Early the next morning, when the sun had just risen and hit the gate of Lonely Mountain, Lane came here. After taking out a full two tons of explosive cherries, he found a place to hide himself and detonated the pile of explosive cherries.

In the moment, the gravel of the gate of the Lone Mountain flew across, and even Lane, a few hundred meters away, felt the ground vibrate. Naturally, such a large amount of dynamic history cannot be felt. Just a few seconds after the explosion, an angry dragon chant came from the back of the mountain. The sound of instigating wings from far to near shows that the dragon will soon leave his den.

Bad and the elves stared nervously at the gate of the Lonely Mountain, while Ryan pinched a thick yellow rune with his hands.

"Boom!" The gate of Gushan was slammed open, and a giant dragon more than 140 meters long flew out of it. At this moment, Ryan threw out all the yellow charms in his hands and drank at the same time: "Town!"

Countless golden seal characters appeared out of thin air to surround Smaug, and the speed of the dragon suddenly slowed down a lot after touching these golden seal characters.

Naturally, Smaug also found Ryan's position on it. Just when it was about to kill the little bug that couldn't withstand a blow in his eyes, he suddenly felt that a deadly attack was approaching. Unfortunately, at this time, it was no longer able to make dodge movements because of being restricted by Ryan's magic.

"Stab it." Six golden-red lights appeared almost simultaneously hitting Smaug, who was moving slowly in the air. After the alchemy treatment, the extremely tough long armor-piercing warhead suddenly broke through the protection of dragon skin under the acceleration of powerful electromagnetic force. Especially the three forts on the left of Smaug accurately hit the place where the scales of the dragon's left chest were knocked off more than 60 years ago.

The high-speed hot bullet penetrated into Smaug's body and exploded under the influence of the rune, destroying the internal organs of its chest. After a wail, a huge dragon fell from the sky.

After struggling a few times on the ground, the light in Smaug dispersed a little. Finally stopped breathing and lay there still. The eyes are still staring at the sky.

"Draw." Ryan launched the magic of life with ancient magic text. An off-white shadow floated from Smaug and formed an apple-sized smoke ball on Ryan's chest. Rose crystal sent to Bud as a contact before this time flew over and sealed the smoke ball with an amethyst with silver wire.

However, there is a very faint white flame in the middle of this smoke ball, but everyone who looks at this flame can feel the immortal power from it. This should be the indestructible fire.

In the Lord of the Rings world, everything comes from the indestructible fire. The great **** Iluvita is an inexhaustible fire itself, as are the Veras, but they are regarded as gods. They prefer to use the flesh when they come to the world instead of appearing as a flame. In front of everyone.

All the secrets of eternal life are here. After their death, the souls will return to rule the Vilamandus Temple of the Underworld, where they will sleep, waiting for the final big movement of Iluvita.

The creation of the species by Iluvita and the Vera depended on the indestructible fire, but only the Iluvita gave the elves an indestructible fire for the entire race, and the other Vera were not at the level, so they could only Create short-lived species.

Miya such as Gandalf can at most obtain the right to use the indestructible fire, and the ownership does not need to be considered.

Is also only a big villain, Mogosken, who has given the blood to send the indestructible fire to make evil dragons, flame demon, and even instilled power to Sauron. It is for this reason that Sauron, who won a part of the unending fire of Vera, can become the most powerful one in Maya.

After killing the evil dragon, Ryan originally planned to use this dragon soul to baptize his five dragons. As a result, I did not expect to get such a windfall. Naturally, Ryan opened the space door for the first time to let Rose Crystal give this thing to Teacher Luo Zhen. Because among the people he knew, only Teacher Luo Zhen would be interested in this thing and had the ability to study it.

"We, did this kill Smaug?" When Rose Crystal returned from the space door, Bud and the elves also ran to Smaug's side. While watching the dragon corpse as huge as a small hill, all the humans and elves present exclaimed. A shocked look appeared on everyone's face.

"Yes, we did." Lane said, looking at these shocked people. "The times have changed, gentlemen. With the death of Sauron, the power of these evil dragons has gradually faded, and we have unprecedented power. So, we successfully killed the last giant dragon in Middle-earth. "

Bud showed a relief expression on his face after crying in pain at the dragon corpse. Then he kneeled down at Ryan and swore allegiance. Ryan proclaimed that he would be the Vice-President of the River Valley in the future, and he would assume all the rights of the Kingdom when he was away.

After the death of Smaug, the construction of River Valley was back on track. Soon, many refugees who had previously fled to Changhu Town returned to River Valley City under Bud's call.

After the mayor of Changhu Town found that his income had decreased, he once sent troops to try to arrest the people who emigrated to River Valley. As a result, Ryan's robot army was completely captured halfway. They even said that the whole process was very peaceful. After finding a group of invulnerable robots surrounding them, the soldiers directly discarded their weapons and raised their hands to surrender.

After all, most of these soldiers are also from Changhu Town. Many of the people who moved to River Valley City before have a variety of relationships with them. After knowing the current status of the Valley City, they naturally were reluctant to fight.

At the request of these people, Lane led Bud and a team of robots into the town of Changhu to catch the mayor and his dog legs. After a public trial, they were sentenced to exile. In the cheers of the people on both sides of the street, the mayor and his doglegs were driven out of Changhu town. And Ryan took the opportunity to publicly announce that the treasures left by these people would not take a penny, and they would all be used for the construction of the town to buy people's hearts.

Due to everyone's busyness, Changhu Town slowly shrinks, and it is no longer the town that has been deformed and deformed after receiving a large number of refugees. Instead, the identity of a material transit trade center near River Valley City was restored ~ www.NovelMTL.com ~ At the same time, River Valley City also recovered its popularity, and all buildings were renovated. In many places completely destroyed, new factories and houses were built. Ryan quickly cultivated a large group of skilled workers using the memory input device, and the production of River Valley City resumed.

For two months, these abandoned places seemed to regain their former vitality, and caravans also appeared slowly. River Valley's first big business came from Serranduy, who ordered two energy towers and three hundred robots from Lane through the bird.

"I always thought that your elves didn't like these booming machines, so I didn't recommend these things to you at that time." When Serandui took a group of elves to pick up the goods, when facing the reason why the elf king was good Questions that were not taken out at the time, Lane replied.

"I don't like it very much," Thranduy nodded and admitted, "But our population is too small, as long as we can save manpower, we will welcome, especially these um-robots. In the battle can greatly reduce the casualties of soldiers . "

After staying for one night, Thranduy returned to the forest with more than 100 robots with energy tower parts and a dozen or so engineers who helped to install. Of course, he also promised that regular caravans would come to River Valley to trade in the future.

While saying goodbye to the elven king and his party on the tower, Ryan was surprised to find that Legolas did not leave. It turned out that Thranduy allowed Legolas and that small group of elves to stay temporarily as channels of communication.

"This is what I asked for." Legolas shrugged. "So I can be with Taurier."

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