Soon, he saw Xiao Xiner come to the forefront.

"Xiao Xin'er, how many stairs can you walk up to?"

Xiao Tangyu muttered to himself. ..

Chapter 270 Amazing record, everyone is stunned!

The stone steps of the Magic Sound Mountain are very wide, and each time you walk a stone step, the impact of the magic sound is stronger.

This is because the magic sound wave radiated by the magic sound tree gradually weakens with distance, and the gods have arranged a special rune formation here, which weakens this kind of magic sound wave by layer. , so every other stone steps, the gap between the impact of the magic sound is not small.

Because of this, many students walk very carefully, for fear that they will not be able to bear it, which is not good.

The fifty stone steps!

The sixtieth stone steps!

The seventieth stone steps!

The eighty stone steps!

Gradually, fewer and fewer people moved on, and only the top few sophomores continued to walk.

Xiao Xiner, Jin Ming, Huo Longzi, Zhao Fengsheng, they were all listed.

On the eighty-third stone steps, Huo Longzi couldn't bear it any longer, and did not dare to move forward, so he found a futon and sat down at random.

There are very few people who can go up the eighty-third stone steps, so the futons here are almost empty, you can find a suitable place to sit down at will, and the impact of the magic sound on each futon is the same, there is nothing the difference.

The eighty-fifth stone steps, Zhao Fengsheng also reached the limit, also sat down here and began to bear the impact of the magic sound, tempering his soul.

Soon, two people walked through the hundredth stone steps.

These two people were Xiao Xiner and Jin Ming, as for the others, they had already reached their limit, and they all sat down.

"Xiao Xin'er, how long can you hold on? I guess after ten stone steps, I won't be able to hold on anymore!"

Jin Ming said helplessly.

"Me? Don't know, try walking!"

Xiao Xiner said lightly.

Step by step, Jin Ming's complexion began to become abnormal, his face was hideous, his eyes were bloodshot, and the whole person began to become manic.

"I can't go any further, if I go any further, I'm going to go crazy!"

Jin Ming secretly said.

Immediately, he sat down on the one hundred and twelfth stone steps, holding his mind and enduring the impact of the magic sound.

However, he still took part of his mind to observe Xiao Xiner.

He was very curious about how many stone steps Xiao Xiner was able to walk?

"There are definitely more than 130 stone steps. Xiao Xin'er's enchanting level is far beyond mine, and she is also an awakener of the spiritual realm. She has transformed her soul and is definitely above 150 stone steps."

Jin Ming guessed.

Soon, Xiao Xiner crossed the 130th stone steps.

At this time, the students at the foot of the mountain were sluggish one by one.

"Look, someone has walked the 130th stone steps this year!"

A student yells.

"I'm going, it's really 130 stone steps, and I'm still walking. This is a lot more evil than the previous session. Who said just now that the first person in this session can only walk up to 130 stone steps? ?"

"Who is this girl, such a monster!"

"Ask the students of Galaxy University to know?"

Immediately, many students from other universities asked about Xiao Xiner's situation, trying to understand this first person.

At this time, a sophomore student of Galaxy University who was on the 29th stone steps said: "Since you want to know who she is, I will tell you, she is the first evildoer Xiao Xiner of our Galaxy University, It can even be said that the number one evildoer for thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years. Do you know that there are tens of thousands of Galaxy University? And Galaxy University on Earth ranks more than [-] among the tens of thousands of Galaxy universities. But last time, in all In an exchange competition at Galaxy University, our school's Xiao Xiner won six first prizes in one fell swoop, and in the actual competition, he swept all the top talents, and our Earth Galaxy University won the supreme honor. Speaking of which, do you know how evil she is?"

"It's amazing, but we still don't know much about it. You said that you are the first and the top talent, but we still don't have an intuitive impression. Can you tell us a few specific records for us to hear?"

Some students hurriedly said.

"Forget it, I'll tell you a few." The student from Galaxy University began to elaborate: "First, Xiao Xiner is a fourth-rank rune master, and is also a major expert of the Ancient Script Research Association, with lifetime sales rights. , which means that the rune weapons she refined can be sold directly, and all the proceeds belong to her."

"What, the fourth-grade rune master, the great expert of the ancient writing research association, the life-long sales right!!! Evil, too evil!"

Many were amazed.

Just being a fourth-rank rune master is much more honorable than their school's mentor, and this is just a sophomore at Galaxy University.

"She is now the third-level awakener of the psychic realm, and her cultivation is far beyond ours, and naturally far beyond yours."

The Galaxy University student continued.

boom! ! ! !

The news completely shocked them.

They couldn't see Xiao Xin'er's cultivation level, and thought that Xiao Xin'er was at most an awakened innate realm, but unexpectedly, she had already reached the spiritual realm.

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