But what these people don't know is that when they think that traditional Chinese medicine is a scam, Western pharmaceutical companies are trying their best to collect famous prescriptions from Xia Guo's traditional Chinese medicine, and then apply for international patents on these things.

Western medicine capitalists are cursing Chinese medicine as all witchcraft and deceit, while at the same time they are modernizing various Chinese medicine prescriptions and applying for patents into Chinese patent medicines, seeking huge profits.

So it’s not that Chinese medicine is unscientific, nor is it useless.

But Chinese medicine does not make money, so Western medicine must be suppressed crazily.

If you think about it, I can feel your pulse with just two hands and know what disease you have.

B-ultrasound, CT, MRI, and various blood test equipment. Who are these expensive machines that cost tens of millions or even hundreds of millions to be sold to?

Doctors in the hospital can tell what disease you have just by taking your pulse. Will you spend the money for a B-ultrasound, a CT scan, and an MRI? Whose money does the hospital make?

Which patient has not encountered any of the above items when going to the doctor?

Who didn’t get a note from the doctor to get a blood test when they got sick?

A random inspection can cost hundreds of dollars.

The cost paid is just a few blood collection needles and one test strip.

The huge profits made even the drug dealers were ashamed and exclaimed: "If you want to make money, it's the hospital! We are ashamed of ourselves!"

Traditional Chinese medicine uses various wild herbs to treat diseases. In their words, they are just broken grass roots.

Herbal medicines are available in the wild and can be collected by everyone.

Therefore, after the hospital prescribes a prescription, the patient does not need to buy the medicinal materials at the hospital.

In this case, those pharmaceutical manufacturers will not be able to make huge profits.

As for Western medicine, it is made using various chemical methods. Ordinary people cannot make it, so they can only buy products from pharmaceutical companies.

Faced with life-saving drugs, no matter how much the other party prescribes, you have to grit your teeth and endure it.

Therefore, if a medicine that costs only a dime to make is sold to a patient, even if it costs a thousand yuan, as long as it can save lives, the patient will still have to bite the bullet and buy it.

Earning hundreds of times profit in the pharmaceutical industry is called having a conscience.

This is the truth behind Western medicine’s crazy suppression of Chinese medicine.

Only after they have completely defeated Chinese medicine, or have Chinese medicine convinced, can they be accepted, and then follow the procedures of Western medicine before they will be accepted.

So there is a strange phenomenon now. Even if you go to see a Chinese medicine doctor, after the Chinese medicine doctor checks your pulse in the hospital, he still has to write an order for you to have a blood test, a B-ultrasound, a CT scan, etc. .

There is no way, people have to bow their heads under the roof. If they don't do this, Chinese medicine will continue to be suppressed by Western medicine until it perishes.

Only by accepting this can Chinese medicine practitioners survive.

Then, those Western medicine companies will also turn famous TCM prescriptions into proprietary Chinese medicines.

The euphemistic name is to make it convenient for patients, but in fact, we don’t want patients to buy those herbs and prepare medicine by themselves.

If patients do this, whose money do they earn?

Facts have proven that the efficacy of various Chinese patent medicines is generally only about 70% of the original prescriptions, but the prices are also extremely expensive.

Traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to medical skills and ethics. Ancient Chinese medicine emphasized hanging pots to help the world. There is a saying that is a portrayal of traditional Chinese medicine: "I hope that people in the world will not be sick, rather than putting medicine on the shelf to make dust."

But Western medicine is only interested in profit. Those hospitals advertise all day long to recruit patients, and various pharmacies continue to carry out promotions all day long. You can buy two boxes of medicine and get one box free.

As soon as the drugstore promoters hear that you are buying medicine, they will start selling you various kinds of medicines. Which ones are more expensive and which ones should they sell to you? Which one will they sell to you with the biggest rebate?

When you buy one box, he still has to ask you if one box is enough. How about three or four boxes?

However, traditional Chinese medicine is a summary of thousands of years of experience. Because there were no systematic scientific theories or various scientific instruments in ancient times, it was naturally impossible to establish a medical theory based on modern science.

It is impossible to use various clinical data to provide so-called scientific proof for ourselves.

Not only that, Chinese medicine prescriptions are based on compound drugs that are effective, that is, the ingredients that treat diseases are not just one.

If you test an ingredient in a traditional Chinese medicine prescription alone, you will find that the effect it plays may not achieve the desired effect.

But if multiple ingredients work together, it’s difficult to tell clearly what role each individual ingredient plays in the treatment process.

Therefore, it becomes very difficult to use scientific data to verify the effectiveness of a prescription.

Western medicine, on the other hand, has a very single ingredient, so the effect of this ingredient can be clarified through testing.

But young people who have received scientific education still believe in this, they just believe in a bunch of cold numbers, and they always like to talk about data.

As a result, fewer and fewer people among the younger generation believe in traditional Chinese medicine.

This has also led to the loss of many traditional Chinese medicine techniques.

It used to be that those excellent Chinese orthopedic surgeons could dislocate a joint and recover it with just a few pats, but now Western doctors have to put a plaster on you and fix it for several days.

It turns out that those veteran Chinese orthopedics doctors who are awesome can snap it back if you have a herniated lumbar disc.

But now, lumbar disc herniation has become a disease that cannot be cured at all.

The owner of this drugstore often lamented the decline of traditional Chinese medicine. When he accidentally saw a young man coming to his drugstore, he was a little surprised, but also a little fond of him.

He couldn't help but ask: "Young man, I don't know what you want to do. Is it buying medicine or seeing a doctor?"

Traditional Chinese medicine stores are still the same as before. There must be a doctor sitting in the pharmacy, so he can also treat patients.

Du Yu shook his head and said, "I don't see a doctor or buy medicine. I'm here to sell medicine."

After speaking, he opened the backpack behind him and took out a two-foot-long box.

After opening it, there was a century-old wild ginseng inside, and it was still alive.

This surprised the middle-aged store owner, who couldn't help but shout out: "Thousand-year-old ginseng!"

Yes, Du Yu’s century-old wild ginseng is called thousand-year-old ginseng.

This is a rule in the industry. Generally, the so-called century-old wild ginseng in pharmacies is actually only thirty or forty years old.

Ginseng pickers generally refer to wild ginseng with Fifth Grade leaves as century-old ginseng.

Because they believe that the medicinal age of ginseng beyond such leaves is eighty to one hundred years.

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