Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1225: laboratory

Wen Rensheng originally wanted to kill the digital monster himself, but since Xiao Huan took the initiative to undertake it, he decided to put it on hold for the time being, even if the other party would delay for a long time.

The sign of a child's growth is the willingness to take responsibility for the family...

Qualified parents must learn to let their children take responsibility, otherwise, they are harming their children.

"Xiao Huan, since you said that just now, I'll wait and see, you have to do what you say." Wen Rensheng emphasized again at last.

Xiao Huan nodded again and again: "Don't worry, I'll count."

"Then you have to give time."

"Well, let me think about it, in two months, I'll get your big cat back." Xiao Huan patted his chest and said.

"Two months? You are quite confident, well, I remember." Wen Rensheng thought that this guy would have a three-year period, but he didn't expect that it would only take two months.

If that's the case, then of course he can afford to wait.

This matter was left to Xiao Huan, Wen Rensheng thought about it, and had nothing to do for a while, so he decided to go see the space development.

1,200 light-years away, four planetary giants and digital spaceships also contain infinite mysteries.


1200 light-years away, the planet Kepler 62e.

Robotech is docked on an ocean, and not far from it, a marine biosphere has been built.

Wen Rensheng's puppet was in this biosphere, his consciousness linked to the puppet and opened his eyes.

I saw a lively and warm atmosphere in the biosphere.

When the sunlight is projected, it is first filtered by the tempered glass window, the excess heat is reflected, and all kinds of harmful rays are also absorbed.

There is green vegetation everywhere, butterflies and bees flying among them.

Wen Rensheng glanced over and found that there were no mosquitoes or flies.

Also, since it is an artificial biosphere, it must be beneficial insects, or neutral insects.

Like flies, mosquitoes, poisonous snakes and centipedes, whoever proposes that they need to be placed in for ecological balance will definitely be beaten.

A few gardeners were laughing and tidying up lawns and bushes.

"Oh, I finally got a good night's sleep these days. I didn't hear anything until dawn yesterday. It's good." An aunt in her forties said.

"Yeah, when I was on Earth before, I often felt that something flashed in front of my eyes, and I heard something in my ear. Figured it out, it's better to be at home every day than to go out and hit ghosts." Another aunt sighed.

"Well, these days, let's spend a day and two, what are you asking for? I don't know when the roots will be cut off." The first aunt said.

"That's right, just messing around. Fortunately, I signed up to come here. Even if I die in the future, I can still get a good name." The second aunt smiled.

"What kind of name?"

"Alien Gardener."

"This reputation is good, and I have lived in vain in my life."

At this moment, a silent gardener aunt suddenly said seriously: "How can you not be held accountable? Even if you want to be a gardener, you must do it well, treat every fruit, flower, and grass well. , every tree."

"Okay, Aju, what's the use of you talking so much?" The first two aunts said disdainly, "No one remembers you, not even your own children."

"How come no one remembers? The God of the future can remember me. As long as I work hard, the old man will send me to heaven and resurrect me." Aunt Aju said.

"The **** of the future does not exist at all. We have all been educated in materialism. Materialism only recognizes what has already existed, and does not recognize any future or illusory things." The first aunt retorted with confidence.

"Hmph, all those monsters exist, how can the future **** be illusory? He is pregnant in October, will be born in the future, become the king of the future, dominate everything, lead everything, become the incarnation of light, all good, promising , will be brought into heaven by Him." The aunt Aju looked frantic, and the other two aunts were a little scared, but also a little curious and hesitant.

"Have you been deceived? Those who deceive people, **** things, are all this kind of routine, imagining a god, and then let everyone worship it, so that everyone should not value money, not children, and then give all the money They, they go to enjoy." The second aunt reminded.

"Hmph, the **** of the future is not that kind of false thing. He never asks us to offer money, on the contrary, he asks us to work hard, live well, be determined, and not be intimidated by monsters, as long as each of us gives a little bit of heart, in the end It can gather into boundless fire of civilization, and let the **** of the future be born." Aju Aju retorted.

"Well, when did you believe it?" the first aunt asked.

"Two months ago, I didn't dare to sign up for space exploration. It was because I believed in him that I participated."

"Oh, speaking of which, Aju has been rated as a work model several times during this period of time."

Wen Rensheng listened and listened, feeling a little inexplicable. Could the **** of the future be born on this empty alien planet?

Unexpectedly, the space pioneering land, just formed, will be mysteriously eroded.

In other words, from the beginning, there was no possibility of getting rid of this erosion.

Blindly escaping is really not the way to save yourself.

Wen Rensheng shook his head, he couldn't control it.

He then continued to wander the biosphere.


The economic state of the biosphere is a combination of the rationing of necessities and the market system of enjoyments.

To put it simply, basic food, clothing, housing, transportation, and basic medical care all follow the rationing system, but slightly higher demands, such as air conditioning, heating, washing machines, dishwashers, and sweeping robots... all cost money, not to mention all kinds of luxury goods. And spiritual products too.

This form has an advantage, that is, there is no need to worry that most people will rebel, and it is convenient to maintain the stability of the closed biosphere.

After all, this place is still much fragile compared to the earth.

Wen Rensheng saw a lot of people and found that most of them had a relaxed and smiling face. Obviously, they were doing pretty well here, at least their hearts were calmed down.

When the mind is at ease, home is everywhere; when the mind is disturbed, home is hell.

But Wen Rensheng looked up and saw a mountain range in the distance, lying across the ocean.

That's not a mountain, but the back of the white giant.

These people probably don't know that they are sleeping with giants, right?

Can they feel at ease if they know?

Wen Rensheng thought like this, and then came to the captain's room of the Battlestar, where someone answered his doubts.

"We have established a quick escape Once we find that the giant has turned over, we will take everyone directly into space. When enough resources are collected, we will build a city in space." The female captain explained. .

"Well, that's good." Wen Rensheng knew that the other people were not fools and would definitely think of various solutions. If they didn't come for a while, they found a solution.

"Yeah, this giant looks very peaceful, and we don't want to fight him, after all, this is his homeland." The female captain let out a long sigh.

"Have you explored the other three giants?" Wen Rensheng then asked.

"Probing, the two black giants are very violent, and they are easy to wake up. After waking up, they directly destroyed our probe, and the entire planet even rioted. Fortunately, the two of them couldn't fly out of the planet," the station said. Gila, who was behind the female captain, opened her mouth and said,

"The last white giant, like this one, slept very deadly. We tried to take some samples. After careful analysis, we found that they were not any known substances, but were life forms composed of unknown substances."

"That's it, take me to see your laboratory."

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