Seeing Ryan running under the stage to stop them, the Weasley twins felt a little strange. Because Ryan had always ended before the time had passed, there was no habit of dragging on.

"Well, I have something to waste you a little time now." Looking at Fred and George who was standing in the classroom looking at himself, Lane said with a smile, "You two count me as the best in school. Friends, so today there is a very important thing that you need to help witness. "

"A very important thing?" The twins glanced at each other with a serious expression. Then they arranged their robes with each other. "Since you say something very formal, then we are honored to witness it for you."

Although the Weasley twins are usually more lively, they can even be said to be a little funny. But if you are their friend, you will know that if they really need their help, they are absolutely reliable helpers.

"Thank you!" Ryan waited a few minutes after he finished speaking. After the members of the book club left, he took the door and waited for Hermione to come to the stage.

"What are you going to do?" Hermione stood on the platform in a doubt, and saw Ryan turned to face her and took a step forward, kneeling on one knee, holding a silver box in her left hand, and opening and holding in her right Lid. A shiny ring appeared in the box.

"Miss Hermione Jane Granger." Lane looked at Hermione's eyes with a loving look, "I love you, please marry me!"

As a pure novice emotionally, Ryan doesn't have much gorgeous words at all. After trying to break his head, he simply used the simplest marry me as his proposal. Although the words were simple, the sincere and strong feelings contained in such simple words shocked Hermione's heart.

As a person who has gone through many difficult adventures with Ryan, he did not even return from the world of the deceased until recently. Hermione can say that she experienced more winds and waves than most adults. General things will not make his heart fluctuate too much, but now Ryan's words make her feel that she has encountered the most special thing so far.

Even if I knew that I was a wizard for the first time, even if I killed a bad person with my own hands for the first time, even if I died and resurrected not long ago. But all of Hermione felt nothing special about herself now.

In a mood, Hermione took a small step forward to take the ring and gently took Ryan's hand.

"Yes! I am very willing. I am willing to be your wife and stay with you forever." Her voice is full of joy and excitement. "I thought, I thought you wouldn't now--"

Ryan stood up and hugged Hermione: "Although I sometimes reacted a little slow, it might not be as romantic as some people. But I'm not stupid, I know what my heart is like. Although this There may be some masculinity suspects, but I still feel that I should take the initiative at this time. "

The two people looked at each other's eyes and smiled at the same time. Just at this time there was a clapping sound.

"It's so good, so good!" "Yes, bless you!" The Weasley brothers who responded to the shock of the Ryan proposal scene just started applauding desperately. Looking at the exaggerated smile on their faces, if anyone who doesn't know thinks that the twins have any happy events, ask Ryan to celebrate.

The Weasley twins did not expect that Ryan would invite them both as witnesses for their marriage proposal. They felt that it would take a long time to witness this formal occasion with their age and distance, and Ryan ’s friends are not small. Unexpectedly, Ryan actually found them as witnesses.

As Weasley twins applauded, Ryan kissed Hermione in her arms. After pulling Hermione's left hand to help her put the previously prepared ring on her, Fred and George saw this scene, even the breathing sound was relaxed, just to not disturb this important moment.

This ring is a very beautiful silver ring with a very beautiful transparent diamond on it. Hermione vowed that she had never seen such beautiful jewelry, let alone felt an extremely sacred power from inside.

As a girl, even if she is a girl who usually concentrates on learning, she doesn't like to dress her up. I always like that kind of shiny thing in my heart.

Lane smiled happily as Hermione liked the ring. He would naturally choose the best of these important things. Thorin Oak Shield carefully crafted the ring part of the ring with mythril, and then inlaid the elven sapphire that Ryan bought from the dark jungle.

In addition, when Ryan went to the dark jungle, he just met Kyle Trier as a guest there. When he learned that Ryan needed to make a ring for marriage proposal, in order to thank Ryan for his previous work in expelling the darkness of Middle-earth, Kellan Trier incorporated the light of Elendil Star into this gem. So this gem is not just a beautiful engagement ring, but also a powerful magic prop.

"Hermione, we will get engaged this summer vacation. Then, after graduating from seventh grade, we will get out of school and get married. From now on, I will always be with you." Lane said very seriously.

Hermione looked at Ryan's face and listened to this solemn promise. His blushed blood seemed to drip out of it. She hugged Ryan again and closed her eyes slightly after raising her head slightly.

Ryan naturally knew what to do at this time. After taking a deep breath, he was applauded and cheered by the Weasley twins. Kissed.

Naturally, this matter cannot be concealed from other people, especially George and Fred, who are witnesses, are not restrained people.

In the magic world, many pure-blood families have made a marriage contract when they were very young. So Ryan and Hermione's engagement did not attract much attention, and friends all congratulated them.

Some hemp wizards, such as Hermione ’s roommate Angela Marcus, feel that they are getting engaged a little early. However, after probably knowing that they were fighting in the Ministry of Magic, they expressed a great understanding of their choice to be engaged.

"If I could have a lover who shared life and death together, I would also like to marry him immediately." This is what Angela made after listening to part of the story that happened in the Ministry.

Ginny envyed Hermione with some envy. As a member of the pure-blood family, she did not think Hermione and Ryan were too young when they were engaged. It's just that she knows the heavy burden that Harry is carrying, so it's a clever thing to never presume to face Harry.

In addition, whether it was Harry, Ron or Neville all sent blessings. Even when the two met Professor McGonagall in the corridor the next afternoon, Professor McGonagall blessed them all. Of course, this is not as a school professor or dean of Gryffindor, but as a blessing as a comrade-in-arms in the Ministry of Magic at the time.

In addition, on the day of the proposal, Ryan and Hermione both wrote to their parents overnight. This just explained Dumbledore's letter before. After the letter was sent, Ryan could only pray that everything went well. Because of the history of being single in his previous life, he had no experience dealing with his future father-in-law.

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