Winning the Quidditch trophy kept the entire Gryffindor College in a state of excitement, and this mood lasted for at least a week. Even the weather seems to celebrate the victory: with the arrival of June, the day becomes sultry and clear and cloudless. Everyone thinks that this weather should bring iced pumpkin juice to the sun on the lawn.

But this is just for everyone to think about. After all, it is the end of May, and the exam is approaching. Even Fred and George, who are most active in peacetime, are fully prepared. w. Ls exam.

Not to mention Percy, who dreamed of working in the Ministry of Magic after graduation. He once told Ryan during a day of review: Thanks to Ryan ’s help, he showed his face to the Secretary of Burns. This made his journey to the Ministry of Magic smoother in the future. Now as long as he achieves an excellent result in N.E.W.Ts, he can definitely find a good job in the Ministry of Magic. But these pressures made Percy look anxious now, and every night he would yell at people who had disrupted the peace in the common room.

The reading club is running more and more smoothly. During this time, everyone's focus is to help the Weasley twins review the exam and organize what they have learned, so as to improve the level of each participant. To know that the examination of the magic world is not the same as the examination of ordinary people. If the theoretical score is high, the operation will still be very low. As long as the operation is good, even theoretical scores can generally get high scores.

This is why Hermione in the original book has always had a lower score than Harry in the black magic defense class. At least when Harry was in the third grade, Hermione could never release the guardian deity.

Therefore, in the collective study of these several book clubs, the actual operation content is usually based on the fact that everyone is not very good to practice alone. In this relatively free and stress-free environment, everyone is full of gains. Even students like Neville or Hannah who do not usually perform well can properly release the curse that is appearing in their studies.

After everyone practiced the Happy Mantra that day, Ryan was weary and took a bed break early. In the middle of the night, after making sure everyone was asleep, he opened the space door and went to the Wanjie grocery store.

After spending a little time packing up the equipment to be brought, Lane stood in front of the grocery store wearing a leather jacket and a trench coat. These clothes were remade in the radiation world after returning from the world of beauty and the beast last time, using legendary death claw skin and bulletproof cloth as raw materials. After he got it, Ryan strengthened the suit with his own magic.

Because of the tempering of several previous worlds, Ryan felt that his strength had improved. So this time he invested 32 offset points to open a door to a level 6 world.

Finally, after checking the supplies of potions and weapons on his body and other things are okay, Ryan held the wand and squeezed a jade symbol in his left hand into the light blue swirling space door.

According to the summary of the previous trips, Ryan found that every time he went to another world, he always came near the son of the world's luck (that is, the protagonist), and when it came, it was often an important turning point in the story.

That's why Ryan is fully armed as an enemy when he traverses. After all, many novels, movies, games and other protagonists start from the beginning of the story. He wants to ensure that he is in danger after arriving in that world. Can make a decision to run away or fight back the first time.

However, as the blue light passing through her eyes disappeared, Ryan found herself in a gorgeous rococo-style hall: a deep red carpet with curly grass patterns at the feet, and some beautifully carved wooden wallboards on the wall. Facing Ryan is a delicate milky white marble staircase. Looking up, you can see that the entire ceiling is decorated with intricate plasterboard carvings and painted wooden planks. A tall and gorgeous golden crystal chandelier hangs in the middle of the ceiling. A few pots of plants were placed on the wrought iron shelves around the hall, adding a touch of vitality to this house.

"I'm here at someone's house?" Lane was confused. However, it would be very impolite to break into someone's home like this.

Thinking of looking around around Ryan, no one came out. So he shouted: "I'm sorry I strayed into you, is there anyone?"

After shouting, Ryan listened to the movements around him, but after a while, he didn't hear any response.

"It doesn't look like there is no one living in this brand new house. This gorgeous residence will have servants left even if the owner is not there." Ryan yelled again at the thought of the Zixia magical power here, and tried to listen The movement around.

After he shouted a second time, Ryan heard a very slight bang. Just like a heavy object fell on the carpet, he wouldn't hear this sound if he was not working at this time.

With curious Ryan walking down the stairs to a room on the second floor where he had just heard the sound, he suspected that he might have come to a horror story. However, after pinching the left hand Lei Fayu Run, Ryan felt that there should be nothing to be afraid of.

After going upstairs, we walked along a gorgeous corridor with thick carpets. The whole corridor was decorated with light tones. The walls were covered with delicately carved wooden grids, and the middle was lined with light silk.

"It seems that the owner here should be a rich man, but even the servants in this house are not unreasonable. It might be a haunted house, and the ghosts of this house were rich before they died." I also thought about the owner of this big house ~ ~ After walking to the door of the room door that just sounded, Ryan made a light push after making preparations for the battle. Was pushed away. Everything in the room was in his eyes.

Unlike the demons and ghosts he had imagined before, Lane could see that in this pink-dominated house, there was only a girl in white pajamas lying on the bed, with one arm slumped beside the bed. On the carpet in front of the bedside table was a vase that was hit on the ground.

Ryan's detection magic told him that he was indeed an ordinary human girl in front of him, and the whole person was in a very weak state of coma. It's possible that he just couldn't answer after hearing Lion's shout downstairs, and could only use a little effort to break a vase for help.

Seeing this, Ryan hurried to the bed and began to check the girl ’s physical condition.

After using magic, touching the veins and bb kid to conduct a comprehensive examination, Ryan came to a conclusion: the girl in front of him was just a simple lung infection, but now it has seriously deteriorated. At least from her pale face and faint breath. If he does not appear now, it is likely that the girl will die within a few hours.

Since entering the mansion, Lane did not see any traces of electricity. It may also explain why the girl looks rich or expensive, but has dragged a simple lung infection to the present dangerous level.

Before antibiotics were invented, various diseases were too easy to take human life.

While lamenting the fragility of humanity, Ryan turned over the space bag to find a way to treat the girl. After all, according to her current situation, it is difficult to rescue even when the technology of later generations is developed. He can only see if there are other means to cure the girl.

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