Mysterious Commander, High Profile Love

Chapter 404: What prince and concubine?

Impossible, Baili Piao does not look like a violent person.

And who would beat themselves like women.

"Just Baili Piao, he used money to hit me, and he transferred 30 billion to me. What kind of oil field was returned? Ye Xiaoluo, do you know what an oil field is?"

Ye Luo didn't quite understand this, and looked at her husband behind him: "What is an oil field?"

"It produces oil." Yan Yu looked calm.

Ye Luo's eyes widened: "Isn't oil very expensive and valuable?"

It seems that many things in this world need oil for energy, just as food and gunpowder are needed for war, oil is indispensable.

Is there a cornucopia with oil-producing oil fields in Baili Piao?

Ye Luo squeezed Xia Zhi's face: "Little Beauty, are you here to show off? Isn't it good to give you the oil field? I will be a rich woman in the future, so I don't have to worry about R&D funds."

Xia Zhi shook her head: "No, it's not good at all. I have a monthly salary of 50,000 yuan, and my personal bank account hasn't reached one million. Suddenly, I was given so much money. How can I use it? What if it is stolen?"

And she kept so much in the bank, wouldn't it be a waste!

All other people's money is invested, she doesn't know this, she is losing money in the bank.

"If you give it to you, just take it first. If you want to do so much, it will be fine if Doctor Baili has this sincerity."

"He also gave me a card, and that's it." Xia Zhi handed the card to Yan Yu: "Said that two million yuan is paid into the card every month. Brother, you can see if it is true."

Don't lie to her with a fake card.

The main reason was that happiness came too suddenly, and Xia Zhi couldn't believe it.

Yan Yu didn't even answer: "Come on, is it true, Baili Piao didn't tell you his identity?"

"Show me his royal badge, it's a member of the S royal family!"

"Then you don't need to worry about it being fake, just ask yourself if you can accept him. People like him don't need money." Yan Yu replied rationally.

Xia Zhi scratched his head: "I don't know, why did he suddenly be like this, I feel like he is dreaming."

"It shouldn't be sudden, but you have never paid attention to it. I feel sorry for Bailipiao."

"What? It's not my problem. It's that he never said that even if he asked me to go out for dinner, it was a bit of a sign, but he didn't even once!"

Don't tell her to go out for dinner, I never say hello to her usually.

She never thought that Baili Piao would be interesting to her.

Ye Luo smiled and said, "Then everyone has said, do you have any thoughts?"

Xia Zhi was a little mad: "My feeling is that I was stunned by the pie falling from the sky. Now let me answer him how I would answer."

She said that she was moved as well as her heart, but she had no thoughts before, and she accepted him all at once. She felt that something was wrong.

You must try to get along first to see if this person is reliable.

And even if her heart moved, she definitely didn't love him now.

I like it a little bit.

After all, Baili Piao's conditions and his actions over the years are hard to dislike.

"Then don't answer, get along first."

Xia Zhi said awkwardly, "He said that I would marry him."

Yan Yu curled his lips and said with a smile: "Then you still don't agree, you are the concubine of King S, and the family of Yanmen can follow you."

Xia Zhi looked at Yan Yu in shock: "Brother, don't scare me, what prince and concubine?"

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