June is here, the weather is slowly getting hotter, and the day time is getting longer and longer. The sun shines on the ground, making the lake, lawn, and even Hogwarts' castle sparkle. But for fifth graders, this only means one thing: their O.w.Ls exam is finally here.

The college was a little excited for a day or two after the Quidditch match ended, but soon the pressure of the exam once again silenced these fifth and seventh grade students.

All professors no longer give them homework; except for Professor Binns, all the class time is used to review the questions that professors think are most likely to appear in the exam. As for Professor Binns, since death can't stop him from teaching, so the small O.w.Ls exam will naturally not. But everyone learned to recite something to recite in his class or take a short break.

Ryan and Hermione shared their notes to the students who came to ask, which naturally gained a lot of affection. In particular, the members of the book club who face the exam have two people's notes. For them, the practice in the book club makes them no problem in the practical application of magic. However, some additional help is needed in the recitation of certain texts.

Many students have shown strange behaviors. For example, Ernie McMillan is more and more fond of inquiring about the review time of others, and Malfoy brags about their family connections in public.

Hermione is also, Ryan finds that she often mutters to herself now, and that her long concentration of studies has confused her biological clock. He could only take Hermione to dinner every day, and let her take a break. Otherwise, it is estimated that she will always use the nutrients that Ryan sent her to radiate the world to solve the problem of eating.

Of course, as a magical world. Many wizards have tried to use magic to solve problems, such as some magic potions. Ryan saw Ravenclaw sixth grader Edika Mitchell want to sell Harry and Ron a bottle of brainwashing agent, and the two of them seemed very interested, and even Harry was already starting to touch his wallet. .

"Two fools!" Seeing this scene, Hermione put down the pen and walked over. This is also what she and Ryan have often done as commander-in-chief recently: Confiscating apparently problematic medicines. In the past two days, they have confiscated more than 30 bottles of things that claim to be focused, refreshing, and sober.

"Harry and Ron actually believed this thing was useful." Hermione put the medicine on the table, and after sniffing it, Ryan sniffed it and immediately figured out what it was.

"Some kind of refreshing medicament with a pile of useless ingredients?" Lane put the bottle on the table. "This group of Ravenclaws is at least a bit higher than the guys in our hospital. For example, the dried and ground fox feces posing as dragon claw powder. Seriously, the dragon claw powder can really make people in a few hours. The memory is particularly good. But the price is that the brain will be in a short circuit from time to time for the next few days. If you use this short circuit, it will become a permanent problem. "

"Yeah, but there are so many people who want to buy it, I really can't figure it out." Hermione picked up the book and began to recite it.

Just like everyone exchanged classmates before the college entrance examination, Hogwarts Castle is also full of parting. Especially the lower grade lovers of some seventh graders. For example, Ryan saw Zhang Qiu crying with Cedric in the corner that day.

In the deformation course, Professor McGonagall, the vice-principal, informed everyone of the specific time of the exam and the specific arrangements during the exam. This is much more lenient than the college entrance examination arrangement, and not every day there is an exam. In the exam, all written tests are arranged in the morning, and practical operations are arranged in the afternoon.

Of course, the same as the head teacher before the college entrance examination and the school leaders. The thing that has been reiterated over and over again is that cheating is strictly prohibited—Professor McGonagall has explained to every student how perfect the anti-cheating measures for this exam are: “I must remind you that the strictest anti-cheating practices have been imposed on your paper Mantra. It is strictly forbidden to bring automatic answering quills into the exam hall, in addition to memory balls, removable cuffs and automatic error correction ink ... "

Of course, the effect of this kind of speech is not very good. As Professor McGonagall said, every year someone tries to cross this rule to pass himself the exam, and their end is terrible. But these have nothing to do with Ryan, because he has reviewed all of them.

Finally, under the inquiry of Hermione, Professor McGonagall told everyone that in July there will be an owl to send the report card to everyone. Ryan felt that at that time, he might have come back to visit his parents from heaven. Otherwise, the examination committee had to find a long-distance owl to send transcripts to himself and Hermione.

On the last Sunday before the exam, Ryan spent the last day of an extremely fulfilling exam. After the review was completed, he promised Hermione to help her review on Sunday. As a result, he released no less than fifteen life magics for appeasing emotions throughout the day. Because Hermione seemed very agitated during the review, always retrieving the textbook from his hand, checking whether his answer was correct, and even almost taking the book on Ryan's face.

Even with the help of magic, Hermione was still not very calm. Even Ryan, who was sitting on her left while eating, could see her take out the book to read. In the end, Ryan really could n’t read it, but covered it in his book with his hand: “I ’m going to take the N.E.W.T test directly at your current level. I guess I can get all O. Let ’s eat well now. Otherwise, the stomach will be difficult to be tested tomorrow.”

After a few seconds of deadlock, Hermione took a deep breath and then nodded to collect the book. Afterwards, he absently finished the whole meal.

While eating, Umbridge was very nervous to walk in with a small group of old wizards and wizards. No matter how arrogant she was in school, she could only respect the elders in the magic world. Talk to them.

For example, the wrinkles on the face, like the old Gesir Damachban covered with a spider web, repeatedly said that Hogwarts let the unfavorable principals leave. Umbridge was as ugly as she swallowed a big mouthful of bad juice, but she dared not say a word. This makes most students feel very relieved when they look at it.

Think about it, too, and be able to be a proctor teacher for Dumbledore, who is now 112 years old ~ www.NovelMTL.com ~ can still be a proctor teacher for so many years. One can imagine the level and connections of this old wizard.

Not to mention that these examiners are not even under the jurisdiction of the Minister of Magic, they have enough strength and connections to ignore the Ministry ’s instructions. For example, the examiner who oversaw Harry ’s black magic defense in the original text did not take into account the intention of the Ministry of Magic to suppress Harry. So in the face of these people, Umbridge must endure even if it is criticized by all kinds. Otherwise, if she dares to talk back today, it is estimated that she will get out of the Ministry of Magic tomorrow, and even Fudge will not be able to protect her.

That night, most of the students who took the exam tomorrow lighted up the incense from the Weasley twins before going to bed in the dormitory. When eating breakfast early the next morning, except for those Slytherin students who insisted on not buying from pure blood traitors and mud breeds, most of the remaining students were in good spirits. According to Professor McGonagall: you are the best group of students who have been in the exam state since I became a professor.

It seems that the Weasley joke shop is about to produce a fist product soon, and Ryan thought of seeing everyone's status.

After eating, the students in other grades went to class. The seventh and fifth graders wandered aimlessly in the hall, and they could see that they were terribly panicked.

Ryan is a rare exception. Not only is he not nervous, he also has the time to comfort his acquaintances. This is quite normal. How can anyone who has seen the battlefield of thousands of horses and the same army of thousands of horses in the Tianchao College Entrance Examination Room be too nervous before this kind of examination?

Finally, the time reached 9:30, and the exam was about to begin.

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