The starlight shone on the entire village of Manma, making everything in the village seem to be shrouded in a hazy mist. There was only a little bit of fire on the main road, which was the way that the men and women held the torch to illuminate the altar.

Following the flow of people to the altar, the baby was wrapped in a swaddle and placed on a wooden table in front of the altar. Betty and Baine stand on either side of the table as their children's parents.

Of course when the people were almost there, the baby's parents began to kneel down to the front legs of the altar to pray silently. And all the horsemen in the open space waited silently, only to hear the slight breeze of the breeze blowing through the surrounding branches. Even people like Ryan and Hermione who don't understand horse rituals are shocked by this sacred feeling, standing there motionlessly and quietly.

Finally, after ten minutes, the pattern on the arch as the altar began to emit emerald green light spots like fireflies. Afterwards, these light spots converged on a bare branch on the table behind the arch.

After absorbing these green light spots, the branch grew tender green buds visible to the naked eye. Lion heard Hermione on the side breathing in an incredible breath. In all the books she had read before, the horse people were good at astrology and divination, but they never mentioned that the horse people know other magic.

Betty took a step forward at this time and picked up the branch, then used the branch to soak in the water in the wooden cup on the table and sprinkled a few drops of water on the baby's forehead and read: "May the power of nature protect you, my child . "

The water droplets quickly evaporated, but Ryan felt that the natural forces in the water droplets entered the child's body. This power can improve the child's vitality and help him through the most vulnerable infancy.

After blessing his children, Betty and Baine held the branch through the arch to the forest behind the arch. This woodland is different from other places. When other places are covered with thick snow, this small woodland is full of spring-like vitality.

Betty and Bain quickly selected a small piece of open space to plant the branches in their hands. After the branches were planted, they poured the glass of water they had just poured into the small pit after planting the tree. The watered branches grew again in a green light, and finally stopped until they were about the same height as Ryan.

"Thank you very much for coming to the tree-planting ceremony of our newborn foal and wishing to be with us naturally." Aunt Betty said goodbye to her baby at this time. Ryan also left after Wolfe led them after coming forward and chatting with them.

"Horses actually release magic, but why the Ministry of Magic and most wizards never knew this?" Hermione asked Ryan on the way back, she felt a little weird about everything she saw today.

"Traditional wizards always treat themselves as superiors, for example, they look down on people who are not magic, and they also look down on non-human intelligent creatures. Under this arrogant mentality, they degrade or even ignore the power of other creatures. It ’s natural. For example, in the British Ministry of Magic, if someone is placed in the horseman ’s office, it means that his representative is not far from being fired. How do you think the wizards can really understand other intelligent creatures in this situation? What about? "

"Yeah, arrogance. After excluding other creatures, they are graded in the wizard. Why do some people always like to show their superiority by depreciating others." Hermione expressed her emotion.

"Because they can show their nobility only by belittling others. Those pure-blood wizards have actually been married to Muggles. Otherwise, a series of problems caused by the marriage of close relatives have long since passed away. However, most of the so-called pure blood are not Ken admits it. The evidence is that there are very few wizards who still have the magic power of the bloodline today. In this situation, they can advertise their nobleness without using some out-of-the-board outreach. .

It was early in the morning when he returned to the edge of the forbidden forest. The lights in Hagrid's hut had long gone out, and even the horses in the stable were asleep. Fortunately, this time is a holiday, and the inspections by the professors are not strict. Ryan and the two of them easily returned to the common room.

"Good night, good dreams!" After saying good night, Ryan went directly to the dormitory and went to bed. The next morning, he slept until lunch. Thanks to the Christmas holiday now, no one found anything wrong.

After the end of the Christmas holiday, the second game day on February 24 seemed to be much closer. According to the information disclosed by Percy, this time it is likely that some fighting will take place. Because only when the magic is used on people will some legal issues be involved, and the certification of certain magics in different places is different. For example, in some parts of Northern Europe, the Ministry of Magic delineates black magic far less than the British Ministry of Magic.

But Ryan is not nervous about this, to say the actual combat experience, he feels that other contestants may not add up to his experience. Even the Demstrand student who has the most combat experience, it is estimated that there will not be the combat experience of Ryan killed in the blood of the corpse mountain.

The site is still covered with thick snow. Fortunately, the Hogwarts greenhouse adjusted the indoor temperature to a high level to ensure the growth of magical plants from warm places. This also made fine water droplets condense on the windows of the greenhouse. Through the window, everyone could only see a white piece, and could not see the scene on the ground at all.

This kind of weather outdoor course is very bad, but I do n’t know if it is because Hagrid ’s recent love scene is very good ~ ~ He did n’t let everyone continue to breed snails in the classroom, but got a Only extremely rare Jin Feixia introduced to everyone.

No one conceals the love for this kind of bird flying at high speed in a giant ring cage, especially those Quidditch lovers. As we all know, golden thieves are substitutes made to protect these birds when they are on the verge of extinction.

May be a little tired to fly, the bird stopped on the bar in the cage. Its long, rounded shape has an elongated mouth, golden feathers, and ruby-like eyes that make this bird look like a beautifully crafted piece of jewelry.

"Oh, it's so beautiful!" Lavender? Brown said, "How did Hagrid get it? It is said that golden thieves are now very rare, only in some protected areas."

"This needs to be thanked to the generous help of Headmaster Bussbarton." Hagrid's loud voice came over. "It allows us to see this very rare bird with your own eyes. You look at its feathers. In the past, many potions were made. These are the reasons for the rapid decline in the number of indiscriminate killings. Fortunately, everyone has found a replacement today. Products, and began to understand their protection— "

Students are now looking at this beautiful bird in the cage. From Hagrid's lecture, he can hear that he knows this little cutie no less than those monsters.

At the end of class, every student showed satisfaction with the class. In particular, many girls hope Hagrid can maintain this state, because those sticky fried snails are so disgusting.

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