Mysterious Commander, High Profile Love

Chapter 779: Love the country and the beauty more

"Brother and sister-in-law are early, knowing you don't get up so quickly, I'll wait while eating breakfast." Xia Zhi waved at them.

Yu Yu waited for Ye Luo to sit down, then sat down beside her and said, "How long have you been here?"

"It's been a while, brother, today we go to the national park, is it completely closed?"

"Yeah." Yan Yu replied while waiting for Ye Luo to eat.

Xia Zhi said happily: "That would be great, then I can shoot the scene casually without worrying about shooting people."

Otherwise, the place is overcrowded, and all the wild shadows taken in a photo will completely affect the mood of taking pictures and the mood of seeing the beautiful scenery. Ye Luo breakfast is completely based on the nutrition meal for pregnant women.

She can't choose according to her mood and hobbies. She doesn't eat very happily, but there is no other way. As a mother, she has to sacrifice a little.

After the meal, the group went to the national park of country A. This unique magical park in the sealed country has a variety of scenery. There are many tourists on weekdays, but today there is no one.

No, it was not empty, but a row of bodyguards. The director of the national park personally received Yan Yu and them.

Ye Luo played happily for a day. The next day, all the major media in Country H reported: "Mao Yan, who has been designated as a special agent of Country D, is playing happily with Shao Yan in the National Park of Country A. The two seem to have unprecedented love. , Major General Yan's little grandmother and nurse are like treasures."

Along with the report, there were also photos of two people in a national park. Standing next to the colorful hot spring lake, Shao Yan looked at Grandma Yan affectionately. There was tenderness in those long and narrow eyes, and the distance was gorgeous. rainbow.

This photo can be picturesque and affectionate.

As soon as the report caused an uproar in Country H, Shao Yan and Mrs. Yan are so affectionate, how can Mrs. Yan be said to be an agent of Country D by the state? ?What exactly is going on.

"It is said that Shao Yan was injured and unconscious not long ago, so Grandma Yan was said to be a spy."

"The family of Yanmen has always rejected the birth of Youngma Yan, who knows if it is the trick of the family of Yanmen."

"If Grandma Yan is really a spy, can Shao Yan still like her so much?"

"That's not necessarily true, maybe Shao Yan doesn't love Jiangshan and beautiful people, and it's not necessarily because of being confused."

"I've seen the live broadcast of Young Lady Yan. How could such a beauty be a spy at first sight."

"Knowing people, knowing the face and not knowing the heart, no matter how beautiful a woman looks, she must not be merciless if she betrays our country."

"Is it true or not, I'll know when Shao Yan comes back."

"Actually, it's difficult to determine whether this matter is a spy or not. I don't think Grandma Yan is a traitor."

"Of course not. I heard that Country D has decided to form an alliance with my country and cooperated fully in the military. There is no need for Grandma Yan to do any other spies."

"What the upstairs said is false. Country D and Country A are allies. How can they be in a military alliance with our country."

"Believe it or not, you'll find out in a few days by watching the news."

Ye Luo followed Yan Yu back to the country the next day. Yan Yu didn't let her play with her mobile phone, but she could watch TV.

Returning to the Yanmen family, Ye Luo felt a sense of regaining the country.

How he escaped back then is still in sight.

It would be ridiculous to think that it was a misunderstanding.

Still at home, Ye Luo sat on the sofa and watched TV in Yan Yu's arms. The news report said: "Mother Yan is a spy of State D. Why is State D willing to cooperate with my country in military affairs?"

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