Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 424: Office confrontation

Just as Ryan and Hermione successfully returned to the common room, Harry was being grabbed by Umbridge and heading toward the principal's office. He was arrested after being attacked by Malfoy with a tripping spell.

This time Harry felt extremely annoyed, because he felt it was he who brought those classmates into this dangerous situation. Now he can only silently pray for others to escape. Just when he was worried, they walked to the stone monster.

"Zhizibee candy." Umbridge said rhythmically; the stone monster jumped aside, the wall behind split into two halves, and they walked up the moving stone staircase to the bright door, where There was a sphinx eagle beast knocker, but Umbridge didn't bother knocking on the door. She clutched Harry tightly and strode straight into it.

Usually only Professor Dumbledore's office is now full of people, except Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall. Fudge also stood in the principal's office with two Aurors, one of which was Kingsley, and the other he did not know. In addition, there was a young actress with a pimple on his face, holding a quill pen and a thick roll of parchment in his hand, obviously ready to record at any time. Harry only knew that this was a Slytherin student who graduated last year.

"Okay," after seeing Harry pulled in by Umbridge, Fudge stared at him angrily, with a sullen expression on his face. "Okay, okay, okay. Look at our little hero."

Harry gave Fudge an angry look, his heart beating fast, but his mind was surprisingly calm and sober. Because he knew that he had to be in the best state at this time to seize the vitality.

"Then Potter, I think you should know why you are here?" Umbridge just wanted to say something, and Fudge had already asked his question. This made Umbridge retreat awkwardly, as if Toad had been watching the fat and juicy fly fly away.

"I--" Harry just wanted to say straightforwardly that he knew he was showing contempt for the Ministry of Magic and saw Dumbledore shaking his head slightly. The headmaster shook his head so little that no one else saw it, only Harry who had been staring at Dumbledore discovered it.

"I don't know." Harry immediately changed his mind and said what he said just now.

"I don't know, you don't even know why Professor Umbridge brought you to this office?" Fudge's tone rose sharply and his face flushed. "Don't you realize that you have violated the school rules? Shouldn't you be ashamed of this?"

"But I don't really know what school rules I violated?" Harry blinked his eyes, revealing an innocent expression. Since Dumbledore would not allow him to admit it, he must now work hard to deny all the accusations. But he still can't see how he can hope to escape their punishment.

"Do you mean that there is no illegal student organization in this school?" Fudge said, and now his tone is full of anger.

"Yeah, that's right." Harry said, with an incredible expression on his face, as if he knew nothing and was very surprised.

"Master, please don't listen to his sophistry." Umbridge interjected at this time. "I think if there are witnesses we can quickly figure out what happened."

Hearing this, Harry giggled. He remembered that his D.A recruited too many and too many people, and the mobility of personnel was very high. So it's really hard to guarantee that everyone can keep this secret.

After Umbridge left, the atmosphere in the office became more and more tense. The door opened when Harry couldn't hold it, and a curly-haired Ravenclaw student was brought in by Umbridge. Harry recognized this person as Marietta of Ravenclaw, who had come to D.A on Padma's recommendation before.

"You did it right. The minister is very satisfied with you. He will tell your mother that you are a good girl." Umbridge first comforted Marietta and said to Fudge. "Minister, Marietta's mother, is magic. Mrs. Ackmore of the Office of Transportation ’s know, she is helping us monitor the fire at Hogwarts. "

Marietta kept her head down after entering the door, because this kind of whistleblowing in Europe and the United States is recognized as a very mean behavior. And when she walked into the principal's office, the sense of shame was even stronger, especially when she was stared at by the principal's gentle eyes. She was even a little ashamed to speak.

Some impatiently called Marietta without a response, Umbridge simply put on a disgusting smile and said to Fudge: "This is the minister, this evening Miss Eckermo shortly after dinner Coming to my office and telling me that if I enter a secret room on the eighth floor, I will find that Harry has established an organization called Dumbledore's Army. It is said that this secret room is sometimes called the room of the request. After receiving this information, I notified you at the first moment, and then let her stay in my office for tea, and I took some students who supported my work to the request room to arrest Harry. "

"You are really secretly planning how to fight me!" Fudge roared, "I didn't expect you really organized an army."

"Don't you accuse me of this matter just by this, um, Miss Marietta's testimony?" Professor Dumbledore asked, looking at Fudge's face calmly. "Such evidence is too thin. You can threaten the student's parents to tell her anything you want her to say."

"No, it's not just that. We have more evidence." Umbridge said excitedly. "Miss Marietta told me there is a list of incriminating evidence. I had asked Parkinson to get it before. In addition, I believe that students who are willing to cooperate with the Ministry of Magic can always catch more participants, and then we will be able to piece together enough truth. "

Listening to Umbridge's complacent words, Harry felt his heart sink and his stomach seemed to be filled with lead. He only now thought that he had left a fatal weakness, but now that the matter was over, he could only choose to grind his teeth to the end.

Soon, Malfoy walked upstairs ~ ~ Umbridge immediately greeted him: "Mr. Malfoy, please show the evidence you just got."

"Very-sorry." Malfoy lowered his head. "We didn't find the list in the request room."

"No?" Umbridge's voice sharpened. "How could it not be?"

After repeated questioning, Umbridge can only admit that some things are not the same as imagined. So she asked with hope. "Then did you catch anyone else?"

"That, I'm really sorry to disappoint you." Malfoy lowered his head lower, as if to hide his head in the middle of his knee. "A lot of students are asleep, and they haven't intercepted those who escaped."

Just when Malfoy ’s mission failed completely, Ryan took a sip of hot cocoa and asked Hermione, who was sitting opposite, “How did you manage the group of Slytherins? Do n’t tell me you interrupted them. leg."

"Am I so violent in your eyes?" Hermione gave Ryan a white look: "The last soothing sleep aid fragrance you got from the elves was really good. I concentrated the part you gave me later I found that as long as I sniff people, I will sleep directly. So I directed some wind to blow the concentrated hypnotic aroma to the places where those people ambush. This also has the advantage that the ingredients in the aroma come from other worlds. Can't check it out. "

The door opened while was talking, and Ginny ran in from the outside. It should be back after hiding outside for a while. Ryan and Hermione smiled at each other: It seemed they had done successfully before.

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