Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1169: death town

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Xiao Huan was of course dissatisfied with Wen Rensheng's answer.

"Hmph, if you don't hit him, I'll hit him, anyway, I've learned your tricks now!"

"You can go as you go." Wen Rensheng shook his head.

Always let the children endure the beatings of the society in order to know that the family is good.

Many competitors are also very good, people are light and light without pressure, and water is everywhere without pressure.

Xiao Hua walked away triumphantly.

More than an hour later, she came back angrily.

"What's wrong? Are you beaten?" Wen Rensheng asked back.

"No, he can't hit me, and I can't hurt him either. That kid's whole body is made of light. Once he hits, he will break up, and once he hits, he will break up. It doesn't take much effort at all." Xiao Huan sighed long.

"If you want to know the answer, you have to go to school well. Otherwise, when he comes back from school, you will be no match for him." Wen Rensheng followed suit.

"Going to school, I know. If I get an illusion to go to school quickly, I must learn faster than him."

"Illusion can be learned, but not practiced. You have to combine practice." Wen Rensheng said seriously.

"It hurts to say, forget it, if you don't help me, I will find another big backer." Xiao Huan gave up immediately and disappeared in a flash.

Wen Rensheng shook his head, don't look at the Son of the Sun and maybe give up, but he is such a person who can make great achievements in the end.

People who are too clever are often not easy to make great achievements, because they are too good at turning, and as a result, they are not profound anywhere in the end.

He continued his busy timeline research.

The relevant scientific knowledge has been mastered, and the foreshadowing has also been reserved. He needs to collect more relevant mysterious information.

Look at the mysterious events that have appeared in various places, and try to find some connections.

Two days later, he finally found a mysterious event that may be related to time.

"The town of death: The people in this town have discovered a mystery. It turns out that they can collectively read the archives. As long as everyone gathers in the town hall every Friday night, and more than two-thirds of the people agree, they can Read the file and go back to a certain day when it was archived. Also, after more than two-thirds of people agree, it can be archived."

"Note: There are only three locations for archives."


"Mysterious composition:???"

Wen Rensheng's eyes lit up when he saw such an interesting place.

He hadn't experienced such an interesting place in a long time.

This town, if it wasn't for the realm of fantasy, would be amazing.

It is equivalent to a split time and space, and its timeline is decided by the people in it.

It's just strange, why is no one to deal with such a powerful place, but to stay for yourself?

He submitted this question to the person in charge of the corresponding task.

The opposite replied: "Several waves of people were sent, and then they all failed, almost leaving the aliens there. In view of the shortage of manpower and the lack of obvious harm, we temporarily blocked the town."

"That's not right. If you can find out the mystery, wouldn't you be playing a game if you do any dangerous tasks in the future? Why don't you focus on solving it?" Wen Rensheng asked rhetorically.

"How can there be such a good thing? Some experts have analyzed that this is a special case. It is a special case derived from a gap in time and space. It is impossible to replicate in other places. Just like everyone's DNA, it cannot be completely replicated." The person in charge shook his head.

Wen Rensheng nodded and reluctantly accepted the explanation.

Although he felt that there must be something strange, it could not stop him from exploring.

So he took over the task and sent puppets to investigate the root cause.


Dawang Town, a cliché and down-to-earth town in the north of Dongzhou.

Four years ago, a big strange thing happened here. At first there were only a few people, and then it slowly spread to more than 20,000 people in the town.

The town itself can archive and read files. The reason why this mystery was discovered was that when a disaster prevention conference was held in the town, everyone sighed and said that it would be better if they went back to the past.

Then they found out that the town was back a month ago.

That month, three people were involved in a car accident in the town, everyone knew about it, and the three who died came back to life.

A few years ago, when they held a large concentration, because of this secret, they collectively rejected the request to relocate. On the agreement that they voluntarily assumed all responsibilities, they all pressed their fingerprints and signed their names.

It's a joke, they can live forever, what kind of monsters are they afraid of?

If something serious is going to happen, just read the file and go back to the past.

Just like the doomsday disaster a few days ago, a few people died in their town, and then they were all fine after reading the file.

Only now, they also have something to worry about.

At this time, in the town hall, in a small meeting place, everyone was arguing fiercely.

"Given the doomsday we've seen before, we can't keep re-reading files now, because then, our construction results will not be preserved. We need to work hard for ten years to build a super large, super perfect underground base, and then Make a new save at that time!" a young man shouted with his fist raised.

"This can't be done. In ten years, it would be good for my old man to live for five years. It must not be delayed for that long." A trembling old man refused.

"Old man, you should have died honestly. You read the file back and forth before, so you can live for decades, so be content. What do you want now?" Another young man said impatiently.

The sun apocalypse the other day had really frightened them.

After all, they can only read files and archives, but they are limited to their own small towns, and the outside world is still evolving as usual.

The sun disappeared, and after they read the file, there was still no sunlight, and they still couldn't live for a long time.

Fortunately, I don't know which great **** rescued them.

This made them deeply understand that they couldn't leave Dongzhou. Do they really think that with this heaven-defying ability, they can do things on their own?


If all kinds of necessities are not brought in, their lives will be very miserable, they will die quickly, and they will live in endless reading files.

After the game fails, reading the file once is enjoyment, and if you fail to read the file repeatedly, it is torture.

People under the age of 55 in the town have secretly reached an agreement, everyone will work hard for ten years with the greatest hard work, the greatest effort, the greatest seriousness, everyone's selflessness, sincerity and solidarity!

The goal is to build a perfect underground shelter, and then save it as a permanent file. If you encounter any danger in the future, you will start from this file if you want to read the file.

Food, oxygen, water, vegetables, fruits, medicines, clothing, toys, novels, movies, TV shows, books, tools, oil... all things related to life and production must be gathered together.

Even if the sky is shattered outside, they can survive by reading files.

However, this long-term move was met with collective opposition from people over the age of 60.

It's easy to leave after people have passed, and it's not easy to stick to it for ten years.

Although Dongzhou has an average life expectancy of 83 years, it is average, and many people cannot survive that age.

In contrast, these old men would rather study files every four years and go back to four years ago, when the strange thing just happened.

In that case, they are immortal.

Not to mention how happy the day was.

As for the doomsday, isn't there someone out there who has solved it?

Why are you worrying.

This is the collective thought of the old men.

Of course, there are also people who want to persevere, for the sake of their children, persevere for ten years.

But most old men don't want to do that.

If nothing else, the physical state of the 60-year-old is completely different from the state of the 70-year-old.

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