Obi Lulu took two steps back in shock: "How could this be?"

Sure enough, it was her cause, so would Sandy get sick?

If she wants to be with Sandy, Sandy may not survive for two years.

If Gu Ying leaves Sandy, whoever comes to save Sandy will be sick.

"I don't know the reason, but it is obvious that Sandy cannot be emotional. Once he is emotional, he will become like this, Lulu, for Sandy, you must stay away from him."

Away from Sandy? ? If she gave up on Sandy as before, she would definitely be able to stay away from him, and she would walk without muddle-headedness.

But now she knows that Sandy loves her so much and wants to be with her so much, how can she be willing to leave him.

Oo Lulu looked at Sandy with a pale face. He gradually stopped sweating in Gu Ying's arms, and his expression was not as painful as before.

Gu Ying is really useful for Sandy.

"Although it sounds cruel, it is also true. Do you want to kill him?"

"No, how am I willing to kill him."

Yululu turned and ran out of the room, she didn't know what to do.

Finally, she and Sandy can be together for a limited time, but Sandy's body...

How happy they were before, how difficult they are now.

Was it because he was too happy before and was envious of too many people and was punished by God.

Why does this happen when they are about to reach adulthood.

Yululu leaned against the wall in pain. She didn't want to leave Sandy, she wanted Sandy's embrace, and she wanted to give Sandy a baby.

But she also wanted to grow old with Sandy.

There must be a way, there must be a way to break the spell's control of Sandy's body.

She took out her mobile phone and called Ye Di: "Boss, Sandy is sick. Let all the doctors in the organization come. I believe Sandy will be saved."

"Where are you?" Ye Di asked nervously.

"Villa One."

After calling Yedi, Obi Lulu called Ye Luo again: "Sister Luoluo, can you let Jelson come to Country A? Sandy became ill. Same as last time, he confronted Sen last time. Di’s body has undergone a comprehensive examination..."

Ye Luo was teaching Fanfan to play the Guzheng, and she stopped quickly after receiving her call: "You said Sandy is ill again. How is it now? Is there any danger?"

"Guying is with him and has fainted now. I don't know... will it be in danger, sister Luo Luo, I killed him... it was me..."

Obi Lulu choked up as she spoke.

"Lulu, what are you saying stupid, why is Sandy's illness your business? Are you in country A now?"

"Well, sister Luoluo, you can call Jelson over for me."

"Okay, no problem, I will visit you with Fanfen."

Fenfen stared at Ye Luo and spoke. She wrinkled a little pink face. What's the matter, is Uncle Sandy's body sick? Ye Luo hung up the phone and touched Xiaofenfen's ball head: "I don't practice today. Go and call your brothers back. Let's go to Country A to see Uncle Sandy."

"Is Uncle Sandy swollen?" Xiaofenfenfen asked worriedly.

"I got sick like last time." Ye Luo sighed and said, "I don't know why, he is obviously in good health."

"Mummy, is Uncle Sandy with Aunt Lulu?"

Ye Luo patted her little ball on the head: "Yes, as you wish."

Xiaofenfen patted her small forehead violently: "Oh, I know why Uncle Sandy likes Aunt Lulu so much and treats her like that, because Aunt Lulu will make him sick."

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