Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 309: Forbidden Forest Tour

Scotland in mid-February is not as cold as in winter, except for some snow in the distant mountains. The forbidden forest has become green because most of it is evergreen trees.

After landing on the edge of the forbidden forest, Lane and the two of them changed their clothes directly under the cover of a large rock. Then he raised his wand and walked into the Forbidden Forest cautiously.

The moment they just entered the tree from the shoal on the shore of the lake, the gold medals in the hands of two people simultaneously beeped and vibrated, which gave Ryan the illusion of holding a mobile phone to receive text messages. After raising the gold medal, they found that the two men showed three points on the gold medal, and also marked the scope of the game and the position of the exit.

"In this way, let ’s synthesize and find each one from the near to the far. After finding the hostage in the fastest time, we will return to the exit. After all, we are the weakest group. It is better to have as few conflicts as possible with other contestants. "Ryan said to Harry directly after looking at the gold medal. Harry nodded after listening, because this weakest group was his hind legs, so Ryan was proposing a plan to reduce fighting with others. When he raised his hands, he agreed.

It took seven or eight minutes for the two people to walk to the place where the lakeshore on the edge of the forbidden forest was not visible, but in fact they only walked a few hundred meters. However, at this time the woods have become denser and denser, and various plants have begun to appear under the trees, showing a vibrant forest ecological environment.

The plants under the tree also greatly prevented Ryan from rushing, especially Harry. Before Harry came to the Forbidden Forest, he followed the path and had no experience of traveling in this primitive jungle. Fortunately, as the master of natural magic, Ryan is still very adaptable in this environment. Under his guidance, Harry stumbled to keep up with his footsteps.

Half an hour later when the gold medal sounded again, Ryan and Harry had already harvested three gold medals on the way to the fourth point.

"It seems that there are currently a maximum of five people entering the Forbidden Forest." Ryan glanced at the gold medals used as detectors and counted the number of gold medals displayed. It ’s transparent, but I do n’t know how long it will last. So we need to be as fast as possible to avoid encountering people from other schools. ”

Fortunately, they saw a gold medal belonging to another person on their way to the fourth point, so they took away the gold medal belonging to Gustav, another player of Demstrand.

At the fourth point Ryan they finally saw a hostage: Hermione was sitting quietly on a branch watching the sky boringly, and after seeing Ryan they easily greeted them: "Good morning Ryan, Harry. I haven't seen you guys for days, how have you been during this time? "

"Not bad, even we can directly order what we want to eat. I once even ate the very authentic Tianchao-style cold skin and meat buns." Lane used his gold medal under the tree to shine with gold Clicked on the circle of, and the circle quickly disappeared.

Seeing the circle disappear, Hermione immediately jumped directly from a branch more than four meters high. Harry had already landed gracefully before he could exclaim.

"It's cool!" Harry gave a heartfelt praise.

"Thank you." Hermione raised her eyebrows and turned to Ryan. "This circle is too small, and the ground is too dirty. So I just climbed on the tree and sat, so that I could see it more cleanly. Farther away. "

On the way to the next point, Ryan finally figured out what is going on today: Hermione and they were called to the office by Professor Dumbledore early in the morning and told them they were hostages. Take them into the Forbidden Forest.

In the forbidden forest, after walking a certain distance to reach a predetermined point. These hostages were placed in a circle drawn by the three principals one by one. There was magical power in these circles, and Hermione tried to find that she couldn't get out at all, so she could only stay inside and wait for them to be rescued by Ryan.

Struggling to pull his feet out of a tree pit full of fallen leaves, Harry looked enviously at Ryan and Hermione, who were as sensitive as elves in the forest. After finding Hermione, the team's travel speed was accelerated again. Many times when he encountered difficult places, he would be dragged by Ryan and Hermione and saved him a lot of detours. Especially after traveling in the forest for more than half an hour, Harry's physical fitness has greatly declined. This kind of help will greatly benefit the whole team.

For wizards, magic can indeed help in the process of rushing, but to use those magic still needs good physical fitness or other prerequisites to cooperate.

For example, without enough practice, the light body curse can only cause people to wrestle non-stop, and in the messy environment of the forbidden forest, it is also easy to constantly hit certain obstacles. It does n’t appear in the right place. Not to mention that some magical principles of temporary physical enhancement are overdrawing the body, but only useful in the final sprint.

Harry naturally also felt that he was the one who was behind when he was teaming up in the forbidden forest. He walked faster than his professional athlete in the forbidden forest for these two friends who are only in the library every day. The table shows that it is very puzzling, especially because Hermione's physique as a girl is better than him, which makes him somewhat unacceptable. But the facts are in front of him. In this case, his self-esteem supports him to keep his teeth clenched to keep up to avoid further embarrassment.

"Wait, I think we might need to fight someone else ~ ~ Just after three people climbed a two-story stone wall, Ryan suddenly stopped everyone, with his hands On the gold medal, a point belonging to others that was close to their fifth point suddenly disappeared.

"You mean someone will run over to ambush us?" Harry quickly saw the reason why Ryan made everyone stop.

"If this person can see other people's gold medal positions. I guess he is very likely to do so." Ryan nodded. "And we spent so long on the road, I think other people's gold medals can also show where we are at this time."

"Then what should we do?" "We should—" After a little discussion, Ryan and their team changed shape and began to walk carefully to the next point.

Is still a hostage at the next point. On a clearing in a forest, Ginny sat there with her legs on a stone. Harry hurried over after seeing Ginny, while Hermione waited by the forest.

But Ginny opened her eyes suddenly after seeing him, and then shouted to Harry. Because of the distance, Harry could only see Ginny looking excited, and then pointed to the woodland on the other side of the open space.

"There is an ambush--" Harry finally realized that he was rolling on the ground with the speed of his running. Just passed by with the red light that hit me.

He cautiously raised his wand and aimed at the place where the magic came, but only saw the bush shook slightly there, and the attacker should have moved to the place.

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