Mysterious Commander, High Profile Love

Chapter 768: Don't you doubt

Ye Luo looked up at him: "How is Yan Qiya now?"

Yan Yu touched her head: "Don't worry about this, whoever bullies you won't have a good life."

Ye Luo smiled: "Thank you."

Yan Yu caressed her forehead distressedly: "It's because I'm wrong to make you suffer so much."

Ye Luo stretched out his hand and hugged his waist: "Didn't you help me double back?"

"It's far from enough to get it back." Yan Yu's eyes were cold.

Whether it was Yan Shu or Yan Qiya, he would give them back thousands of times the suffering they had caused Ye Luo.

Will never be soft.

"Well, don't be soft, just go for the most painful." Ye Luo hooked his lips.

She would not be soft-hearted, if it weren't for her fate, if she didn't have inner strength, she would never live today.

What a pitiful thing that is.

To her death, she didn't know why Yan Yu loved her so much. She loved her. She didn't know that Yan Yu did so much for her.

And her death would make Yan Yu extremely painful.

These are unforgivable. Yan Shu and Yan Qiya must pay a price to resolve her grievances.

"Don't worry, leave these things to me. Is it true that you said you were pregnant last time?" Yan Yu asked nervously, caressing her belly.

Because Jelson's inspection said Ye Luo could not give him a baby, she was repellent of his sperm.

So Yan Yu didn't think that she would get pregnant if she stayed overnight.

Unexpectedly, before Bai Lipiao treated her, she was pregnant with his child.

This is really overjoyed.

Ye Luo nodded: "Maybe the child's arrival at this time also told me not to leave you."

If it hadn't been for discovering that he was pregnant with a child, Ye Luo would have already returned to Country D with Arthur Di. Even if he came back in the end, he would wait for all the dust to fall, and Yan Yu would come back only after he cleaned up everything.

But because she had a child, she didn't want the child's father to have an accident, so no matter how hard she was, she had to return to Yan Yu to ask. Because of this, Yan Yu was saved.

If she didn't come back and Yan Qiya didn't stop Yan Shu from planning because of her threats, then Yan Yu must have been brainwashed.

After brainwashing, she will forget her, and she will never admit the child, and she will live a lifetime with uncertain answers.

The two loved ones were torn apart alive.

Thinking about it is terrible.

When she was pregnant before, she felt that the arrival of the child was not the time.

But now think about it, the arrival of the child is at the right time, and it is he who allows them to shed light on their misunderstandings and their misunderstandings.

Yan Yu was really cruel for her.

Therefore, she should thank this child.

"Well, it's really time for my dear baby to come." A rare tenderness appeared on Yan Yu's face, and the big palm of Ye Luo was trembling.

He would also be afraid, thinking that Yan Shu had to brainwash him and wash away all the memories of Ye Luo, that person's life really has no color.

Finally, the beautiful scenery of Ye Luo appeared in his black and white life. He would rather die than lose her.

"Don't you ask how this kid got here? Don't you doubt his identity?"

Ye Luo thought that Yan Yu would doubt, but he did not, and from his body movements, he cherished this child very much, thanked him for coming, it was a real joy.

"Why doubt?" Yan Yu asked rhetorically.

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