative to shake hands with Ryan and thanked: "Thank you so much this time, I heard Percy talk about your help this time, Our family owes you a favor. "

"No thanks, after all, your sons and I are friends. Isn't it appropriate for friends to help each other?" Ryan said modestly.

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