Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 400: Departure, Yekaterinburg

The day before Christmas, Harry stayed late in the D.A activity room because he spent a lot of time chatting with Ginny after everyone left.

Naturally, after he returned to the common room, he received a warning from Ron as his brother. Although Ron himself agreed that his sister was in love with him, she was still worried that Harry would bully Ginny. Naturally, Harry patted his chest and promised that he would not hurt Ginny anyway.

It may be because today's success has kept Harry's brain in a state of hyperactivity, so it took him a long time to fall asleep after lying in bed for a long time. In his sleep, he dreamed of a scene where he guided everyone to practice in D.A. However, it didn't take long for this kind of scene to appear, and dreams appeared unexpectedly.

In the dream, Harry found his body became soft, powerful and flexible, sliding across the dark, cold stones between the shiny metal fences. He leaned against the ground, gliding with his abdomen, the light was very dark, but he could see the light of the surrounding objects, some strange and vivid colors.

Turned his head, he found a person sitting on the ground, his head hanging on his chest, his outline flashing in the dark. Harry felt that he was eager to bite this dozing person with his teeth, but there seemed to be a command in his heart to restrain him.

But the person who was dozing was awakened. Jumping up, a silver cloak slipped off his leg, Harry saw his bright, blurry silhouette standing in front of him, and a wand was pulled from the belt.

He had no choice but to stand up and attack, but a strange barrier popped up on the man to block the blow. He launched the attack again, probably because the poison on his teeth was working just now, this time the barrier did not come out. His fangs severely crushed the man's magical defenses that he had hurriedly released, biting on the man's arm in front of him, feeling the arm bone cracked between his teeth, warm blood ... …

The man yelled in pain ... Then there was no sound ... He collapsed at the foot of the wall ... Venom worked ... The blood dripped from his mouth to the ground ...

His forehead was terribly painful ... it seemed to explode ...

"Harry! Harry!"

He opened his eyes, soaked in cold sweat, the sheets were all wrapped around him, like tights. He felt a hot pliers stick in his forehead. His eyes were blurred with pain, but he had to tell Ron that it was crucial ...

"Your father," Harry said breathlessly, his chest undulating. "Your father ... something happened ... he was bitten, very serious, and there was blood everywhere."

"Harry, buddy," Ron doubted, "You ... you are just dreaming."

"No!" Harry said violently, making Ron understand, "It's not a dream, it's not a normal dream. I'm there, I saw ... I did it!"

The accident before Christmas made Harry and the Weasleys nervous and busy, but these things were not disclosed to others. So Hermione was a little curious on the Hogwarts Express back to London why he didn't see the Harry and Weasleys.

"I think they might have something to do with it." Lane comforted. "At Christmas time, there will always be a lot of things that caught us off guard. There shouldn't be any major events."

When getting off at Kings Cross Railway Station, they saw the Christmas atmosphere here is very strong. A huge Christmas tree stood there in the hall of the train station, covered with sparkling decorations.

"Where should we go next?" Hermione, who was pulling a small suitcase, asked, as a wizard, they could use the space equipment to put all the luggage in. But if you choose to travel with Muggles, this kind of cross-border travel will seem strange if you don't bring any luggage at all. So each of them brought a small suitcase.

"Go directly to Heathrow Airport, and Penello is there waiting for us with everything." Lane said and Hermione took the blue carriage of the Piccadilly Line subway directly at the train station to the airport's Route 4 Station building.

After more than an hour, the two rushed to their destination and happened to see Penello waiting for them with a black bag in his hand.

"Your passport, visa and air ticket are in it." Penello handed the black bag to Ryan. "In addition to this, there are all the materials you asked others to find before. I have checked that there is nothing missing. Finally, I wish you all a good time!"

"How do you go back in a while?" Hermione looked at Penello and asked, "The road to the city center is not near here."

"Of course it's a phantom," Penello said. "It's much more convenient than taking the subway or bus. I can go back to the joke shop later. I have to work overtime these two days. Business at Christmas Great."

"I remember you can take a break after Christmas." Ryan said.

"Actually, we are very satisfied with the triple overtime pay plus bonus for Christmas. You need to know that other places can't offer such a high bonus. It happened that Percy was on Christmas duty arranged by Fudge. After the rest of the time to hang out with him. "After finishing Penello to Ryan they left and left.

"It looks like she is quite satisfied with the job." Hermione looked at Penello's back and said, "I can feel that she was just happy from the heart."

"A celebrity once said that employees are dissatisfied either because the money is not in place, or because they are wronged. I try to avoid these things that will make everyone dissatisfied, and now everyone seems to have high morale." The two began to pass the security check with their luggage.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the plane took off. This was a long trip, including the time of connecting in Moscow. They spent a total of eight and a half hours ~ ~ Until 8:30 p.m. local time, they did not land at Koltsovo Airport in Yekaterinburg .

"His, so cold." Hermione shivered as soon as she left the cabin, even though her body had strengthened several times, she still felt a cold that had penetrated into the bone marrow.

"Put this on." Ryan put a coat on Hermione. "This is the winter in Russia. You are not the first person planted here. There have been countless famous people who have planted here before."

"Well, I admit that I still underestimated it. Just like the Corsican or the Austrian." Hermione fastened the buttons of her coat. "Let's hurry to the hotel, I'm cold and hungry now."

After leaving the airport, the two took a taxi to the hotel that was booked in advance and rushed over. Fortunately, the language pack that Ryan obtained in the Radiation World a few years ago was Russian. Before that, the language pack was sent to Hermione through soul transmission. Knowing Russian made them less troublesome along the way. After arriving at the hotel, the two men first packed their luggage and immediately called room service to let them bring their dinner.

This time the two chose to live in the same double room, because this time they did not come to travel, mainly to complete some tasks. In this case, it is best for the two to live together to avoid dispersal of power when they are attacked. Although this possibility is extremely small, it is better to be prepared.

After dinner, they talked for a while and quickly fell asleep, because tomorrow is the beginning of a really hard journey. They must recuperate. Prepare to face everything tomorrow.

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