Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 263: Guests will arrive

In the request room, Lane looked at the crown in his hand for a moment. Although the above function is a bit of a taste for Ryan, this thing is a precious cultural relic anyway, so he needs to weigh how to deal with it.

If you turn it in, you can naturally get a lot of honor, but for Ryan, who plans to participate in the Triwizard Tournament. Honor is not much needed for the time being. So Ryan decided to leave this thing in his own hands and wait until he needed it before taking it out.

After reaping the 6-point offset caused by the destruction of this Horcrux, Lane left the room with a smile and smiling.

Although the top three competition is coming, everyone still needs to attend class as usual. Even because the representatives of other schools in the Triwizard Tournament are coming soon, every teacher hopes to enable students to learn more in a short time to avoid losing face in front of the teachers and students of the other two schools.

Even Professor McGonagall, who is not usually harsh, shouted to the students below when he was about to finish class. "Longbottom, please do well, don't show your stuff in front of Demstrang's people, let them see that you don't even master a simple conversion spell!"

And among so many courses, Ryan likes Moody's class the most, because he hasn't seemed uneasy because of the upcoming Triwizard Tournament. After all, he only came to the top one-year class, not the resident professor of the school. Besides, Moody struggled from the death line countless times. The threat of death could not affect his mentality, and naturally the game could not. So in these lessons, Moody has been arranging tasks according to his own syllabus:

During these classes, he turned all the tables and chairs into various obstacles, and then put a lot of puppets in the classroom to imitate the attacking black wizard for the students to practice in. These puppets will only release a mark magic: a white letter T is projected on the head of the person who was hit.

In the first actual combat lesson, Moody gave everyone a Mawei: he adjusted the difficulty of the puppet array to the highest level. As a result, at the end of that class, most of the students walked out of the classroom door with a capital letter T on their heads. Only Ryan successfully passed the exam with enough practical experience and won Moody to Gran. Twenty cents added by Fondo.

"Ryan, please stay after class." Just as Ryan packed up and was about to retreat, Moody stopped Ryan. No way, Ryan had to say hello to Hermione and followed Moody into his office.

This is also the first time Ryan enters the office of the black magic defense professor. When Professor Moody opened the door, Ryan found that there were a lot of weird games. Ryan felt that these should be Moody's pride. What Luo Shi used.

While Ryan looked at these things, Moody also came in. "You seem very interested in these things."

"Yes." Ryan nodded, then pointed to something like a glass top on the table. "I saw this thing with Harry. It should be a speculum."

"Yes, in addition to this I have a probe and a mirror. I have all the equipment that an Auror should have." Moody proudly introduced Ryan to a series of equipment in the room, and suddenly he turned to Ryan and asked: " Are you Ryan Liang, a fourth-year student at Gryffindor College at Hogwarts. "

Ryan was taken aback, and then replied, "I am Ryan Liang, a fourth-year student at Gryffindor College in Hogwarts." At this time, Moody scanned the instruments on the table.

"Oh, sorry, I'm allergic." Moody took the hip flask from his waist and unscrewed it, and took a sip. Ryan's fortified nose easily smelled of pumpkin juice. "Looking at your performance in class today far surpasses others, I thought you were a black wizard pretending to assassinate me in disguise."

Ryan now knew how suspicious Moody was. But in addition to being suspicious, Moody is also a person with personality and charm when he is normal, otherwise there will be no such people admiring him. In the next half hour, Moody told Ryan a lot of his actual combat experience when he was in Auror. In the end, he even told Ryan that his actual combat level is at least those of the new Aurors after half a year of actual combat. I hope Ryan can consider becoming an Auror after graduation.

Lane just smiled politely. Obviously Moody thought he was extremely talented in battle, so he hoped he would apply for Auror in the future. The actual situation is that Ryan's ability is cultivated in a lot of actual combat, and the real combat talent is not much stronger than others.

After going out, Ryan felt that the Moody in front of him was more real, but this is not good news, because it means that the plot that Ryan knew has changed and the future began to become chaotic.

The time soon reached mid-October. After the first session of this week ’s Conservation of Magical Creatures, everyone got the news of the arrival of the representatives of Booth Barton and Demstrand from the apocalypse bar in the entrance hall next Friday.

In this case, this week the school entered an unprecedented state of cleanliness, not to mention the dust and spider webs in the corners, even the busiest public house house elves cleaned up several times a day. Not only that, the armor and portraits in the castle have been fully maintained. After talking with some oil paintings, Ryan learned that this last comprehensive maintenance was more than a century ago.

On the morning of October 30, everyone went downstairs for breakfast and found that the auditorium was renovated overnight. On the wall are huge silk banners, each of which represents an academy at Hogwarts: Gryffindor with a golden lion on a red background, and Ravenclaw with a bronze eagle on a blue background ~ www. ~ Hufflepuff with a black badger on the yellow background and Slytherin with a silver python on the green background. Behind the teacher ’s desk, the largest banner hung with the coat of arms of Hogwarts: lions, eagles, badgers, and snakes joined together, surrounded by a large letter H.

Lane swears that this is the most gorgeous time he has seen Hogwarts Castle decorated since he entered school. Even when he was sitting at the long table, he could vaguely feel the breath of an alchemy product from these banners.

So when he left the auditorium, he specifically approached these banners, and found that the banners were indeed alchemy products: each banner was cured with cleaning and anti-wear effects, and the history of each banner was not less than three hundred years. .

"It ’s really the most powerful magic school in Europe. Just one thing can show the absolute deep background. It ’s estimated that it ’s enough to buy a new banner for only seven or eight silver, but after alchemy processing The cost is more than 20 gold gallons. And the only effect of these alchemy banners is to support the school. "Ryan now has a deeper understanding of Hogwarts.

In addition, the professors also began to order the class leader and the president of the student union to focus on those who usually like to have accidents or mischief, so as not to shame the school at the welcome ceremony. For example, the Weasley twins are the key target. Even Ryan saw Professor McGonagall in the corridor instructing the blood man Barrow to be optimistic about Pippi, and today he must not be allowed to make trouble.

In this atmosphere of tension and expectation, the time for the arrival of the guests is finally coming.

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