Ozy Lulu smiled: "It's nothing."

It's really nothing. Isn't it just getting married? Sooner or later, I'll get married. What kind of reprieve?

How about a postponement!

It's better to get married, isn't it better to let her give up earlier and no longer have any extravagant hopes.

"Fenfen, I'm fine. They didn't tell me or Gu Qing when they came to Country S. We are in the desert, and we probably won't be able to meet them." Yu Lulu packed her mood.

Fanfen was a little anxious: "Aunt Lulu, don't give up Uncle Sandy, he really likes you."

"Fenfen, you still don't understand some things. Uncle Sandy and I have never started, let alone give up. There is nothing between us. Fanfen, thank you for telling me this."

"Aunt Lulu, you have to believe me, Uncle Sandy really likes you, I... I tell you, a few years ago, I saw Uncle Sandy kiss you secretly."

Obi Lulu smiled: "Fenfen, don't you bluff me, he wants me not to show up in front of him, how could this be done."

The presence of her affects Sandy's love for Guying, because she is in the Yanmen family, and Sandy has never been able to recognize Guying, so she is afraid that she will hurt Guying.

At that time, Sandy really hated her being there.

"It’s true. I was young at that time. You were tired of playing with me and sleeping on the desk. When I woke up, I saw Uncle Sandy hug you on the sofa and kissed you. I'm not too sensible. I thought I was dreaming. Now that I think about it, it was Uncle Sandy who really kissed you."

Otherwise, Fan Fan wouldn't insist that Sandy likes Olulu.

At that time, she was only one year old, and she was ignorant. She thought that she had misunderstood or had a dream, so she didn't care about it.

But the picture has always been clear, and the picture becomes clearer as it grows older. Uncle Sandy's expression at that time was unprecedentedly gentle, as if he was about to melt Aunt Lulu.

She had never seen Uncle Sandy face anyone like that, and even Uncle Sandy had no emotions towards Aunt Guying.

Later, when she saw Sandy desperate to save Omar Lulu, she became more determined.

"Fenfen, how old you were then, you must be dreaming."

Obi Lulu didn't believe it. Although the fan at that time could speak earlier than the usual children, she was a fan, she knew what love was, and even what she saw was not necessarily true.

Sometimes what I saw was not true, maybe Sandy just bent over to hug her, as if he had kissed her.

But it's impossible for Sandy to hug her.

It happened a few years ago, and Ouro Lulu couldn't remember one time she fell asleep in Fenfen's room and was moved from the desk to the sofa.

There is no such thing in my impression.

"What I said is true. Aunt Lulu doesn't believe that Fenfenfenfen is very sad. Fanfen ignores Aunt Lulu." Fanfen hung up the phone as she said.

Oo Lulu stared at the phone blankly. Is what Fanfan said true?

Will it be true?

It's definitely not true. The little girl really cares about her and misses her being with Sandy, but it's impossible.

Sandy is going to marry Guying, and she is coming to her honeymoon early, so she has to die.

How could it be shaken by these few words of fans.

Even if what Fanfan said was true, she couldn't figure out what difficulties Sandy had to make him have to marry Guying.

At least he made this decision.

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