Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1101: eat for 50 years

   Chapter 1100 Fifty Years of Eating

   "Mr. Wen, please tell us your understanding of quantum theory."

  Here, Wen Rensheng used the pseudonym "Wen Desi", the legendary archangel in the previous life, one of the vests commonly used by travelers.

"Quantum theory, the most fundamental point is to tell human beings that the world is not as originally imagined, absolutely objective, and absolutely unaffected by human beings. On the contrary, it tells human beings that the truth displayed by the world is the so-called objectiveness observed by human beings themselves. the truth."

"And what is the true appearance of the world, it will expand with the expansion of human observation methods. Before there is no corresponding observation tool, it is meaningless to discuss what the true appearance of the world is. Play by yourself..."

   "Very good, please talk about the theory of relativity and the understanding of space and time."

"A very important point of the theory of relativity is that the speed of light is constant in all inertial systems. This is a law that goes against common sense and is one of its foundations. If two objects move relative to each other, take one of them as a reference and the other The velocity of an object should be the superposition of the two velocities."

"However, if the photon is also regarded as one of the objects, then there will be a situation that goes against common sense. Taking other objects moving toward the light as a reference, after measuring, you will find that the speed of light remains the same, and does not increase because of it. Because photons Without mass, it is not an object in our common sense."

  , the scoundrel next to him, Brian, was already dumbfounded.

  Lu Tong was also stunned.

  Wen Rensheng chatted there, they were drowsy, only the interviewer nodded from time to time.

With the development of science up to now, many things are completely contrary to human intuition and common sense. For example, time and space are discontinuous, for example, particles are teleported, and they appear somewhere probabilistically; many microscopic and macroscopic phenomena are completely related to human beings. contrary to common sense.

   Therefore, Wen Rensheng never thought that science could not do mysticism, because the apex of science in the eyes of ordinary people was enough of a fantasy.

   He doesn't worry about what he said wrong, it really can't be done, and he can just prevaricate with a sentence: "It doesn't make sense, parallel time and space".

   He could say that this is the law of the flame world.

   Fortunately, the interviewer did not point out any problems with him, but just asked another question:

   "What major are you good at? What projects have you done before?"

   "I don't have a major that I'm not good at. As for the projects I've done, is moss planting counted in extremely dry conditions and lack of water?" Wen Rensheng replied.

   "Extremely dry and lack of water? Can you tell me specifically how high the planting yield is and how many people can survive?" The interviewer immediately became interested.

   Wen Rensheng then briefly explained the moss planting environment and method in the world of flames.

   "Very good, this project is useful, congratulations on entering the next round..."

  In this way, after a total of five rounds of interviews and three rounds of practical operation, Wen Rensheng came to the last round.

   In the last round, Wen Rensheng had a conversation with an Asian kid with glasses alone.

   The other party was white and fat, wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses, and at first glance he looked like a gifted child.

   It looked like he was only seven years old, but Wen Rensheng would not think that the other party was really only seven years old.

   "Yes, you are the most qualified researcher we have interviewed. Although you don't know what you are doing outside, you will soon discover that our place is definitely a paradise for researchers!"

   "Because we have endless time to do research, of course, in contrast, we have limited space and limited resources. But as long as time is unlimited, these will be unlimited." The glasses child said with open arms.

   "You have always asked me, and I also want to ask a question." Wen Rensheng said suddenly.

   "This is what it should be, two-way employment." The glasses child said generously.

   "Why do you set your age at 7, instead of being older?"

"It's very simple. When I grow up, I always miss the age before the age of seven, when I didn't develop. At that time, I didn't have to think about women every day, and I didn't need to waste time on women. My mind was very clear and my memory was very clear." Glasses The child adjusted his glasses.

   "You can do this with an adult body and self-castration, and it is also convenient to do various experiments." Wen Rensheng retorted.

"No, that will bring extra pressure, such as the discriminatory eyes of others, and the contemptuous eyes of women... I am an ordinary person after all, and it is impossible to resist so much pressure to engage in scientific research. If it is a child, they will only Thinking I'm a child prodigy will only be more in awe of me." The glasses kid said triumphantly.

   At this time, he really seemed to be a child.

   "Okay, I'm fine."

"Well, I will arrange for you to go to the agricultural planting department. Here, as long as you can provide higher agricultural yields, you will get a huge amount of lifespan. You will find that immortality is actually far less difficult than people think. Just like poverty People in the country can't imagine that a few decades ago, people in a wealthy country could already eat one mouthful and waste ten mouthfuls."

  The kid in glasses stretched out his hand to Wen Rensheng's puppet.

"Yeah, some people always hypocritically say that long time is a kind of torture, that is, they don't know that some people can live from 20 years old to 73 years old by relying only on games, novels and animations, and they can live in 50 years, why can't they live in 500, 5000 years? Ever? For those people, time itself stands still." Wen Rensheng said lightly.

  I don’t want to live anymore because of the aging of the physical body, which makes people invisible, inaudible, unable to play, and without any input and stimulation of fresh information, naturally I am tired of living.

   "Very well, we have a common language, let's climb the peak of infinite science in this small world!" The kid with glasses clenched Wen Rensheng's hand tightly.



   Wen Rensheng was then assigned to an agricultural research laboratory, led by a supervisor Li.

   Director Li is an Asian woman in her early 40s. She has two daughters and a husband who is also in the research institute. It can be said that this is a standard top-class family.

  Have status, have wealth, be respected, and be the first to arrange evacuation when there is danger.

"Working here, you mainly see that you can't produce results, and you will have a review every three years; the results are your papers, and it depends on the number of citations of your papers. Without papers, there is nothing. Everything you do, new inventions, new Discovery, new skills... all have to be written into papers for review by the expert committee." Director Li said seriously.

  Wen Rensheng nodded, he knew all this, just like the outside world, it was the thesis that decided everything.

  Without papers, there is no scientific research life.

   As for the data falsification and experimental falsification caused by the pressure of the paper, there are countless…

  It is very simple. After scientific research, it is a matter of probability, and the probability is still very small. Most people are just doing handymen. Where can they produce so many high-quality papers?

  In order not to be In order to survive, piecing together data is commonplace... Many experiments are completely unreproducible and completely violate the most basic scientific principles.

   Wen Rensheng quickly gave Director Li a surprise.

  After a week of work, he wrote a paper "On How to Artificially Grow Organics in Extreme Conditions", which is handling anyway.

  It is highly maneuverable, and in the case of extreme water shortage, moss can also be planted to maintain survival.

   Of course, the special moss of the flame world needs to be re-cultivated and screened before it can be obtained.

   The paper was ecstatic to colleagues in the Agricultural Research Laboratory, as everyone could see how many new papers it could expand upon.

   One article drives hundreds of articles, which is very normal.

   It can be said that the arrival of Wen Rensheng has successfully continued their work life, at least they can be fooled for a few more decades without a problem.

  It is common for a project to last for decades.

   is like nuclear fusion, eat one fifty years, and several fifty years are waiting.

   (end of this chapter)

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