Mysterious Commander, High Profile Love

Chapter 457: Ye Xiaoluo, don't do stupid things

The man returned to the chair and sat down and commanded: "Come here, kneel, and untie my belt."

A trace of killing intent flashed in Ye Luo's eyes, and he calmly said: "Wait, I want to make sure that my man is still alive."

The man refused: "You are not qualified to negotiate terms with me."

Ye Luo confidently said, "Aren't you bringing me here to negotiate terms with me?"

If this person really wanted nothing from her, he would never let Sanjin lure her here. It would not be easier to kill Yan Yu and Sanjin directly.

He attracted her and definitely had a purpose for her, but he didn't know what the purpose was.

Humiliate Yan Yu?

Still want to get rid of her?

She didn't even know who the other party was now, whether Huangfu Feiya sent her to destroy her and Yan Yu.

Or maybe it was Yan Yu's enemy.

"You are very smart," the man said coldly, and told the tall man next to him: "Turn on the camera to show her."

The tall man turned on the TV set on the wall while holding down the remote control.

What appeared inside was that Yan Yu was chained in a glass container. Although his hands and feet were tied up, he should be in good spirits. His long and narrow eyes looked at the monitor and said coldly to the monitor: "Ye Xiao Fall, don't promise him anything!"

The man grabbed the video and turned off the screen: "Now I decide whether to save him or not."

"To save." Ye Luo's idea of ​​saving Yan Yu has never changed.

"Come here, I don't want to repeat my request just now."

Ye Luo walked towards him, squatted down in front of him, and stretched out his hand to buckle his belt: "Are you sure you want to be here, in front of so many people?"

"There is a video here. Shao Yan can see it. He will definitely like it." The man smiled coldly: "His woman should be so proud of her sacrifice for him."

Ye Luo said coldly: "Don't talk so much nonsense, I can do anything to save him."

She said to untie the man's belt buckle. She helped Yan Yu untie it many times and was already very skilled.

Yan Yu was locked in the basement, looking at the TV in front of him, he couldn't wait to peel the man's skin and tendons, his hands and feet were tied up, he kept struggling, and there were scars on his wrists.

"Sao Yan, don't earn it. The rope gets tighter and tighter. The young grandma can delay time when she comes. Our XM signal has been sent out and they will come soon." Sanjin persuaded.

Yan Yu looked at him with murderous eyes: "Who asked you to call Ye Xiaoluo?"

"You will be dead if the young lady doesn't come."

Yan Yu roared, "I would rather die."

"But Shao Yan has thought about it. You are dead. The young lady is alone in this world. The Yanmen family will not let her go, and the Ye family will not let her go. She may have a miserable life and even get married. For others, do you want that?"

Yan Yu closed his eyes and took a deep breath: "Ye Xiaoluo, don't do stupid things, please don't do stupid things."

No, for someone so shy as Ye Xiaoluo, she would never really agree to Ghost Cha.

Just as Yan Yu was comforting himself, he only heard a shout on the TV: "Put all the guns down, otherwise I will kill him immediately."

Ye Luo held the mini pistol and pointed at Gui Sha's chest, her other hand also held the belt that had been taken off from Gui Sha.

Yan Yu opened his eyes.

Ye Luo took a belt around Guicha's neck, buckled it tightly, pointed the gun at his temple, and dragged him away: "Take me to see my husband, otherwise I will kill you immediately."

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