At dinner that night, the content of the debate in the class was gone. Everyone seemed to know what Umbridge did in class. Naturally, this also caused a lot of controversy. Ryan saw two Ravenclaw students in the corridor leading to the auditorium discussing the Ministry of Magic.

"I really don't know that the Ministry of Magic is telling lies. How could so many people believe it?" Ha used his knife and fork to cut the steak on the plate like he was chopping Umbridge.

"Some people have no brains, some people's chaotic situation is beneficial to them, and some people have to rely on the Ministry of Magic to eat." Lane shook his head and shrugged. "So Harry, you don't need to be influenced by these words, we just need to unite those who are willing to stand on our side, at least to keep them neutral. There is no need to be in those who are destined to not stand with us. There is no need to be angry about their attitudes when working hard. "

"I feel much better listening to you. Thank you. I will try to stay calm in front of the toad in the future." Harry looked up and thanked Ryan.

"Besides that, the woman also wants others to be her agents." Hermione said, "Remember, she said if we heard anyone say that it was not safe enough outside, she wanted us to report to her."

"Ah, those Slytherins will happily rush to the toad's banner." Ron said with a fork between the mashed potatoes in front of him. "Everyone's life will definitely be worse."

"It's clear." Ryan spread his hand. "Of course she came here to spy on all of us, and at the same time nailed Hogwarts as a nail of Fudge. This is already a clear-cut thing, and I think The first thing to do this is naturally to attract those students who are willing to get close to him to fight against Dumbledore. Otherwise, what Fudge wants her to do? I think she will probably organize a small group as a temptation recently-"

"Okay, please don't say anything, I just want to have dinner quietly now." Harry didn't want to hear this intricate relationship. "Hurry to eat, there are a lot of homework to write after eating."

Speaking of homework, I have to say that there are indeed many homework assignments by professors this year as Ryan feels that at least today's homework has already caught up with the usual three days.

"How can Dumbledore make this happen?" Hermione suddenly shouted. Ryan was taken aback by the sound. The alchemy quill pen, which was fast writing on the parchment, jumped forward on the sheepskin. A long diagonal line was drawn on the paper.

He turned his gaze to Hermione and saw that she was angrily knocking on the armrest of the chair, and the stuffing inside leaked out of the hole. "How can he let that terrible woman teach us what to do? And it was the year we took the 0.w.Ls exam!"

"This is a compromise." Ryan said with a wand tapping the parchment lightly to remove the scratch. "After all, the summer vacation has given Fudge a head-on blow. Dumbledore is a little worried that if we go further today, we will completely push the Ministry of Magic to the other side. We are already very nervous to face Voldemort. There is no need to make too many enemies."

"But now Fudge has no plans to compromise, and the principal seems to be miscalculated." Ron said a little uncomfortably.

"That's because our principal, like Minister Fudge, uses himself as a template to judge other people." Ginny said a bit meanly. "Obviously, our Minister of Magic is full of moon dung feces in his mind. And he thought that other people's brains are like fertilizer pits."

This sentence made all the students around laugh, and it seems that most people did not take Fudge's rumors during the holidays as one thing.

"But seriously, our black magic defense class teacher is a pure consumable. It will be changed every year. We just need to survive this year." Ryan said, looking at a group of students around him, " Well, hurry up and write your homework. There will be a lot of homework today. "

Snape's homework is really difficult, mainly because Ryan needs to pick out from his memory which knowledge he should have now. He felt that if the moonstone was used in making the Fragment of Our Lady of the Rose, it would definitely be an accident.

Instead, the paper on the history of magic about giant wars is relatively easy to write. As a person who already has two crowns, Ryan finds that he does have a great advantage in a comprehensive analysis of a war.

The schoolwork burden was as heavy the next day, and everyone reviewed the flying mantra in the mantra class. Professor Flivi drew the focus on this, arguing that there is a great chance of taking the exam. Naturally, a lot of homework is indispensable after class.

Only Professor McGonagall was a good person. After Ryan once let the snail disappear, he was exempted from today's homework by the professor. But others didn't think so, because except for Lane, only Hermione was exempted from the assignment. The rest of us still have to practice this magic so that we can try them on the snails the next afternoon.

In the magical animal protection class, Hagrid hadn't returned, and wanted to contact the giants in Eastern Europe. I really do n’t understand why those guys were left after the victory. Ryan felt that at least the criminals with blood on their hands should be tried and punished according to the rules of killing people, not the murderers. Impunity even allows them to find opportunities to make a comeback.

Professor Grapland ’s lecture is quite satisfactory ~ ~ For example, today I ’m talking about the tree protection pot in the syllabus. After using natural magic, Ryan can easily quiet the little guys who are assigned to this group and even let it Coordinate yourself with some poss. Then he, Hermione and Neville took advantage of this opportunity to quickly draw out the grass drawing of the tree guard.

The last class was herbal medicine, and as everyone expected, Professor Sprout emphasized the importance of O.w.Ls to them as soon as they were in class. Ryan sincerely hoped that the professors would stop talking about this, especially now that he would think of a lot of work every time he heard such words. Especially the papers arranged by Professor Stroud at the end of class made him feel down now.

It was still cold and wet on Friday morning, and Gryffindor started selecting the Quidditch team players this year under such circumstances. But today's selection was not smooth at the beginning. Slytherin's Quidditch team members and a group of students standing on the side of Umbridge sat in the stands, making a mocking voice to each Gryffindor player .

In the stumbling, Ron was selected. This is not because he is the best, but because other candidates are either inadequate or cannot concentrate on being Quidditch players. Only Ron can devote himself to the sport with the same level of assurance. , Naturally he was selected.

"Congratulations Ron." Ron congratulated him when he came off the court. As far as he knows, Ron's condition is proportional to his emotions, so Ryan hopes that his support will make his mood a little better. a little.

In short, this week's class time is finally over. Ryan silently hoped that this week was just the dismissal of professors. Wait until next week to get better. Although he thinks this is unlikely.

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