"Then I will go to school first, there will be classes this afternoon."

Since she couldn't play, she had to study hard. She didn't even know how the plane flew into the sky without falling down. She seemed too ignorant.

It is still necessary to learn the knowledge of this world in order to adapt to this world.

"Can't go anywhere today, go home and stay honestly."

Ye Luo pouted, what he wanted to say, and then looking at Yan Yu's eyes that couldn't refuse, thinking that he had done such a rebellious thing today, let's not be stubborn with him.

Yan Yu's car drove her to Fontaine Egret, who left without getting off the car.

The extended Lincoln drove as fast as the Rockets.

Ye Luo knew that he really had something important, and it was a national event.

She shrugged, forget it, go home!

Go home and look at the books and see how much property Yan Yu has. If they leave, how much she can get. Hehehe, although money is not everything, no money is absolutely impossible.

As long as Heli can share the property with her, she is really not afraid to get together with Yan Yu.

Anyway, she originally married Yan Yu because of a deal.

He wants her Yesheng Group shares.

She wants to marry the man who ruined her innocence.

But now she doesn't think so, because she knows that there are many divorced women in this world who are very comfortable and happy.

For example, Zhang Shu, the writer of the official account, is divorced.

She turned on the phone and saw the message Xia Zhi had sent her. She smiled and replied: "Doctor Baili is a good person. Your brother says it is reliable, so don't worry."

Xia Zhi frowned when she saw the text message she returned. Did his brother sell her?

Is it because she kidnapped her sister-in-law?

Xia Zhi's heart is like a tengu swallowing the moon, full of shadows!

Ye Luo returned home and really took out the stack of books that Sanjin gave her. She could roughly understand which properties and properties, and how much market value.

But she couldn't understand the income, how the property made money.

It's like how many billion shares in the market value she can understand, but she doesn't understand where these investments are made and why they can make money.

After looking at it, she probably knew that Yan Yu's money was scattered among the major groups in Country H. Even Yesheng Group had 8% of the shares, but it was not obvious.

She still understands the meaning of shares. It is the property of a family. You account for what percentage and I account for what percentage.

In the end of doing business with a partnership, the dividends are the same.

But there is still a lot of money to invest, such as the annual profit, which she can't understand.

She remembered that she had talked about this in the economics class that she took the night before, but... the night before she heard that the whole head was big, and she went to sleep during class.

Alas, I was lagging behind others and not so motivated.

She doesn't want to be like the original owner.

Don’t talk about studying economics, at least you have to know how to deal with accounting, or else why do men marry you.

Is it true that just like the concubine, she is only responsible for sleeping with her.

Ye Luo began to check the information on the Internet, and first had to figure out what interest rate the bank, that is, the bank.

This investigation was carried out until the evening, and she paid attention when it got dark outside the window.

After a short break, turn on the TV, which is broadcasting the news: "Today's news takes about forty minutes."

Immediately after switching, Ye Luo magically saw her husband on the TV.

He was talking to the person sitting next to him with a serious face, and he couldn't see his face when he lowered his head, but Ye Luo recognized him at a glance.

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