Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1302: interrogate the devil

The enemy of the intruder is a group of assassins. They have many assassination skills such as stealth and backstab, and they like to sneak attack and hunt.

They are also the natural enemies of modern weapons.

They have the ability to jump in the void and master sneaking. In this regard, they are almost no worse than the disaster life.

One by one, the automatic defense arrays were desperately shooting at suspicious places, but they jumped out of the void and slashed them from the bottom.

Modern steel can't resist their magic blades.

But when big cats show up, they're not all enemies.

Big cats are faster than them, can also grab them out of the void, and have all kinds of combat instincts.

Really encountering demons with special skills, and there is a cheating narration guide like Zhao Han behind them... It is their natural nemesis.

"Retreat!" An assassin leader just shouted, and was knocked unconscious by a big cat's paw.

Capturing prisoners is also a task arranged by the Inspection Division.

The interrogation of the enemy is an important source of intelligence.

The leader of the assassination demon was soon caged, packed and sealed, and sent to the Zhongjiang Research Base.


Inside the interrogation room somewhere in Zhongjiang.

"That **** **** has caused us so much trouble!" one of the deputy chiefs who had just finished interrogating a demon scolded.

"It's a shame that I can't find the evidence. If I find it, I'll have to throw him into the No. 5 medicine jar and soak him to death." Another assistant scolded him.

Neither named Dao, but everyone knew who it was.

"I really don't understand the idea of ​​a fool. Under such a dangerous situation, he can have a safe place to live and give him a trumpet to enjoy. What else do you want?" The deputy director was puzzled.

"There is always such a slut. You don't have to be uncomfortable. You don't have to be proud of him. As long as he shows a little flaw, he will feel better in the future." The assistant said bitterly.

"Speaking of this, I remember that Teacher Wenren once petrified a guy, and that guy seems to have a very rare soul ability. I occasionally glanced at the relevant report - it turned out to be top secret, only to say what the ultimate deterrent ." The deputy director said something.

"Is there such a thing?" The assistant was shocked.

"I can't say more about the specifics, let's continue the interrogation." The deputy director still has a few words. Speaking of this, it's actually a bit too much.



The assassin leader answered honestly.

Demons are violent and bloodthirsty, but at the same time they worship the strong.

Facing an opponent who stuns itself with one paw, it cannot raise the spirit of resistance.

It's also very strange that these strangers can speak demon language.

"Who are you under?"

"Demon Archduke Gareth *Inuit*..."

With the recitation of the assassination demon commander, an 800-word composition came out like this.

"It's long enough," the deputy director muttered, but fortunately he didn't need to record, and then said, "What is the division of your strengths?"

"Abyss worm, little devil, lower, middle, upper, great demon, demon commander, demon prince, demon king."

"What kinds are there?"

"Based on blood, Orbis Demon, Spider Demon, Assassin Demon, Succubus, Balor Demon, Snake Demon, Claw Demon, Bull Demon, Pig Demon..."

"How did you get here?"

"The white light and the red light meet, and then a portal is opened."

"What do you want to do?"

"Conquer, kill, destroy."

"Hmph, it's quite kind. Tell me about your own experience?"

"I used to be a human. I grew up in mud pits and woodlands in the countryside. Because my family couldn't pay the lord's taxes, my family had to leave the village and run to the woodlands to survive."

"My parents were eaten by wolves and tigers when I was 12, and then I was taken as a slave by a caravan, where I learned to use poison to assassinate competitors and learn to count..."

"Later I sold my soul to a devil in order to become the captain of the guard. It deceived me. Finally, I came to the abyss to settle accounts with him and turned into a devil."

"In the abyss, I don't know how many killings, and finally came to you."

Assassination Demon Commander Manette said simply, without any emotional ups and downs, just like reciting other people's experiences.

The deputy director looked at the companion xenogeneic next to him and couldn't help but smile.

After working so hard, I finally made it to the cell.

It's ironic, but isn't that the case with a lot of people?

"Well, you are very happy. As a reward, you can eat a full meal." The deputy director said so.

However, he soon regretted it.

Then make a note and never take food as a reward for the devil.

Because the appetite of this assassin was so great that he was surprised.

He even wondered if the other party had a so-called dimensional stomach!

The other party ate a full 5 tons of food for one meal!

Not 5 pounds, not 50 pounds, but a full 5 tons!

Although the opponent is big, more than two meters tall, but no matter how you look at it, it is impossible to hold 5 tons.

After asking, the assassination demon commander Manette said: "This is the fleshly instinct evolved by high-level demons. Demons that cannot accommodate enough food are not qualified to evolve to higher levels. The **** battle will last for a long time, and it will not give you a chance to eat in rotation. "

"The demons are chaotic. It's easy to leave the battlefield, but it's difficult to rush back. So they all rushed to the battlefield in groups and used them to their deaths."

"You are so rich here, it is heaven."

Manette finally added enviously.

"Wait, there is a contradiction in what you said. You said earlier, conquer us, destroy this place, and turn this place into flames. If you do this, it is impossible to produce so much food." The deputy director pointed out this point keenly.

"Oh, that's because the demon archdukes like flames and lava. They are already semi-elemental bodies and can obtain power from this environment. They often take souls as food and no longer like blood."

"And we demons transformed by humans, as well as most flesh-and-blood demons, still like the food of normal people. Although we understand that the human environment is conducive to production, the instinct of destruction from the abyss still drives us to destroy the human environment."

The leader of the assassination demon said helplessly.

The deputy director nodded, not feeling anything illogical.

Knowing that something is wrong, but still doing it, this kind of thing happens too much to human beings.

But from this sentence, he found a place to use.

There is a huge conflict between the interests of the top level of the devil and the interests of the middle and high level.

He immediately wrote a report on this discovery and submitted it.


"Beheading tactics, as long as we kill their demon princes and even their kings, they will inevitably fall apart and fight for this authority, and we will be able to win this battle!" Director An said decisively.

No answer.

Not a single one took the initiative to stand up.

The scene was awkward for a while.

Wen Rensheng was also sitting below, but he knew why.

Quite simply, demons feed on souls.

That is to say, once you die in the devil's territory, it is basically impossible to revive your soul.

Players can be resurrected because the site is on the human side and has been converted into a copy of the game.

If players go to the demon I'm afraid the game simulator can't protect their souls either.

Wen Rensheng thought about it for a while, and opened his mouth to help Lao An:

"We don't need to go out in person, we can use avatars, puppets, combined with intelligent centers, go deep into the demon world, and then develop the territory to defeat them."

"Kou can go, so can I!"

Finally, he also came to a warm-blooded line.

Sure enough, the crowd suddenly became excited.

"Yeah, these **** demons, we should bring the war to their homeland!"

"We must let them know how good we are!"

In a warm atmosphere, everyone worked together to elect Wen Rensheng as the representative, and they were willing to follow him.

These bastards.

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